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Camden Airport is falling victim to the mushrooming housing devlopment in the Sydney Basin. Not due to any land grabs by developers - the location is subject to flooding of the Nepean River, but due to complaints from Johnny-come-latelys that flying operations are too noisy.


Under the headline "Boom has arrived" in the local paper (Camden Advertiser - www.camdenadvertiser.com.au ) is the report commencing " A country feel in a suburban setting is attracting home buyers to Camden." The report "looks at some of the new estates which 200,000 new residents will call home in the next two decades.'


A few pages into the paper is the headline "Noisy skies acknowledged but quick fix not on radar". This article deals with the response to an item in the previous week's paper in which certain residents under the airport's circuit area complained of increased noise and "cowboy pilots".


Local Federal Member, Pat Farmer, wants to legislate for the fitting of mufflers to older aircraft to reduce noise, and also the fitting of transponders to monitor the height of aircraft.


You can see how well briefed he is on aviation matters.


There has been an increase in movements at Camden as a result of the closure of Hoxton Park. More Bankstown-based training aircraft are using Camden for circuit work, especially helicopters.


Sydney Airports Limited were the ones who sold off Hoxton Park. It was also the organisation which produced a Draft Master Plan for Camden Airport which estimated movements of around 100,000 per year by 2035. People who took those figures as Gospel have been up in arms, and have used local media to misrepresent the reality of the situation.


This is another case of the squeeky wheel getting the oil. If those of us involved in aviation, from flying schools, to clubs, to maintenance organisations, to weekend potterers don't start squeeking louder, the aviation community in Sydney will lose another airport. Once an airport goes, it don't come back.


Old Man Emu




It could be worth writing to Pat Farmer. Better still, invite him to the airport, show him the small businesses, show him the people being brought to Camden to learn to fly or to have joy flights - bringing money to the town.



Guest ozzie

Start spreading the rumour that a high security correctional facility is being planned for the area. that will take the pressure of the airport.




Ironically I was just reading the history of gliding ops and the airport at Camden... This airport is part of our country's aviation heritage... surely the area could be listed with the national trust???


This is the link to what I was reading...


Southern Cross Gliding Club, Sydney



Guest JRMobile
Start spreading the rumour that a high security correctional facility is being planned for the area. that will take the pressure of the airport.

Such cynical wit take years to attain - 006_laugh.gif.0f7b82c13a0ec29502c5fb56c616f069.gif006_laugh.gif.d4257c62d3c07cda468378b239946970.gif006_laugh.gif.0f7b82c13a0ec29502c5fb56c616f069.gif 10/10



Start spreading the rumour that a high security correctional facility is being planned for the area. that will take the pressure of the airport.

Or a muslim high school even...



It could be worth writing to Pat Farmer. Better still, invite him to the airport, show him the small businesses, show him the people being brought to Camden to learn to fly or to have joy flights - bringing money to the town.

You can also remind Pat that the dead heads making the complaints chose (all on their own) to buy a house near the airport or under the approach path.


Typical of the "I'm not responsible for my own decisions" mentality.


Moderated for language - Ian




Airport Threat.


People buy it cheap(er) then want to get rid of the reason that it was cheap in the first place. The airport was there first. That should be the end of the matter. Maybe their kids will get a job there. they'll probably have plenty, as they may not know what causes them.


Ballarat airport has been heritage listed and gives a bit of assurance that it will be there for the long haul. Could be the way to go. Nev




A post on Pprune had a good tip.


Source the oldest aerial photo of the airport and surrounding area you can.


Invite the people making the complaints to the airport to air their concerns.


then ask them to point out where their house is 011_clap.gif.c796ec930025ef6b94efb6b089d30b16.gif



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