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As listed in the Events calendar - Childers Qld is having an Entertaining Breakfast Sunday 16th MAY (not March as in my earlier post) 2010. Breakfast, bush poets, music and more $10 a head.


See Events for details on times, RSVP & contacts for the Isis Flying Club Inc (who recently had their hangars broken into - see Theft from Childers). Last I heard the breakfast & entertainment would be held in hangars, although they have a good al fresco BBQ area in bushland. Bike tracks, old pony club, cricket grounds etc adjoin the airstrip, short trip to town. Good grass strip, plenty of parking, toilets, seating etc. Promoted as a family day.




We will be there, plan on making the long trek from Bundy!!!!



As listed in the Events calendar - Childers Qld is having an Entertaining Breakfast Sunday 16th March 2010. Breakfast, bush poets, music and more $10 a head.See Events for details on times, RSVP & contacts for the Isis Flying Club Inc (who recently had their hangars broken into - see Theft from Childers). Last I heard the breakfast & entertainment would be held in hangars, although they have a good al fresco BBQ area in bushland. Bike tracks, old pony club, cricket grounds etc adjoin the airstrip, short trip to town. Good grass strip, plenty of parking, toilets, seating etc. Promoted as a family day.

You have it stated here and in the events calandar as 16 March which is a Tuesday & today.


I assume that you mean 16th May and will move it in the events calender, if you tell me to.


Regards Geoff




Hi Geoff,


I know the guys organising this, it is definitely 16th May.







Hi Geoff,I know the guys organising this, it is definitely 16th May.





Thanks Mick. I will now change it in the Events Calendar. Regards Geoff




Thanks - it is May - I have changed the original post. This is what night shift does to you. We can't get there as I have Scout training and the Springsure Show starts the week after (I'm Treasurer - getting prizes, trophies, sponsors, together) and husband is working. Good little Club who are trying hard to make a go of it in the face of rising costs - their lease with Council is up for renewal soon and it looks like Public Liability insurance may have to rise substantially. They also maintain the strip & surrounds and clean the toilets etc. A top job.


All the best for Sunday 16th May from 7:30am.





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