Tomo Posted April 6, 2010 Posted April 6, 2010 The report and some pictures How it started: “Hey Mum, do you want to be my first real long x-country passenger?” “Yes”, she said. “Well, how about a four day camping trip at Temora?” The answer came in a few days, and it was a yes! Sweet! The planning: I asked around on the best way to go about heading down south, and got all similar responses. So I dragged out the WAC charts and joined them up on the table, so that it all made sense. And there they sat for a week or so, every time I walked past I’d have another little look! Until it was time to draw the line.... literally as well! I was wanting to do a bit of a scenery tour down around the Armidale area, but the prevailing weather reports made me think otherwise, and so I finally settled on tracking inland and away from the hills where cloud can congregate. Cecil Plains (home), Goondiwindi, Moree, Narromine, Temora was the settled on track. And a line was drawn between each place on the WAC chart. Now that the decision part was established, it was time to mark the track on all the relevant charts, VNC/VTC/ERC etc, and check for airspace area’s etc... Mark all the airfields along the track in the ERSA for easy finding, and check out the fuel up places for the relevant information - availability etc. Also established any other airfields within the area of the flight down incase of a diversion for some reason. Got all the headings written down on the flight plan, and added any other relevant information - area frequencies, weather areas, current airfield conditions etc. Understood the procedures needed once we got to Temora, and the possibility of a very busy airspace that generally comes with a large flyin. So I went over it a few times to make sure I had it all written down and easy to follow, so as not to be confusing to myself once we arrived over head. Once I had finished all the planning, folded the maps in a descending order, and did my weight and balance calculations and wrote them down. I was ready to find my way there and back. Now what to take in the way of living? Well two sleeping bags, two self inflating mattresses, and two tents...... was a good start, plus the tool bag, tie downs, two liters of water, cameras, pillows, and the essential maps etc, epirb, first aid kit, and some small LED lights for under the wing.... it all came to about 18kg, plus two small bags of clothes bumped it up to about 25kg. That was about it I think. Plus a few things to munch on! The trip: First thing Thursday morning I got up and decoded the weather, and got the latest Notams. Then quickly worked out the winds, and wrote them down on the flight plan. Having packed the aircraft the following night, we had a quick breakfast and headed down to the strip. We had a layer of ground fog over home which made me wonder if we were going to get away, but it cleared out toward the airstrip, amazing! Pre-flighted the Jabiru, and checked it all out again, made sure all the luggage was right, fuel was full, said the good bye’s to the rest of the family, bundled in and got comfortable for the first leg of the trip. We got airborne and turned heading for Goondiwindi, arriving over head not long after, we then turned for Moree... touching down about 95 minutes after our departure. Topped up with fuel at Moree, and had a brief chat to the other pilots doing the same thing, we were all heading to the same destination! Got off the ground again and tracked straight for Narromine, got up reasonably high to keep a nice glide distance over the scrub incase she quits. Fortunately we didn’t have to make use of that, and a couple of hrs later was making our inbound call to Narromine. Joined circuit behind another Jab doing touch and goes. We taxied up to the fuel bowser again, (I like fuel in the tank!). Topped up and parked the aircraft on the grass, met up with some others from around my area and we all got a lift into town, him wanting mogas, and us wanting something for lunch! Though due to only one taxi in the whole of town that day, we had to wait a substantial amount of time at the petrol station before we could get back to the airfield, but never the less, we did eventually. Upon arriving back at the airfield, we caught up with another mate (Neil) and his Jabiru 120 (same type we’re in), so we departed together en-route for Temora. Started monitoring Temora’s ctaf frequency about 40nm away, getting an idea of what was happening, nothing much by the sound of it, just the odd aircraft. Anyway soon we were making our 10nm inbound call, to be greeted by the Temora Unicom was pretty nice, advising of the designated runway and current activities was great. Overflew and joined circuit, landed long and backtracked the grass taxiway to taxiway C for our underwing camping position. Parked alongside the other Jabiru 120. (Neil) First thing we did was get out the rags, water and scrub all the locusts (or what was left of them) off the aircraft, they were thick!!! Tied down, and set up camp. Once that was under control we went to check the place out, and met up with a few others I knew. (forumites!) And that is pretty much how the awesome weekend started. It was non stop meeting up with people, going to seminars, and looking at a trillion different styles of aircraft!! Friday was about the same... people, seminars and aeroplanes! Went for a early morning Saturday flight with Neil, (Jab 120 mate, camping neighbour). Him in his Jab, and us in ours, that was terrific, enjoying the morning air and having fun. We arrived back in the Temora circuit area to be greeted with a billion inbound aircraft and about as many in and around circuit area, (so it felt anyway!) Managed to join circuit, being number five behind the cessna, it all went very smoothly and we all landed in one piece. Taxied back to our camp and tied down, then off for some breakfast. Had a brilliant day meeting up with more people, and also took a mate for a fly in the afternoon. (Peter - "Powerin") Sunday morning was greeted with nearly the whole place wanting to depart at the same time, just rows of aircraft everywhere lining up for take off, I stationed myself at the end of the runway and took departing pictures, until I thought it time for something to eat. Having said good bye to Neil, I wanted to head off and help out with building the Wallaby kit, or see the progress anyway, so off we went. Arrived and heard something about keys locked in a car holding up the process. Mmm, I done a bit of that before, so I made myself known and found out the problem, car keys locked in a BMW boot! Oh dear, not an ideal car to get into without keys! I went to the car and had a look. Yep, pretty hard to get into mechanically, you have to do it electrically. Fortunately I had a mate (Ahlocks btw) who is a lock smith and he might just know about this thing. So I give him a ring, and yep, a bit of advice later, I soon had the car unlocked. They then got the required bit out of the boot for the aircraft, and then I joined in with the building process. Helping out where I could. I then ducked off for a bit taking a couple of other people for a quick local flight around the area, got back and fueled up at the aero club. Went back to help out with the Wallaby, only to find it almost done, we got the fuel, and the cameras out and fired it up for it’s first time ever. “Another aircraft is born”, someone said. How true, and in only four days! That night had dinner with some of the RA-Aus crew for a music night, and wind down after a very successful last few days. Was great meeting up with everyone there also. Monday morning we quickly packed up camp, and pilled it in the aircraft carefully, pre-flighted and was soon starting up, said our good byes to Temora, and away we went, heading due North this time, back the same way we came down due to weather once again up in the hills. Was a under cloud run pretty much all the way home, having reasonably low cloud most of the way, lifting a bit once we got to Moree, had to dodge a shower near Moree also, Refueled in Moree and departed for home, time seemed to fly and I was soon putting the map down for the familiar territory of our area was appearing. Over flew home to raise the family, and touched down at our strip, this time. Overview: We had a fantastic time, Temora was a huge success, everything was just great, the people were friendly and very helpful. I definitely hope to get back and visit you all again sometime. Thanks The Jabiru 120 performed flawlessly, was very comfortable, and we fitted quite well, both of us being reasonably light (as in weight) people made it perfect. Averaged about 13.8ltrs per hr for fuel, with a TAS of 100kts, all up did 16.7 hrs. Thanks to all who participated in making this weekend such a great one! Enjoy. Description of photo's below - 1,2 En-route 3 Our camp 4 Neil’s camp 5,6 Taxi way Charlie - one bit of it anyway! 7 The Rat’s nest 10 Wallaby building shed 11 Rotec Radials 12,13 Destiny Flyer 14 Gary Morgan’s Cougar and Sierra 15 CAB Wasp, that’s an ultralight! 16 Temora first thing saturday 17,18 Neil’s J120 19 The Rat’s Jabiru 22 The fantastic work of the Unicom guys, this is their tower. 24 Thought it cool that Airservices had Slarti’s Cheetah as a backing photo. 25,26 Dick Smith’s talk 27 The “Merlin” powered by a 350 Chev, sounded awesome! 28 Dick Smith’s Caravan Piloted by himself 29 Nice Rotec engine 30 ‘Sirius’ aircraft - nice looking machine 40 Motz’s transport 41 Silhouette of Slarti departing 42-47 David Lowy’s Jet 48,49 Building the Wallaby 50 None other but Ahlocks 51 Official exit of hanger 53-54 Sunday night de-brief with the RA-Aus crew, great fun! 56 Packed ready for departure monday morning 57 In style 62 Arriving back in Narromine 63 Some cool looking clouds 64,65 Had to dodge/go around this shower coming into Moree 67 I see Home!!! 68 Taxing to the house
Captain Posted April 6, 2010 Posted April 6, 2010 Great Shots Tomo, Thanks for posting them, and it was very nice to meet you and your Mum. Can I have a copy of that one of the Sock-Jock .....and of the Rat's Nest? Regards Geoff
slartibartfast Posted April 6, 2010 Posted April 6, 2010 Great shots Tomo. Philthy's shot of my plane was on an Airservices slideshow?
GraemeK Posted April 6, 2010 Posted April 6, 2010 Some terrific shots there Tomo! Just gotta make it there next year!
Ultralights Posted April 6, 2010 Posted April 6, 2010 great shots! send some into Airservices australia and get them on the cover of the ERSA! it was also great to meet you and your mum, cant wait to catch up again
Tomo Posted April 6, 2010 Author Posted April 6, 2010 Thanks guys :thumb_up::thumb_up: I did just write up and detailed report of all the photo's and our trip, but I hit the wrong button and its now history, or worse still it isn't.... it's... err nothing. Anyway I'll get to it tonight hopefully and try again. Mr Rat: Yes I can do that, PM your email and I'll send good quality ones. Slarti: Yes, took that cause I thought you'd be interested in seeing your aircraft as a backing picture on airservices slides. Mind you I've got another 230 photo's but that would be a lot to upload :big_grin: ;) Thanks again, stay tuned!
Relfy Posted April 6, 2010 Posted April 6, 2010 Excellent work Tomo and great shots. :thumb_up::thumb_up::thumb_up:
Texan4618 Posted April 7, 2010 Posted April 7, 2010 Tomo`s tripto Natfly 2010 - Temora Hi Tomo Nice Pics and thanks for the help with the Wallaby. Also Very nice work on the BMW Boot. Boyd
Ballpoint 246niner Posted April 7, 2010 Posted April 7, 2010 Hey Tomo, still coming down from the w'end- great photo's like this don't make it easy. Thanks for sharing, mine are ordinary compared to this. Got into the trike yesterday and then took the better half for a sunset ride in the jab - can't stop sorry.
bluey the fly Posted April 7, 2010 Posted April 7, 2010 Fantastic photos Tomo, I've been waiting to see them after seeing you snapping away all weekend. Great to meet you and your mum, hope we catch up again some time.:thumb_up:
Tomo Posted April 7, 2010 Author Posted April 7, 2010 Quote Hi TomoNice Pics and thanks for the help with the Wallaby. Also Very nice work on the BMW Boot. Boyd Thanks Boyd, no worries at all, I enjoyed every second of it. Regarding the BMW, well it was just fortunate I new someone who new about it! I'm glad it worked and got you all going again. :thumb_up:
Tomo Posted April 7, 2010 Author Posted April 7, 2010 Quote Seriously, some brilliant compositions! :thumb_up: Thanks Don, muchly appreciated! :thumb_up:
Tomo Posted April 7, 2010 Author Posted April 7, 2010 Quote Hey Tomo, still coming down from the w'end- great photo's like this don't make it easy. Thanks for sharing, mine are ordinary compared to this. Got into the trike yesterday and then took the better half for a sunset ride in the jab - can't stop sorry. Sounds great mate! The strip is all cleared for that trip! Anytime you want to make a weekend of it, you are welcome, bring the better half as well if you like. :thumb_up:
Tomo Posted April 7, 2010 Author Posted April 7, 2010 Everyone else, thanks a lot :thumb_up::thumb_up: It was fantastic to meet you all, made it all the more interesting, really wouldn't have been half as fun without you all. Thanks, look forward to another time to do it again.
Guest Maj Millard Posted April 7, 2010 Posted April 7, 2010 Great shots Tomo, looks like a lovely trip back. I'm off to Shute Harbour sparrowXXXX in the morning, will see you in a couple of weeks in the Lightwing, if all the squares fall into place in the meantime............................................................................................Maj..
skybum Posted April 8, 2010 Posted April 8, 2010 Tomo, some top shots in that album...What rig are you running? Some of those aerial shots have the richness of a real low ASA setting. Excellent colour. Great composition and, of course, brilliant subject:thumb_up: Makes you want to be there.
Tomo Posted April 8, 2010 Author Posted April 8, 2010 Quote Tomo, some top shots in that album...What rig are you running? Thanks skybum. The rig I'm using is only a DSC-H5 Sony camera, with a 58mm UV filter, it helps with the glare and what not. I'm pretty happy with it, though indoors it's pretty sad, as you can see in a few of the pic's. My brother has GF1 Panasonic 4/3rds DSLR... I want one of them sometime!! Ps. Relfy, it's coming..............................
Tomo Posted April 10, 2010 Author Posted April 10, 2010 Got the report done finally... :big_grin: sorry about the length, I get a bit carried away......
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