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Legal or Not.


I would not be drawing attention to myself by doing much flying directly over prisons as you will no doubt draw attention to yourself. Nev




Hey Nev.


Not even close to it. That photo is misleading. The prison is at the valley entrance to the pass to Kilcoy. You get a little close to it occasionally if another aircraft is coming the other direction but still well outside of the restricted area.






They are probably used to it then. You fly straight over Barwon Prison , when you are going to Avalon airshow too. Nev




Yeah. You don't fly straight over top of this one. Just near it. Never see anyone in the yards though.




Nice pictures Shags. Just a hint though (every one take notice) always upload from last to first in a series. That way, they come out in the right order when viewed. This also applies to attachments. If there is a way to over come this 'problem', I'd like to know it.




The short answer is 'Yes' in Queensland ... HOWEVER,


This is normally for establishments and usually close ups like of entry to doors, personel, vehicles ect.


A shot up at about 2000 feet may not be in the spirit of the legislation considering this may be accessed by Google maps.


I cant find the legistlation however it would be under the prisons act or something.


You definately cannot photograph a military base either - period. I remember when I was in the Army a contracted air survey crew telephoned staying they were taking shots for one of the mapping companies and we moved all of the armoured vehicles under the covered hangers.


My 2cents however I am not a lawyer .... god forbid!




That's what I thought Phildo.


BTW, how does that work with airshows etc at Amberley. Do they just pass a one day allowance for this or not just enforce the rule? Interesting topic though. I should have finished my law degree.




Good question on airshows.


Basically there is always an 'operation order' which outlines that intel officers are to be on the look out over zealous persons photographing 'unusual' items like the main switchboard ect.


I was told by a security police officer that you can do a lot of damage with a single blow with a hammer in the right place on a certain aircraft .... hence they are guarded operationally by airfield defence guards (as are the Pilots who are escorted to the planes). These are strategic assets vital to the nations security and not show ponies - but the defence needs public awareness and hence the airshows.


Obviously the Defence are between a rock and a hard place with security during the airshows.


Having a little to do with the last Amberley show I can tell you there is a lot of planning involved years out before the day. I personally have done a stack of displays of warships, armoured vehicles and other hardware and the Australian public are very respectfull not to probe to much. You just have to desensitise your display and yet make it interesting to public for their support and understanding.


Besides ... who doesnt love an air show right?!!


May common sense prevail.


I believe you can find the exact legislation under a search of the Defence Force Displine Act for photographing bases. Basically - dont do it under normal circumstances and you wont get imbrassed by the Police (military or civil) who may start asking you questions. 025_blush.gif.9304aaf8465a2b6ab5171f41c5565775.gif


However I dont think mum and dad snapping a shot of the gates at Kapooka where little Johnie is doing his basic are gunna get picked up by ASIS (for the time being!!!!!)




I work in the Correctional system keeping these Mutts alive. Dont hate me for that, I need to earn a dollar to feed my family. Helicopters are more of a concern like the one that helped a Mutt escape from Silverwater Gaol a few years ago. I worked in a country Gaol and the boss use to get a little edgy when a low flyer came over but realistically anyone who wants to be involved in dropping contraband into these Mutts wouldnt have the brains to learn to fly.


Scotty 114_ban_me_please.gif.0d7635a5d304fa7bdaef6367a02d1a75.gif



Guest Cloudsuck



Sketching etc. of fortifications prohibited


(1) If:


(a) a person makes a sketch, drawing, photograph, picture or painting of any defence installation in Australia or of any part of one; and


(b) the person has no lawful authority to do so;




© the person is guilty of an offence; and


(d) all sketches, drawings, photographs, pictures, and paintings, and all tools and all materials or apparatus for sketching, drawing, photographing or painting found in his or her possession are forfeited and may be destroyed, sold, or otherwise disposed of, as the Governor‑General directs.


(1A) The maximum penalty for an offence under subsection (1) is a fine of $200, imprisonment for 6 months, or both.


(2) If:


(a) a person enters or approaches any defence installation with sketching, drawing, photographing, or painting materials or apparatus in his or her possession; and


(b) the person has no lawful authority for that conduct; and


© the person intends to contravene subsection (1);




(d) the person is guilty of an offence; and


(e) all tools and all materials or apparatus for sketching, drawing, photographing or painting found in his or her possession are forfeited and may be destroyed, sold, or otherwise disposed of, as the Governor‑General directs.


(2A) The maximum penalty for an offence under subsection (2) is a fine of $100.


(3) A person is guilty of an offence if the person trespasses on:


(a) a defence installation, or on any land reserved for or forming part of one (whether or not any erection, fort, fortification, or work of any kind is on the land); or


(b) a building or land reserved or set apart for or used in connection with the administration, accommodation, or training of any part of the Defence Force; or


© an aircraft.


Penalty: $40.


(4) Any member of the Defence Force, member or special member of the Australian Federal Police or member of the Police Force of a State, may, without warrant, arrest any person who he has reasonable ground to believe has committed an offence against this section, and take him before a Court of summary jurisdiction to be dealt with according to law.


(5) In this section:


"defence installation" means any fort, battery, fieldwork, fortification, aircraft, air force establishment or aircraft material or any naval, military or air force work of defence.



Guest ozzie

What a joke fines of 40, 100, 200 bucks and 6mths in the pokey.


But let your RAAus rego or certificate lapse and it's how much and 2 years.



Guest Cloudsuck
What a joke fines of 40, 100, 200 bucks and 6mths in the pokey.But let your RAAus rego or certificate lapse and it's how much and 2 years.

Yep and there is no way in hell any Queensland Magistrate or Judge is going to slot anyone in prison for this.




As Donkey said about West Sale I fly close to the Fulham prison on my downwind so I hope they dont complain as the areodrome has been there since WW2 and the prison 10 years to 15 so they can move :-).


On the lighter side though as i fly near it I am always saying I would rather be up here than wishing I was down there.





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