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Well if your in to abit of this type of flying how about these 2 videos then, 2 completely different types of gyros, but still good to go for a ride.


This is about 100nm NE of Alice Springs, i end up over there near every year, part for the fun and part for the friendship that happens.



Good yes but it would be a lot better if we had Birdy's running commentry of the UHF that is as funny as hell, put it this way you never left wondering what he is thinking :)



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good one bones...


That'd be good Travis, I don't do it yet, but will no doubt get some in one day, I've got the ticket to do so... beats being on a horse all day! or bike ;)



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I just looked you up and you are not far from where i picked up my first gyro from, just outside Willcannia, cant remember the name of the place now, that area is suited to FW and gyro for sure



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hi bones yea ok , there was a fella at caradock just north off white cliffs that used to do gyro licences and sell a few gyros , i think his name was david jackson .



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