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Guest RaMpAgE

I am waiting for my student licence, avid and medical to be finalised from CASA so I can further my training.


I posted them out 3 weeks ago, they debited my credit card accordingly a couple days later.:Disappointed:


In my book if you pay for a service the deed is done but I ring them today to see how it is all going and get a nice young lass on the phone who explains to me it will be between 2 to 6 weeks before I could see any progress.


Give us a call at the end of the month she says. FFS. I wasn't annoyed with her just the service itself.


I need to take the next steps in my progress of flying.


What a great way to be introduced to the governing body of aviation and I bet it won't be the last experience either.thumb_down


Vent over.




Oh dear... I'm in the process of processing a SPL through with 'em too! they better not take that long! 036_faint.gif.544c913aae3989c0f13fd9d3b82e4e2c.gif


RAAus - I got mine within the week.




Don't despair Rampage, they will get it processed in time, surely you can keep training and logging the hours while you wait for it, I thought you just needed it before you go solo. The thing that takes up the time is usually the ASIC/AVID from what I'm told. Mine took about 2 weeks, I already had an ASIC.


Try and stay positive people.....




im not 100% positive on this, but once you have proof of them billing you for the AVID/ASIC and your licence, your free to continue training and access aiports till the official paperwork arrives.


2-6 weeks! thats pretty good for casa, took them 18 Months for me!




Mate, what stage are you at in your training?


You only need the SPL to formalise your status as an aviation student. The medical is a legal requirement before you go solo, and the ASIC allows you access to the secure areas of aerodromes/airports that you may fly to in the course of your flying adventures. If you're only up to pre-solo, then it'll be a while yet before you actually need the kit from CASA.


Don't worry about it - my application took 6 weeks to receive back. The main hold up is the ASIC background security checks. No reason to hold back on your practicing and lessons in my view.





Guest RaMpAgE

Yep waiting to go solo! I don't think billing receipts count though.


Don't just want to keep handing dollars over for hours doing more circuits.




From this page on the CASA website:


If you operate an aircraft in Australian Territory and you need to hold a licence issued by CASA you must have a current AVID or ASIC or must have applied for an aviation security status check.

You can either apply to CASA for an AVID or ASIC or alternatively you can apply for an ASIC through any other ASIC issuing authority.

Based on that you can proceed once you have your SPL and medical. However, I doubt whether there is any regulatory support for them saying that an application for an ASIC/AVID is enough in itself (I wouldn't ask anyone though - just refer to the website). On the other hand, you need the ASIC in your hot little hand for airport access where needed - proof of application won't get you very far there otherwise every terrorist would simply keep applying for an ASIC to gain entry.

RaMpAgE, I suggest that you give them a call and ask about progress on your SPL and medical - I've always found them quite helpful - they won't know you are waiting unless you tell them.


While on that subject, I heard recently that ASICs will soon be required for airside access at Moorabbin.



Guest RaMpAgE

Geez I hope they don't hold onto my SPL and medical while the AVID is in progress. I guess I could ask them if that could be on its way then.



Guest basscheffers

Tomo: do you need an SPL? My CFI tells me if I want to do my PPL (Have RA cert+PAX+XC now) I won't need one.



Tomo: do you need an SPL? My CFI tells me if I want to do my PPL (Have RA cert+PAX+XC now) I won't need one.

That's news! thanks, will ring and find out.


Maybe it is that you can't go solo.... no, don't you have to do a GFPT thingo.... arr should just ring hey!




I have RA Cert. Plus nearly all the endorsements and I still had to get a SPL just to be able to sit the GFPT flight test, perhaps I was misinformed.


Tomo I am interested to hear what they say!!



Guest basscheffers

No GFPT either. As far as I know, even if you start off GA, there is no requirement to do the GFPT test; you can go straight into navs. GFPT just allows you to take PAX to the training area.



Tomo: do you need an SPL?

The short answer is yes you definitely need one!


Just talking to him now, and he said you can't do much without one. The only thing you can bypass is the PPL if going CPL.



Guest basscheffers

Who is "him"? (again: answers seem to depend much on who you speak to...)



Guest basscheffers

I just emailed Mick and Lee (ops@raa) to see if they know anything. Up to CASA for sure, but they may know CASA's official position...




The info should all be on CASA's website - try the Licensing Manual here. Section 3.5 is a good place to start - student licences, including the credits for experience on RAA aircraft.


Section 2.5 has a summary of the regulations and their meaning which is a good place to start looking for any rule.


Yes, you can skip GFPT on the way to a PPL. Either way you are a student with a student licence. You need a licence (at least a student licence) from CASA to fly a VH registered aeroplane solo. You can skip PPL on the way to a CPL - I know some-one who did it recently.



Guest basscheffers
You need a licence (at least a student licence) from CASA to fly a VH registered aeroplane solo.

Is there a requirement to fly the aircraft solo when converting RA to PPL? Unless there is a requirement, I don't see the need to do that.




Getting to the limit of my direct knowledge here - just referring to the PPL application form - a student licence is not required so if you can tick all the boxes there and are ready to do the test then you should be right to go.



Guest basscheffers

One thing I learned about CASA is that no single document ever holds the entire truth. :(


The above is certainly true for people starting from scratch working towards a PPL. However, CASA does an awful lot of exemptions. So there might well be another document somewhere that explains there is an exemption that allows solo flight in a VH registered aircraft without SPL for an RA-Aus pilot certificate holder. Who knows?


In any case, looking at the documentation, I see the need nor requirement for an RA to PPL conversion to include any solo time in a GA registered aircraft. In fact, the flight time rquirements for PPL specifically states that the time may be achieved in an ultralight. (of a type that may also be registered VH) So do a few hours with an instructor to get used to the aircraft and two hours under the hood and you can take the flight test with an ATO. No need to solo.




your dead right there bass haha


i was just having a look at the CAR's and there is no mention of an SPL written in there that I can see that is needed before you go solo.


im working through to my ppl cyber exam very soon and readin the CAR's is doing my head in.


I know exemptions have meaning but why not rewrite the regs and orders now without all the confusing exemptions haha.


but what are they going to do nothing haha.




whats really unfortunate is someone who is just starting out and then gets them thrown on them I could easily see a few people not even bothering.


me I was 35 hours in and committed when I got them thrown in my lap.


but slowly they will sink in.




Ok, I decided I wouldn't even bother finding out/arguing the matter, if I need an SPL or not. At least I'm now in the GA system......


And I can do solo flying if I feel the need....


It's only $50 - which is next to nothing in this day and age.



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