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Visit cockpit on commercial flight

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You wouldn't do it in high workload situations and if one occurred suddenly it would be a matter of "belt up and shut-up"

On my first landing up front in a 747, I was told bluntly "If you see us get up from our seats and head for the door don't stuff around, just FOLLOW US"! :thumb_up:



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It's a negative, as there is a distraction factor.With 2 crew one pilot can pay full attention to the conduct of the flight, while the other does the "PR" bit. You wouldn't do it in high workload situations and if one occurred suddenly it would be a matter of "belt up and shut-up", till things were sorted. There have been instances where extra (qualified) personnel have been invaluable ( extra resource). Nev

The Jumpseat seat is really not the most comfortable place to sit for an hour and a half anyway... at least not the ones I have seen. Some obstruct the cabin door and seem to require some serious contortionism? in order to use. When ever I fly commercial I just want to get in and get there and get out...



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