Al B Posted October 5, 2009 Posted October 5, 2009 Quote has the camera arrived yet? how long did it take if it has arrived already? Yep, it's here - I'd say it took less then a week to ship. It's a great little gadget. However, in the interest of safety, I think I should say something: Be VERY careful where you mount it! I've tried a few positions and generally had no problem. However, when I placed it on the vertical stablizer, the aircraft became slightly unstable in yaw. I don't think there was a safety issue, however it was rather unnerving. I'd hate to be landing like that in a stiff x-wind. I think as long as the camera is mounted on a wing there's not much to worry about. Personally I'd never try a stall with this camera attached. Has anyone else noticed any handling differences? Cheers, Al
Ultralights Posted October 5, 2009 Posted October 5, 2009 i have always been aware of such things, the turbulence behind the camera will create vortexes behind it, and if the vortexes pass over a control surface, you will notice a difference. hence i usually tape cameras to the lift struts or Undercarriage legs. or on the fuselage where its turbulence stream doesn't pass over the wing/vertical stab or elevator. and another question on the camera, how is the mounts attached to the camera? is it a conventional screw thread? so i can mount other normal cameras to the mounts?
pylon500 Posted October 6, 2009 Posted October 6, 2009 There appears to be a movement in flying schools to instal permanant cameras on training aircraft, and more so in helicopters. As most of these cameras record to flash cards, short of being burnt, the information is almost indestructible making these cameras a sort of default Black Box. Maybe in the student environment, each student should supply a 2 or 4 Gig card to record all their training for later study or reflection? Probably also a good idea for prototype test flights.. Arthur
Guest becky1 Posted October 7, 2009 Posted October 7, 2009 Hi, Maybe all you guys out there should be careful talking about mounting cameras externally on aircraft. I attended a recent CASA safety seminar when the presenter said that it was a lot easier to catch people breaking the rules since the introduction of You Tube,it was all on tape,but the main point was that mounting cameras externally must be an approved modification to the aircraft. Perhaps this doesnt count if you are not flying a factory built aircraft, I dont know,but if you are flying an LSA such as Jabiru's,Sportstars etc.,where all mods must be approved from the manufacturer,you are really leaving yourself open for insurance companies not to pay out on a claim,plus I guess the possibility of getting yourself into trouble if you are caught.
Guest ozzie Posted October 7, 2009 Posted October 7, 2009 that must be why it takes two years for CASA to get anything done. they're all watching bloody you tube.
mAgNeToDrOp Posted October 7, 2009 Posted October 7, 2009 Curious - if mounted in the cockpit is there an audio in jack like a mic jack on this camera, 3.5mm, so you can get audio from your intercom (assuming you have the right cables) ??
Ultralights Posted October 9, 2009 Posted October 9, 2009 that Gopro camera is now available in HD! Ian, i have noticed they are looking for distributors for the gopro cameras, could they be sold through clearprop here in Oz???
JG3 Posted October 9, 2009 Posted October 9, 2009 Nope, no audio in. Just about the only short-coming..... Also no way to rig a remote start/stop....
mAgNeToDrOp Posted October 13, 2009 Posted October 13, 2009 I asked their support if we can plug a mic (audio in) into the cam. Their response: While not available upon initial release, our developers will be working on an adapter to allow external microphone input with the HD HERO camera. At this point we do not yet have any specs or estimated availability date. Guess I could record it seperately, how do others do it? any ideas
Guest Maj Millard Posted October 13, 2009 Posted October 13, 2009 Further to the mounting on wings and tail surfaces. I would suggest that the camera is probabily creating airflow behind it (turbulant or not) and creating a 'wing fence effect' which can alter the airflow charactistics over the whole surface. Remembering that the air flows at an angle towards the tip,or circilar around the wing, and outwards. Wing fences, fixed, solid or otherwise are used to effect airfow over a surface, generally to inprove wing efficency in some way. The Mirage 111 delta wing for instance simply had 'sawcuts' in the leading edges to create an 'air-fence' back over the wing to improve it's efficiency. A serious problem could occur if this effect is created only on one side (wing or control surface) and is probabily what was being felt by the previous poster...................... Maj
xair1159 Posted October 13, 2009 Posted October 13, 2009 If you want a cheap and very small alternative have a look on Ebay for an MD80 video camera. It's the size of a pack of chewing gum, records for 2 hrs on a micro SD card with remarkably good quality. A load of them being used for in-flight video round here, price locally is about 60 Euro / £50 - so less than $100 to you. Nick
Tomo Posted October 13, 2009 Posted October 13, 2009 Thanks Nick, they certainly look pretty good, for their price! Here is one for $38.98 and free postage... don't know if thats to Aussie land though?
Tomo Posted October 13, 2009 Posted October 13, 2009 Oh well just bought two of 'em... $77 with free postage to Aus! so I'll see what happens!:big_grin:
Guest Maj Millard Posted October 13, 2009 Posted October 13, 2009 Mmmmm...that looks like a nice little unit Tomo, let me know how it works please........Maj
Tomo Posted October 13, 2009 Posted October 13, 2009 Quote Mmmmm...that looks like a nice little unit Tomo, let me know how it works please........Maj Will do Maj:thumb_up:
tangocharlie123 Posted October 13, 2009 Posted October 13, 2009 I Too just brought one so will let you know how it goes. cheers
Guest Maj Millard Posted October 14, 2009 Posted October 14, 2009 Thanks Tango.......................................................................................
tangocharlie123 Posted October 14, 2009 Posted October 14, 2009 I should thank Tomo for finding this camera it will be interesting to see who gets thiers first. anyway thanks Mate
shags_j Posted October 14, 2009 Posted October 14, 2009 HD version comes out later this month. I am going to put one on order.
Tomo Posted October 26, 2009 Posted October 26, 2009 Hey just a quick note to let you know that I got my little video camera's today in the mail! very impressed at the size! Seems to work pretty good on my quick walk around the house with it, will do a proper test when I get the chance! :thumb_up: The seller was even thoughtful enough to include power adapters for our 240volt plugs:thumb_up: for free!
Tomo Posted November 1, 2009 Posted November 1, 2009 Ok, if you haven't seen it already... below is a bit of a video compilation from yesterday mornings Jabiru ferry flight/joy flight with the new little camera's, they seem to show work pretty good, except that it makes the prop go a bit weird due to only capturing in 30fps, but next time I'll just position them away from the prop and see how that goes... Also make sure they are fully charged?! because these ran out about half way through the flight!! they also make everything a lot greener too! that's got to be a plus! And the date/time thingo... well, I need to read the inactions to see how to change it!?
tangocharlie123 Posted November 2, 2009 Posted November 2, 2009 Nice Great little Video Did you mount the mini camera's or hand held. which of the coal mines did you fly over as I have been driving past them for so loooong. and please when you figure out the date time can you please pm me. if I figure it out before you I will pm you. Cheers
Tomo Posted November 2, 2009 Posted November 2, 2009 Hey TC123, Thanks! That is Wilkie Creek coal mine (Peabody), and Kogan power station. I mounted them, one on the left wheel strut, and one above and if front of my head on the flat section under wind screen. Mmm you got similar problem with the date/time? will let you know if I work it out!
Al B Posted November 3, 2009 Posted November 3, 2009 A friend gave me some footage, whch I threw on youtube: [YOUTUBE]d7UMQ2rCzuY[/YOUTUBE]
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