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Hi All,


Having just moved from the tropics I am finding that the jacket and jeans that done me for winter are not going to cut it down here. Any suggestions on a flight suit that won't break the budget?




Not too sure about pricing but you could take a look at the Ski Doo suits that skiers wear - probably a bit pricey but.




Hi Blue,


Hepworth freezer suits are the only way to go. When I bought my trike it came with flying suits, they where useless, the Hepworths are much better and easier to get on and off.


We also have one of these (for my wife:thumb_up:)


Regards Bill




Not quite answwering the question, but if you think Warwick is cold you should try Vic LOL



Guest Crezzi

I'm afraid I don't rate freezer suits - IMO they are too bulky & designed for somebody doing physical labour in a cold room not sitting more or less stationary in a 50/60/70kt airflow.


I'd suggest spending a bit extra & buying quality thermal flying suit. I've just replaced my last one after over 1000 hours use (sadly the zips finally started letting go).


Just my 2c










I used Jacket and Jeans most of last winter.


and looked at lots of options, and a good jacket can cost more than one of these.


I now use one of these and they seem great.


Easy and quick to get on and off - . Comfy to wear.


come in different weights for different temps - designed for trikers


I went for a middle weight one as I can always add thermal layers under if required


Flight Suits






I'm not sure what constitutes "breaking the budget" for you, but with the $AU being what it is, the Ozee suits are relatively cheap, if you buy them from the manufacturer. I recently bought 2 of them and bar mitts and it cost me around $600 dollars. I priced them from a local supplier, but they were too dear at around $500.00 each. These suits are rated very highly by people who bought them (including me) and they are relatively cheap compared to the alternatives. I flew with a freezer suit for the first few weeks of my training and although it was warm, it was bulky. Also, freezer suits have little in the way of equipment pockets or pockets for charts etc. The Ozee suits have a leg pocket with a clear top for a map.


I would rate the Ozee suits:score 010:



Not quite answwering the question, but if you think Warwick is cold you should try Vic LOL

Not a bad point. i might just try the first winter with thermal underwear and see how I go. Having just bought a house I have discovered the true meaning of "budget".




I would rate the Ozee suits :score 010:as well.


Safe flying






Well it appears that living near the ski fields has some advantages after all. MY! suit came from one of the local op shops. A very untrendy older style , certanly NOT to be scene on the slopes but it keeps me warm and only $20 ..



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