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Ultrlight Accident in North Queensland


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Just found this on the ABC news site. A lucky escape considering there was also a fire.


Quote - ABC News


Pilot escapes light plane crash with minor injuries


A pilot has had a lucky escape after his ultralight plane crashed and caught fire in far north Queensland today.


The ultralight went down shortly after midday today, just outside of Atherton.


Police say the male pilot was trapped for some time in the wreckage before rescue crews arrived.


Brian Smith from Atherton police says the man crashed near the Atherton Aerodrome.


"The ambulance have been at the scene and they've attended to him," he said.


"He's got minor cuts and bruising, he's got a bit of whip lash."


He says the plane caught alight after crashing but the blaze had burned out by the time fire crews arrived.



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Has anyone heard of an accident in North Queensland today. Got the tail end of a radio news report but have been unable to get more info. Case

Channel 7 news (Brisbane) at 1800 hrs today, (Monday), showed a ultralight aircraft with a '19...' rego lying inverted on cleared level ground, possible a airfield, with considerable damage.


A person who indicated he was a witness said the owner who was 71yo had taken the past 20 years to build the plane and it was the aircraft's first flight. The planecrashed after take-off with what the pilot was said to be "an engine problem"...


The witness said the pilot had only light injuries mainly to his leg which was caught up in the damaged cockpit area. Only saw a couple of seconds of video thoughbut generally speaking the aircraftdid not appear to have much fire damage, mostly structural.Engine area,a wing root and leadingedgeplus the main undercarriage was ripped off..





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  • 2 weeks later...

Atherton Incident - Article and Pictures Attached




I found this article and scanned it for your archive. This is from the Millstream Times, Vol. 15 No. 51, 22nd December 2006.


I did personally see the wreck and consider the pilot to be fortunate to have walked away from it. I am also sad for the pilot's anguish of seeing such a beautiful piece of work totally wrecked.


Unfortunately the file is 290kB and exceeds the 146kB limit imposed - if a moderator could pm me so that I can send it up for reduction???? The limits on posting attachements is really frustrating!





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