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Can any of you savvy owners help me decide between a VG or a VGW. The price difference seems insignificant & a quick look at performance & specs. appear inconclusive.


IPS. I intend to build basic kit whilst I decide between 80 & 100 hp Rotax.





Guest Walter Buschor

Hi Gordo,


Having a Savvy myself I don't know what a VGW is. Mine is a VG.


I have never looked back with the VG. Many non vg owners have upgraded to VG.


The new Savvy XL is bigger than the previous one but looks a little "silly"


It's like the front and the back of the plane are from different designs. The VG is far more integrated.


That said is will never be an oil-painting although it does not look bad at all


if the paint job is good. - The 701 is ugly though -.It's like the 701 is there to make the Savannah look good - and it does.


So please let me know what the VGW stands for.


safe flying


the Grey Nomad




Walter, I beleive the VGW is a wide body version of the VG. It may also be designated as XL. But not so sure here.


I am interested in whom you sourced your kit through & in particular any additional costs over & above the kit cost.


You can contact me on glongrid@optusnet.com.au if you feel that some information may be too private for this forum. I hope I haven't broken any forum rules with this suggestion. Please forgive me if I have & ignore the request.





Guest Walter Buschor

Hi Gordo,


There is nothing private about the kit cost etc. I got mine through " Camelot Aviation" ie:Cam Morrisby Tel: 07 5529 1027. I think Cam is the original importer of the Savannah


The kit is complete exept for engine , radio and prop and spinner.


Extras I can think off include:


1) extra visi tube for second tank


2) extra tank (tanks) - two supplied in kit ie 72ltrs. this can be increased with extra tanks.


3) individual fuel taps for each tank.


4) better carpet than the one supplied. ( not required but this makes it look better )


5) extra rivets - lots of them!


6) extra clico's - lots of them.


7) a GOOD set of clico pliers.


8) Rivnut pliers


9) rivet pliers for rivets on trailing edge


10) extra hoseclips - lots


11) extra fuel hose and coolant hose. ( one of the supplied coolant hose is next to impossible to fit , but this might be different withe the new model )


12) re-inforced noseweel axle - or even better one custom made from chrome molly steel. - the one supplied is a dodgy aluminium job that will break in service.


13) Junk the " black stuff " used for painting mating surfaces and use etch-primer throughout on all parts BEFORE assembly. this is a pain in the butt but worth it in the long run.


I also recommend de-burring all parts before undercoating. Contrary to what ICP claims it does need de-burring a lot!!


The time to undercoat and de-burr took me approx . 100 hours. Thats befor the assembly starts.


Also assort all parts for individual assemblies into bags as this will create some order into the process.


thats about it.


safe flying


the grey Nomad




Hi Walter, just ordered XL VG thru' Aerokits yesterday. Advised it may arrive within 3 weeks on mainland. Should see it in Melb about early October. Don't think I'm getting all the extras you have listed however the upgraded axle & extra rivets are confirmed. Once I unpack & rationalise parts I will have a better idea. Thanks for the little tips. I'm sure they will assist enormously. Will keep in touch as I progress.


Remember, the safer you do things the higher level of luck you are afforded.






Hi Gordo,


I am looking at either purchasing the fully built savannah or via aerokits. Is it ok if I contact you at your optus address, I'm not fat away from you in Montmorency. Rgds JW



Guest Neilm1955

Hi Gordo, I have a Savannah which has been upgraded to a VG from a slat model. Its slower with the VG upgrade. I also had an 80 HP and upgrade to a 100HP as it was a much lower time engine. The 80 HP had done 1200 hrs approx and ran very smoothly, great little performer and economical. The 100 HP has 180 hrs and has slightly better performance in the climb, but nothing outstanding. It uses more fuel and needs highr octane. I have also just ordered a new XL to build and think that I will put a new 80 HP in it, although I have been tempted to go for a 914 turbo, after talking to a guy in canada who has one. They are pricey however as you would be aware. I think that the 80 is a good choice having had both.


Regards Neil




Great work Neil. Sure makes sense, an 80 Hp. Hope not to have to make decision for a couple of months as finances have taken a hit. Will seek your advice during build if that is ok.





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