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This is probably a fairly pointless question but I'm procrastinating over studying...


I've read on the internet that in some places (particularly the US I think) there is a tradition of cutting and writing on the student's shirt that they wear for their first solo.


My question is, is this tradition followed in Aus at all or is it just an American/overseas thing? (Partly curious in case I should be wearing old t-shirts to lessons for the next month just in case I solo! 006_laugh.gif.0f7b82c13a0ec29502c5fb56c616f069.gif)


But yeah, do they do it here at all?



Guest Maj Millard

Yes have heard of the T-shirt thing in some schools. They would all sign it, and then hang it on the wall. When you did 100 jumps as a skydiver, you invariably got hit with a bucket of 'what ever they could find at the time', mixed up ! yukky poo



Good old Aussie handshake & pat on the back - never heard of the shirt thing. But you could request it maybe & even start a new tradition here, we could call it the "Darky Award"006_laugh.gif.0f7b82c13a0ec29502c5fb56c616f069.gif

Same as Destiny flyer, a hand shake and good on you, now go and wash the plane.Haha
Guest mike_perth

A can of SOLO with the date written on it!!


Thats what I got and it still sits on my bookcase I look at it every day!!






I got a hand shake, pat on the back and a big Congratulations :thumb_up:


Can still remember it clear as a bell 021_nod.gif.30c66a33e1ed960b5b5d3fc7b345b58d.gif




Damn Darky, nearly gave me a heart attack!


I saw the heading "First Solo" and thought you'd beaten me to it (way I'm going, you probably will anyway, just a matter of time!).


You should know that it won't happen at YLIL - nobody will be able to find the scissors 006_laugh.gif.0f7b82c13a0ec29502c5fb56c616f069.gif, they'll be in the same place all the pens have disappeared to 011_clap.gif.c796ec930025ef6b94efb6b089d30b16.gif.


I do like the can of Solo idea though .....




First solo.


Can't remember any fuss being made of it. I've obviously missed out on something. I actually think that too much emphasis is being put on it. Some students think that if they haven't gone off by a certain nunber of hours that the sky will fall in. Nev



You should know that it won't happen at YLIL - nobody will be able to find the scissors 006_laugh.gif.0f7b82c13a0ec29502c5fb56c616f069.gif, they'll be in the same place all the pens have disappeared to 011_clap.gif.c796ec930025ef6b94efb6b089d30b16.gif.

*snicker* I thought my logbook had gone the same way today but luckily no


And believe me, when it does happen, the heading will be in CAPITALS :big_grin:


I love the Solo can idea too, perhaps we should suggest it at YLIL...




I was reading somewhere that the cut T/Shirt thing was so that your wings could grow through without ripping it.It was an old USAF or RAF tradition.


The bucket of ice water was/is common in the US.


Where i fly they give out wings at an end of year wings night..


What ever floats your boat i suppose.A can of Solo is pretty funny..




Several traditions have developed in the USA around "soloing", including drenching the student with water and cutting off and permanently displaying the back of his or her shirt.


In American aviation lore, the traditional removal of a new pilot's shirt tail is a sign of the instructor's new confidence in his student after successful completion of the 1st solo flight. In the days of tandem trainers, the student sat in the front seat, with the instructor behind. As there were often no radios in these early days of aviation, the instructor would tug on the student pilot's shirttail to get his attention, and then yell in his ear. A successful first solo flight is an indication that the student can fly without the instructor ("instructor-less" flight). Hence, there is no longer a need for the shirt tail, and it is cut off by the (often) proud instructor, and sometimes displayed as a trophy.[2]


Personally a slap on the back will do me when the time comes



Guest Maj Millard

Darky, I'm sure your instructor would agree, you will not solo one minute before you are ready! So knuckle down with those landings, and nail them with some consistancy girl......024_cool.gif.7a88a3168ebd868f5549631161e2b369.gif



Darky, I'm sure your instructor would agree, you will not solo one minute before you are ready! So knuckle down with those landings, and nail them with some consistancy girl......024_cool.gif.7a88a3168ebd868f5549631161e2b369.gif

Aha, I'm not sitting here thinking I should be soloing, don't worry Maj, I know I'm not ready. I mainly started this thread out of curiosity because I'd heard of all the different things that happened when people soloed and I was just wondering what we did here in Aus tis all... When it does happen I'll be too stoked to care if they do anything or not 006_laugh.gif.0f7b82c13a0ec29502c5fb56c616f069.gif


My landings are coming along (slowly, I seem to have different problems each lesson but I guess it's good I'm doing all this when my instructor is there rather than after) and we're probably starting EFATO next lesson so I'm progressing 024_cool.gif.7a88a3168ebd868f5549631161e2b369.gif



Guest Maj Millard

That's the right attitude Darky. As I recall both my solos (UL and GA) were a bit anti-climactic. Particulary the GA one, which was done late morning on a working day. I parked the damn thing after, and walked proudly back into the flight school, and everyone had gone to lunch!!. So to hell with them, with my fresh temporary private pilots license in hand (pilot examiner gives it to you on landing, if you pass) I fired it back up, and did another hour for de-stress, which was way more enjoyable flying wise, than the check ride /solo.............................024_cool.gif.7a88a3168ebd868f5549631161e2b369.gif






I remember my first solo, I got a handshake a hug and a kiss on the cheek from my instructor (may have something to do with me being a girl??)


Also got a certificate on our club night which was nice.


No cutting of shirts or buckets of water or soft drink though.





I remember my first solo, I got a handshake a hug and a kiss on the cheek from my instructorBec

Geez. I got the handshake but I didn't get a kiss on the cheek. Short changed, I was... 006_laugh.gif.0f7b82c13a0ec29502c5fb56c616f069.gif



I remember my first solo, I got a handshake a hug and a kiss on the cheek from my instructor (may have something to do with me being a girl??)

Hmmm, maybe that's on the cards then 024_cool.gif.7a88a3168ebd868f5549631161e2b369.gif




First solo, Female Pilot:babe:, Tee Shirt, Bucket of Water:dousing:. Am I the only one seeing the possibilities here. No wonder they give them a :Rogue::killen:


Does that make me perverted or sexist?:peepwall:






I did my first solo two days ago on Saturday.


When I returned my instructor was waiting for me at the parking spot to shake my hand before I had even left the plane. He was very happy.


Also the other instructors and a couple of the other pilots all shook my hand.


The CFI called me at home a few hours later to congratulate me once again.


I have been on a high since then.



I did my first solo two days ago on Saturday.

Hey! that's great mate :thumb_up: Great feeling isn't it? The aircraft suddenly leaps away from the ground!!


Keep it up, fly safe and have fun! :big_grin:




aww yeah - I was at 500ft before I knew it!


It handled slightly differently too.


But yes, it was fantastic - would do again.



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