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G'day all! :thumb_up:


Just thought I'd share some pictures from yesterdays flying... added some more numbers to the log book and decreased the numbers in the bank account, but it is worth it! :big_grin:


Did 3.3 hrs, five flights, and had a lot of fun! :thumb_up:


Departed Dalby around 7.30am, with - "Have a good one Tomo" coming over the radio waves! We flew south/west-ish to Cecil Plains at 4500ft above the scattered clouds, beautiful experience that was... all to soon our place came into view underneath so down we dropped through the scattered bits of cloud, did a circle around the house, but can't use our strip this time because it was all wet and muddy! So off to the east to a friends property who has a beaut gravel strip. Over flew, and let down on the strip with about a six kt cross wind, being 'very' careful to stay on the strip because of black soil mud either side!! (note: prior arrangement had been done, and an inspection of the said strip before use).


Took off again with my next victim, we climbed up above the clouds again and headed towards Toowoomba, just fiddling around enjoying every second of it, let down somewhere over near a little place called Biddeston (spelling!) and tracked for Cecil Plains, flew around the town a few times out to the cotton gin etc... then headed back for the landing, landed with a five or so kt cross wind.


Next victim aboard and we headed straight for the town (Cecil Plains) and around, then tracked for Millmerran overflying airfield there, we went out to the power station and had a look around there. Hitting a huge bit of turbulence that we were glad we had seat belts for!! I'm thinking it could have been the hot air coming out the chimneys, and because there was a bit of wind it blew it so it wasn't directly above the station, we were probably 2000' above it though... but that was an experience and a half!


Headed back home, and did a bit of flying around looking at this and that, than it was time to land... bit high on finals so around we went coming in nicely this time and stalled it on (that tail must have been awful close!!)


Had a bit of a break... and then my Brother came along armed with a camera to take pictures of a few neighbours property's who I'd volunteered to do... only took about 25 minutes and we were on the ground again. Nosed the jab into the hanger, chocked the wheels and headed home for a much needed lunch!


I waited until about 3.30pm before heading back to Dalby, not so hot and thermally that way, had a nice flight in, made my inbound call, joined circuit, downwind call, (and guess who makes his inbound call then?!) turned base, finals, whoops a tad high! side slip it in and touch down on the third line, marvelous!


Backed tracked the runways to the hanger, (Dunlopdangler reckons he scared me away!) put it away in the hanger and then for the painful job of cleaning the bugs off the aircraft!


All in all a very good day, full of knew things, and a lot of fun...


Hope I haven't bored you all to tear's...


Some pictures' to follow -- The order is back to front... starts at the bottom! You'll get the idea though...























































Good looking paddocks Tomo.

Yes it's amazing within 12 hrs of some rain it was soooooo much greener already!


But the Darling Downs is a lovely place to fly around!:thumb_up:



What is this rain you talk about? Still very dry here.

Yeah we got 27mm sunday afternoon/night... reasonably wide spread around the area, most got at least 20mm's. Very nice I can tell you!



Guest Andys@coffs



On the pic's that show the wing strut pitot probe, there appears to be something about an inch from the front, looks like a bit of fencing wire or something.....what is it and what does it do?




P.S when I flew from Adelaide to Grafton last week in my J230 I passed through much of that cloud....at the time it was a lot less friendly than shown in your photos and turned a planned 1 day, nearly 7hr flight into a 3 day, 9hr set of flights



TomoOn the pic's that show the wing strut pitot probe, there appears to be something about an inch from the front, looks like a bit of fencing wire or something.....what is it and what does it do?




P.S when I flew from Adelaide to Grafton last week in my J230 I passed through much of that cloud....at the time it was a lot less friendly than shown in your photos and turned a planned 1 day, nearly 7hr flight into a 3 day, 9hr set of flights


His Pitot tube cover!




Yes Its a little pitot cover... uses airflow to lift it open, then sits back down once you stop.



Yes Its a little pitot cover... uses airflow to lift it open, then sits back down once you stop.

Piched off the exhaust of a Mack truck? But it looks like it works well.


The pictures look great Tomo thanks to the recent rain.


Sounds like you had an absolute ball.:thumb_up:


Thanks for sharing it with us


Kind Regards






Thanks all!


Yes I will certainly take more notice next time when around that sort of thing! Lesson learnt!




Great photos Tomo good to see you enjoying yourself. Keep us posted!




Hey Tomo, you'll have to cut back on the flying. You're enjoying yourself too much!!!


Great photos bloke! Best Regards and Merry Christmas from Bob:clap:



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