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I have been challenged by Ian to get this bumper sticker idea off the ground, so here I go...


The plan is to design and print a bumper sticker that will be sold in Clear Prop for cost + postage.


The first thing is to decide what the sticker should look like/say.


First option is something like the one in this thread - which is basically the RecFlying logo/banner with our usernames on it. I'm not sure how easy it would be to get individualised stickers printed though (opinions?)


The second option is something sensible, such as these:


  • Recreational flying - come for a spin!
  • I fly on the net at Recreationalflying.net
  • Come fly with me .... recreational flying(.net)



The third option is something silly and fun (which gets my vote because I'm immature and proud of it :big_grin:)


  • Fly it like you stole it!
  • I'm not speeding, just flying low
  • Flying. Drugs would have been cheaper
  • Alcohol gets you drunk, Flying gets you high
  • You think my driving is bad? You should see my landings!
  • Get high on petrol; fly an ultralight



If anyone has any suggestions pass them on, or just tell me which of these you'd like. I guess someone (me?) is going to have to take responsibility for making the final decision, but I want to choose something people will like and be happy to put on their cars/planes/boats/motorbikes/scooters/bicycles/wheelchairs. If we can narrow it down to a few choices, I might be able to make a poll so everyone can vote for the final decision.


Also, if anyone knows somewhere that does printing cheaply (preferably in Melbourne since they'll be sent to Ian), please pass the details on.


Finally, how many people actually want a bumper sticker (or more than one)? I need to get an idea of numbers to work out how many to get printed.


I wonder if I can put this on my resume... "official sticker designer for www.recreationalflying.com" 006_laugh.gif.0f7b82c13a0ec29502c5fb56c616f069.gif



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For obvious reasons I rather like "Recreational Flying - come for a spin!" 006_laugh.gif.0f7b82c13a0ec29502c5fb56c616f069.gif


Seriously though, how about a variation on one of yours;


Recreational Flying - another kind of high



Guest mike_perth

Put me down for two Darky for sure.


Im keen on You think my driving is bad? You should see my landings!




Thats sure to get people thinking!Might not be the best advert when your looking for passengers though!


Or my second pick would be


Come fly with me .... recreational flying(.com.au)


The idea of having our usernames would be great but I think possibly a bit of a logistical nightmare for Ian to distribute - Unless you can convince a printing company to do that hard work for you and we submit an order via Clear Prop an order gets sent to the printing company who then send on the sticker to the forum member?






Onya Darky! :thumb_up:


I'm not speeding, just flying low

I like this one! 021_nod.gif.30c66a33e1ed960b5b5d3fc7b345b58d.gif


Get high on petrol; fly an ultralight

And this one... keen.gif.9802fd8e381488e125cd8e26767cabb8.gif


Recreational flying - come for a spin!

And this one... :clown:


Gomer's is good too! :thumb_up:



Real men Rotax

I'll overlook that for the moment, and come back to it.


Reminds me of the time when when there were a lot of stickers around Moorabbin


reading: "pilots do it in the air"


Wasn't too log before one was noticed on a council truck, and underneath in felt pen:


"Yeah, but we have to clean it up!"




We want this sticker to advertise the awesomeness that is this site, yes? Well if you think about bumper stickers you've seen and you really remember, are they normal serious ones or are they ones that are pretty silly and gave you a good laugh while you were sitting in traffic?


Just a thought...



Guest skyspud

I like "When I'm not flying I'm surfing @ http://www.recreationalflying.com"by skeptic36


My suggestions perhaps not so good


1.Recreational Flying Australia "The most fun you can have with your clothes on"


2.Recreational Flying Australia "Anyone can do it"


3.Recreational Flying Australia "Just take a piece of air and do what you want with it"


4.Recreational Flying Australia "I only go in cars to get to airports"


5.Recreational Flying Australia "Now I Know Why The Birds Sing"


6.Recreational Flying Australia "If a monkey can fly to the moon, anyone can"




Go fast and take chances



Guest Qwerty
4.Recreational Flying Australia "I only go in cars to get to airports"

Hands up anyone who disagrees with this sentiment....I dont put stickers on my car, come to think of it I have never had a sticker on any of my cars but I would consider putting this one on.




My personal opinion Darky is that you may have to have 2 - 1 serious and 1 funny and I think you could start off with 100 of each



My personal opinion Darky is that you may have to have 2 - 1 serious and 1 funny and I think you could start off with 100 of each

So you reckon we could have more than one design and put them in the shop and let people choose?



So you reckon we could have more than one design and put them in the shop and let people choose?

I think so



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