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I'm sure all of you on here do this, but PLEASE keep an eye out for aircraft on base/final when going to line up for takeoff!!


I was circuit bashing this morning (solo, woo!) and TWICE I was on final (not just turning final, I was ON final) and I got cut off by aircraft deciding to pick then to line up and take off. I was taught to always give a good look for any aircraft on base/final and give way to them when lining up...clearly these pilots missed that lesson :raise_eyebrow:


The first time it happened I was forced to go around (yes, it was good practice but that's not the point)...the second time I was far enough away that I could land after the guy cleared the strip.


I was starting to wonder if my radio wasn't working and nobody was hearing my calls... I checked later and the FIs said they could all hear me so it wasn't that, so clearly these idiots are just merrily lining up without looking or listening :sad:thumb_down


As I said, I'm sure all of the awesome people on these forums keep an eye out, but just keep it in mind, please :thumb_up:




In the sky in other planes teaching... They'd been doing circuits at the same time as me and happened to be on the ground when I was so I asked them. I know that at least one of the two aircraft who cut me off was a private aircraft.




I know it's "PIC responsibility" and all that,but a pilot who has recently soloed still has a huge workload, and needs some support.


As people get pushed out of our major city airports due to industrial expansion/flying costs, this scenario is only going to get worse.


At the major City airports the perps usually get a rebuke from the tower, but in the surrounding airports, getting busier (some now exceeding 6 per circuit) with no tower the flying school in particular needs to step up with more support




Excellent airmanship on your part Darky, very poor airsmanship on their part.Their seems to be a bit of this lately.



I know it's "PIC responsibility" and all that,but a pilot who has recently soloed still has a huge workload, and needs some support.

Perhaps they would've done if they'd felt I wasn't handling it well enough. It didn't really phase me that much, it was more the general frustration that it happened. I powered up and did a go around, made a (calm yet probably clearly irritated) call etc.


Actually one of the FIs commented afterwards that he was impressed with my go around, how I moved to the right of the runway so I could see the guy who was taking off etc. I was just like "I was just doing what I've been taught" (which is true). :thumb_up:


I can see your point :) but maybe they looked and decided I was handling it well enough on my own and they would've said something if I hadn't


I was basically putting the post on here because it's really annoying to be happily on finals then suddenly not have a runway to land on because someone else is there...




I agree with Dazza and you on the way you handled it- very professional.


What I was aiming at was the perpetrators getting off scot free without any comments from instructors - meaning they'll do it again.


We need to clean up the turkeys as they crap




I was sorely tempted to say something like "Jabiru XXXX is going around because there is an idiot on the runway" but figured my instructor may be (at least officially) less than pleased with me if I did 006_laugh.gif.0f7b82c13a0ec29502c5fb56c616f069.gif




However, Darky, having had the benefit of a major airport I can tell you that some of us do develop very subtle reminders, not to mention the really clever ones from the tower -including leaving the mike open when they "talk" to the other tower operator, the whole purpose being to keep a culture of good behaviour (airmanship) in the circuit.




I'm with you Darky... another thing you can do is, if they (well they should!) make a taxiing to or entering runway call, and you are on final's... just radio them and tell them where you are again, incase they missed the first finals call or something. Long/mid/short finals etc....




That's a good point Tomo, it can be accidental. If I got a call like that, I'd attempt to get back off the strip then start again




It happens Darky. One of the great things about solo flying is the process of developing sound decision making skills, and it is obviously working!


How are you enjoying the solo flights? Still singing?




I definitely agree Mazda, I can tell my PIC and decision-making skills are improving a LOT


Haven't been singing for a while but I chat to the plane now and give it a pat to celebrate my smooth landings and apologise when my landings are bad 006_laugh.gif.0f7b82c13a0ec29502c5fb56c616f069.gif




Well done darky. You did better than I did (http://www.recreationalflying.com/forum/general-discussion/54754-interestin-incident-share-especially-those-without-much-experience.html)


Something I've noticed is that when people are preparing to line up, they are not looking the direction that aircraft are coming from, ie they are pointing down the strip and can't see what's coming. I always stop looking at approaching aircraft, then when I hear that it's free and SEE that it's free I enter the runway.


I guess the same rules apply in the air as the roads, don't trust anyone else.



Something I've noticed is that when people are preparing to line up, they are not looking the direction that aircraft are coming from, ie they are pointing down the strip and can't see what's coming. I always stop looking at approaching aircraft, then when I hear that it's free and SEE that it's free I enter the runway.

I always do that check too, I always check that base and final are clear of any aircraft before entering the runway. If not, I sit and wait. I guess I kind of assumed that everyone did that (student naivete huh). You're right though, it's like on the roads, trust nobody.


It's interesting to read the responses to yours, sounds like your experience was pretty similar to mine.


I know this sort of stuff is going to happen, I just figured I'd post on here to put it in people's minds to have a look around before deciding that the runway's yours 006_laugh.gif.0f7b82c13a0ec29502c5fb56c616f069.gif




If you angle slightly towards the incoming traffic before holding (a) It's a prompter to look where virtually all the traffic is coming from (b) in a high wing AC they aren't blanked by the wing. Such a little thing.


I'm surprised that people seem to feel that what happened was OK. Is the safty standard really getting that low?




Don't forget to look the other way as well - seen a few times where someone comes in on 18 when 36 is the active ......



Guest mike_perth

Darky - I have made a radio call after 2 go arounds on the same runway for gliders that have been put on the runway and waiting for a tow - I made a call "XYZ Traffic ABC late final runway 11 going around - due runway odstruction - ABC at 400 ft for 1500 to rejoin circuit for now duty runway 24 and changed to another runway as the gliders wernt being launched and there was no wind so changing runway was no problem.



Guest Maj Millard

Darky, Possibly GA pilots who have never accepted ULs, and probabily never will, they choose to deliberatly 'not see' the little ul, and feel that we should always give way to them. They are also possibly aware that they are burning about as much fuel a minute, as we burn an hour. It is basically a jealously factor, but on the other hand they are not smart enough to realize that if there is a collision, their chance of dying, is about the same as yours.


I have been putting up with thier stupid attitudes now for close to 30 years in ULs, am over it, and frankly I don't have any problem letting them know what I think if it's a safety thing.024_cool.gif.7a88a3168ebd868f5549631161e2b369.gif



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