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Majors' picks of the month...Nov 09

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Guest Maj Millard

Majors' picks of the month....Nov 09.




Well just like most of you I'm sure, I eagerly peruse the used aircraft ads in the RAA mag each edition. These regular monthly selections are my personal choices from the offerings each month.


From each monthly list I will select one 'bargain of the month' or........


$$$$$$$$$$$ ' The best bang for the buck' !!! $$$$$$$


I am hoping this may assist new buyers to our sport who may not have the knowledge or experience with our aircraft to make a wise choice.


Note: My personal choices do not in any way endorse any aircraft in respect to it's condition, airworthiness, or suitability for your intended use...it is highly recommended that any potential aircraft buyer always seeks the services of an L2, or other suitable person, to perform a through pre-purchase inspection on any aircraft prior to purchase !!.


My selections this month.........


1159 T300 Thruster $15,000


1310 Titan Tornado 11 $39,000


1600 osprey Amphib $50,000


1659 Aeropup Kit $20,000


1747 Starduster SA 500 $29,500


1793 Monnett Sonerai 11L $40,000


1860 Lightwing GR $35,000


1872 Savannah VG $59,000


1882 Pterodactyl Assender 11 !!! $12,000


1887 Lightwing GR 582 $28,000


1889 Karasport parasol $12,000


1891 Skyranger $45,000


1901 Rans S6s $67,500


1904 Savannah Series 2 VG $66,000


1907 Morgan Aeroworks $59,000


1913 Superpup Mk 3 $17,000


1923 X air 582 $18,500


1928 Aztec Zephyr $79,000


1929 S.M.A.N Petrel $25,000


Indecision !!!!.......I have no less than three finalists this month, such was the fine offerings, they are...........


1882 Pterydactyl Assender $12,000


1904 Savannah Series 2 VG $66,000


1929 SMAN. Petrel $25,000


And the winner this month is...........................................................


<<<<<<<1904 Savannah series 2 VG !>>>>>>>>





Guest drizzt1978

What did you think of that allegro for 65?



Guest Maj Millard

Drizzt1978, I have no direct knowledge on the Allegro, other than what I have read. I have no reason to think it's anything but a fine aircraft. The 1632 one has the 100 hp Rotax, only 52 hrs TT and lots of extras, so it should be a good buy. The reason I probabily didn't list it was the price. Not saying it's not worth it, but for $20,000 less you can get similiar performance. The second one looks good also, with a lower price. They both have long range tanks, which is a biggy with me. There have been a few Allegros for sale lately, and I'm wondering why ?...I'd be happy to hear more on Allegros.


Cameron 93, I'll admit readily to a bias towards Lightwings, regardless of age or hours. I have flown them with well over 3000 hrs on the clock, and they are still tight as a drum if well maintained. That one looks good, and pretty cheap. Their basic flying qualities and capabilities are timeless, if you like that sort of thing. Good sturdy honest aeroplanes, that'll carry a load. IMOP.......................................................024_cool.gif.7a88a3168ebd868f5549631161e2b369.gif



Guest drizzt1978

Hmmm, yeah ive noticed a few alegros, and that one is fairly cheap... one of my instructors said dont bother with one, but he is very biased to his texan!!



Guest Maj Millard

Shags, I have about 12 hours in the Savannah and just think they are a great aeroplane for the money, and they are a bit underpriced at the moment due lots of owners upgrading to the XL. The XL is basically the same aircraft except for some increased cabin length and width. The engine cowl has been tidied up a bit also. other than that, same flying machine. Lots of low time ones around also. I previously posted 'Savannah VG, I'm impressed' if you want to go back and read it. I just think they are a good buy right now.....My selections are based on 'Best bang for the buck'..................024_cool.gif.7a88a3168ebd868f5549631161e2b369.gif


Hey the Petrel for the money looks like a great easy project...............




I read the savannah post a while back and have to admit that until that I hadn't even considered anything other than the usual tecnam or jabiru. Since then I've been looking at things like savannahs etc.



Guest drizzt1978

While we are on the topic, can anybody explain how that RV 7 is on the RA AUS register that is for sale, they are meant to be 500kg dry, so a legless dwarf and 1 hour of fuel would be legal? Does that seem right Maj???



While we are on the topic, can anybody explain how that RV 7 is on the RA AUS register that is for sale, they are meant to be 500kg dry, so a legless dwarf and 1 hour of fuel would be legal? Does that seem right Maj???

Gold 011_clap.gif.c796ec930025ef6b94efb6b089d30b16.gif






I have made some enquiries regarding that aircraft and am told that it has the Lyc 0-233 115 Hp engine and is built light. and the weights are right for registration (as one would expect) I don''t know how many it can carry. I presume one. Nev



Guest Maj Millard

Mmm.........don't seem right to me, I can't see an RV-7 either being light enough or with a stall speed low enough for UL reg. There is only so much weight you can leave out of a kit like that!. Please explain !.................................................:confused:



Guest Maj Millard

Shags, As you may know from my past posts I like to call a lemon a lemon. However if I find something is really good on the other hand, I'll do my best to highlight it. I like a machine that performs and flys well, and honestly, and the Savannah VG (latest LE mod with VGs) does fly impressivly. If I were instructing, I would use one, as you could train in all sorts of winds, crosswinds etc. safely, and at the end, you would turn out a really capable pilot, a lot quicker than you would in many other aircraft being used today. They seem to be a pretty rugged, and easy to maintain little machine also.


OK, I promise I'll jump off my Savannah soapbox now ..............................................024_cool.gif.7a88a3168ebd868f5549631161e2b369.gif




So it does Cam.


Wikipedia happens to have the specs for an IO360 powered RV7 here.


504Kg empty, which seems to rule out legless dwarves too. The pilot would need to be an ethereal non-corporeal entity using fuel with as much substance as a Liberal Party counter-policy on Climate Change.


Perhaps there's helium ballast.



  • Like 1
Guest Maj Millard

The Lohle 5151 Mustang if I'm correct is wood geodetic construction, similiar to the Little Fisher geodetic biplane.


I had a ride lined up in one once (the Biplane) and the guy that flew it just before me bounced it on landing, and took out the tail wheel. On further inspection prior to reattaching the tailwheel for my go, we noticed that all the wood strips had separated in the rear of the tail at the glue joints. I sort of lost interest at that point. Structural adhesive indeed !...I'd be taking a good look, that's all I know...............................................049_sad.gif.af5e5c0993af131d9c5bfe880fbbc2a0.gif



Guest drizzt1978

I have had some chinnese whispers on the RV 7.


It was registered with the smaller lighter engine....


It may or may not have the bigger engine in it at the moment??? Dont know.


It has one seat. It was built with only the necesary requirements. (ie as little as possible weight wise) to meet the required laws to be RAAUS registered.


It has caused a lot of controversy not just here but else where, and RAAUS may not be able to register one again.


This is second third or fourth hand information that is anonymous so I wont back it up in a court of law....



The Lohle 5151 Mustang if I'm correct is wood geodetic construction, similiar to the Little Fisher geodetic biplane.I had a ride lined up in one once (the Biplane) and the guy that flew it just before me bounced it on landing, and took out the tail wheel. On further inspection prior to reattaching the tailwheel for my go, we noticed that all the wood strips had separated in the rear of the tail at the glue joints. I sort of lost interest at that point. Structural adhesive indeed !...I'd be taking a good look, that's all I know...............................................049_sad.gif.af5e5c0993af131d9c5bfe880fbbc2a0.gif

Im think your right about the construction, major, i did a bit of research on them when they first came out. IMO they titan mustang would be better, although more expensive, all aluminium, rotax 912s, it does about 150mph with a variable pitch prop. There about 53-or 55 thousand for the kit US. Retractable as well. It was designed to fit into the LSA. It can also be installed with the 2.5ltr and 2.7 ltr V6 suzuki.( with airframe mods) cheers




The Savannah is an excellent aircraft.


But bang for buck in November I would argue that 1891 Skyranger could move further up Maj’s ratings


Comparing 1891 and 1904 the two aircraft essentially share basic configuration, performance envelope, fuel economy, operating costs and powerplants


The Savannah is a better STOL performer however if I ever had a Skyranger and a Savannah in a situation where the Savannah could fly out and the Skyranger couldn’t I’d be very apprehensive of launching the Savvy.


Riveted alloy construction vs bolted alloy. The Savvy may last longer but both will out live most pilots. The Skyranger will be quicker, easier and cheaper to repair damage.


Fabric vs alloy skin. Hail or a dropped wrench that would seriously damage the Savannah will bounce off the Skyranger. Small hangar rash lesions to the skin easier and quicker to repair in the Skyranger.


The metal will fare much better in the sun whereas UV exposure will degrade the Skyranger skin. With reasonable care and a hangar the Skyranger skin should last 10 years at least and then is easily replaced for about $5000.


The Savvy has longer range, tundra tyres and better instrumentation.


Time in service. At 380 vs 160 hrs the Savannah is 3 years of average rec pilot use older than the Sky.


Price to buy, At a saving in excess of $20,000 I’d vote for the Skyranger even after budgeting for a new fabric


Similar bang, a lot less buck


Thanks Maj for your valuable thoughts, analysis, work and contribution.


Please keep up the good work


And lets all keep debating our favourite topics flying and aircraft.



Guest Maj Millard

Hiho, Your imput is appreciated, and furthers the aim of this post, to educate others on an aircraft type they may not be familiar with, including me........................024_cool.gif.7a88a3168ebd868f5549631161e2b369.gif..............:thumb_up:



Guest Maj Millard

I have been reliably informed that the choice this month (1904 Savannah VG) was sold the day after it went on the market !!...............................................011_clap.gif.c796ec930025ef6b94efb6b089d30b16.gif 024_cool.gif.7a88a3168ebd868f5549631161e2b369.gifhurry_up.gif.177b070ad0fed9378055f023fbf484f7.gif



  • 2 years later...
I have had some chinnese whispers on the RV 7.It was registered with the smaller lighter engine....


It may or may not have the bigger engine in it at the moment??? Dont know.


It has one seat. It was built with only the necesary requirements. (ie as little as possible weight wise) to meet the required laws to be RAAUS registered.


It has caused a lot of controversy not just here but else where, and RAAUS may not be able to register one again.


This is second third or fourth hand information that is anonymous so I wont back it up in a court of law....

YEP the RV"s up to spec, it is a pitty others dont just get on with flying and Stop trying to cause or hunt problems for owner builders trying to pioneer new types to our Catagory, I put the first Sonerai 2L on the AUF register Papa 028 , that opened lots of doors, in those days it was encouraged, CASA AND AUF put on the Permit to fly, 1 return trip to the Mangalore Airshow, they wanted it seen and shared with aviators.


These days some pilots are just looking to try and cause trouble if they can or discredit them, why i dont know, maybe evenvy or just spite, who knows the old days of Mangalore and Lake Culleraine , Hopetown, St Arnaurd , Meningie, seem to have dissapeared.


These spite full nasty types, one day be sitting in a paddock wondering how the hec to get there plane and self home again whilst being overflown buy a RV7 or A Sonerai maybe just a Thruster. payback is a bitch but it does happen.


I know some of the guy's with high performance Aircraft and i know if i was stuck miles away out bush, they would be there in a flash and bring a slab and tucker, parts and tools. go figure what goes arround comes arround. PS The complainants never voice their concerns to the owners only to others , behind the bush gossip only, where is their integrity, Hmm



  • Like 1
Shags, As you may know from my past posts I like to call a lemon a lemon. However if I find something is really good on the other hand, I'll do my best to highlight it. I like a machine that performs and flys well, and honestly, and the Savannah VG (latest LE mod with VGs) does fly impressivly. If I were instructing, I would use one, as you could train in all sorts of winds, crosswinds etc. safely, and at the end, you would turn out a really capable pilot, a lot quicker than you would in many other aircraft being used today. They seem to be a pretty rugged, and easy to maintain little machine also.OK, I promise I'll jump off my Savannah soapbox now ..............................................024_cool.gif.7a88a3168ebd868f5549631161e2b369.gif

I just heard my Savvy calling out to me from the hangar" Hey dad their talkin about me and my sisters" it's Ok baby their only saying how beautiful you are. Go back to sleep- we'll fly tomorrow, I know all your cousins and neighbours are jealous but we all see the beauty"!!

Nite Jaffa....



  • Like 2
Hiho, Your imput is appreciated, and furthers the aim of this post, to educate others on an aircraft type they may not be familiar with, including me........................024_cool.gif.7a88a3168ebd868f5549631161e2b369.gif..............:thumb_up:

It seems that Maj's monthly "bang-for-your-buck" suggestions are no longer forthcoming.


What happened?



Guest Maj Millard

A few problems there....1: being located up here in the North my magazine was always late, and by the time I got around to compiling my monthly report it was old news....2: I don't currently have the same spare time as I had back then, it takes time to sit down and do the report. 3: The number of used aircraft in the listings has grown !.....4:...Individuals were complaining to me that I was either singling out their aircraft...or not highlighting their particular aircraft...and that I was biased by not mentioning many Jabs...I'm not a jab expert so therefore could not speak too knowledgably about them in my report even if I were to recommend them...................................................................Maj...024_cool.gif.7a88a3168ebd868f5549631161e2b369.gif



I just heard my Savvy calling out to me from the hangar" Hey dad their talkin about me and my sisters" it's Ok baby their only saying how beautiful you are. Go back to sleep- we'll fly tomorrow, I know all your cousins and neighbours are jealous but we all see the beauty"!!Nite Jaffa....





Hollywood could make a movie out of that. Maybe an aviation orientated re-run of "The Waltons"



  • Like 1
A few problems there....1: being located up here in the North my magazine was always late, and by the time I got around to compiling my monthly report it was old news....2: I don't currently have the same spare time as I had back then, it takes time to sit down and do the report. 3: The number of used aircraft in the listings has grown !.....4:...Individuals were complaining to me that I was either singling out their aircraft...or not highlighting their particular aircraft...and that I was biased by not mentioning many Jabs...I'm not a jab expert so therefore could not speak too knowledgably about them in my report even if I were to recommend them...................................................................Maj...024_cool.gif.7a88a3168ebd868f5549631161e2b369.gif

Oh well. That 'service' is canned then! 051_crying.gif.fe5d15edcc60afab3cc76b2638e7acf3.gif



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