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  1. I don't believe it was RAA reg or am I wrong
  2. I have been asked to delete this thread BUT the thread contains important discussion that could help ALL pilots so IT WILL NOT BE DELETED. Some posts have been removed and others edited so there is no finger pointing, no stating of anything as being factual to the cause of the accident. Factual information as to the cause of the accident will be released in due course after a formal investigation takes place I and I am sure every single other pilot on this site is in grief for the pilot's family and friends but if we can not discuss things openly with consideration to the family and friends then accidents will keep happening and more pilots will die. There are site rules in reference to discussing accidents HERE and as long as we follow them then this site is a learning resource FOR EVERY PILOT!!!
  3. Please take any arguments off line
  4. If it is listed in the black Friday sale it is in stock, I have 5 of them in stock and also don't forget the shoulder speaker and mic or the radio earpiece and microphone fit them also
  5. I am happy announce that Clear Prop is having a HUGE Black Friday Sale with over 120 products heavily discounted. Clear Prop prices are normally heavily discounted but now they are discounted even more like: Airfcraft Pilots PNR Headset down to only $149.95 25% off Aviation scanner radio down to only $49.95 that's a whopping 50% off Aircraft Maintenance Log book down to around $12.50 Captains Flight Bag on wheels reduced from $190 down to $125...that's 34% OFF Aircraft Pilots Kneeboard is discounted down from $39.95 to only $22.95 (the Flyboys one is over $75) WOW what a saving Lots of products that are only $1 and hundreds off key panel instruments AND AND more products are added every day until Monday Dec 2nd BUT ONLY WHILST STOCK LASTS !!!
  6. Thanks mate, greatly appreciated and I am sure the users of the site will support you
  7. @Rapture you snuck this one through and ignored the site rules although the site rules say absolutely NO advertising/promotion of your own products in this site without prior approval. This is because of the high costs of running this resource for everyone so I get a bit upset if I am paying a lot of money out of my pocket each month whilst others make money for themselves from it. I think the decent thing to do is to make a donation towards the costs, don't you?
  8. until

    Fixed the date
  9. Hi all, I have commenced work on bringing some big changes to the site so NOW is your opportunity to have your say on what you would like to see happen with the site. Planned changes are: 1. The Off Topic site Social Australia will merge with this site. There will be some off topic forums appear in the forum list and the What's New section will have - Whats New ALL - What's New (as it is now) - What's New Off Topic 2. The Aircraft Type forums will become separate Groups in the Groups section of the site 3. The Clear Prop shop will become integrated on the site with you being registered and logged in to both the forums and the shop so the Clear Prop name will go 4. The site domain will change from Recreational Flying .com to Aircraft Pilots .com @Ahmed is currently working on the shop integration and I am working on the rest. Have your say now and anything else you may like to see happen...thanks for supporting this great resource for all
  10. What I do is: Length 46.5" extended, 26" collapsed. Wt. 3.75 lbs. Able to attach to 5/8" lug nuts on nose strut.
  11. Hi @Blueadventures were you able to get those measurements for me?
  12. Also @Blueadventures remember if possible, photos speak a thousand words unless you are @red750 who may photoshop some of his joke photos...hehe 🤣
  13. That will be fantastic mate, thanks so much. I need every possible measurement including the tubing thickness, the maximum the arms can spring out and can go in etc...anything you can think of to allow a fabricator to make them. Aussie made for Aussie Aviators...and cheaper than the US...YAY
  14. Thanks @BrendAn the problem now is to find someone who has one so I can get all the measurements.
  15. Hi all and especially those that may have a workshop that can weld up some steel tubing to make a Cessna Towbar, in fact I need 25 of them for a price. Here is an example of one although something similar would suit: For Aircraft :: Aircraft Accessories :: Towbar - Cessna Deluxe WWW.CLEARPROP.COM.AU TOWBAR - CESSNA DELUXEThe deluxe Cessna towbar is very popular and designed for those who demand the ultimate in convenience and... I need them asap and perhaps I could even buy more if these work out ok Thanks if you can help
  16. I am running both the Recreational Flying (.com) site and Social Australia (.com.au) for off topic conversations. The users at Social Australia just use the forums and nothing else so my take is that we only need forums for off topic. The Social Australia site being a none subject specific site unlike what Recreational Flying is, is continually bombarded with general spam threads and posts from users all around the world plus even new users here in Australia that join the Social Australia site just to promote their own business. The software per site costs $150 USD per 6 months, that's around $500 a year in AUD, or nearly $10 Australian a week to have the Off Topic site in just software costs. Hosting costs are basically fixed due to the Recreational Flying site, whilst costing a lot more in software costs, I still have to have the hosting costs of around $3,000 a year whether there is 1 site or 10. So, what do I do...I am no longer working, have no income other than the pension which is the reason I am throwing all this out there for suggestions. I could merge the Social Australia Off Topic site with this Recreational Flying site and have a separate section for Off Topic, including a separate What's New area for new Off Topic threads and posts but there is a risk that some pollution of off topic content landing in the Recreational Flying content. Some degree of edits would need to be made to the menu system here perhaps making the What's New menu area a bit confusing etc. Or could I just move the Off Topic site to Facebook, or even move both sites to Facebook and save thousands of $'s or even sell the whole lot...Yes, sorry to ask that but after some 22 years has the time finally come OR...? I am sure there are many different options so what options do YOU think there are...thanks for your help
  17. It wasn't until he moved near to an airfield in the UK over a decade ago that mechanical engineer Ashok Aliseril Thamarakshan began to seriously consider learning to fly a plane. He got his first taste of flying a few years later, when his wife Abhilasha bought him a 30-minute flight experience for his birthday. Aliseril, who is based in Essex, England, booked in some flying lessons at a local airfield and flew to the Isle of Wight, an island off the English south coast, during his first session. Aliseril got his private pilot's license in 2019 . (Ashok Thamarakshan via CNN) "That was quite an eye-opener into how (flying) gives you the freedom to just go places if you have that ability, and access to an aircraft," he tells CNN Travel. "So that really got me hooked." Aliseril got his private pilot's license in 2019 and soon began hiring planes for short flights. Amateur build But as his family grew – he and Abhilasha now have two daughters – the two-seater planes typically available for private hire became even less suitable, and he began to mull over the idea of buying his own plane. Aliseril briefly considered buying an older aircraft, and looked at some that had been built in the 1960s and 1970s. However, he says he felt uneasy about the prospect of flying his family in an older aircraft that he wasn't familiar with, and didn't think it would be a "comfortable journey." Aliseril began to look into the possibility of building a plane himself, reasoning that this would allow him to gain a better understanding of the aircraft so that it would be easier to maintain in the long term. After researching self-assembly aircraft kits, he came across a four-seater plane manufactured by South African company Sling Aircraft that ticked all the right boxes. In January 2020, Aliseril flew to the Sling Aircraft factory facility in Johannesburg for the weekend in order to take the Sling TSi aircraft on a test flight and was so impressed that he decided to purchase it. "This was pre-Covid, where travel was still very easy at the time," he explains. "I ordered the first kit when I got back. And by the time it arrived, the UK was in full lockdown." Aliseril says his colleagues, some of whom had experience with building aircraft, initially offered to help with the build. But the restrictions brought about by the Covid-19 pandemic, which had spread across the world by this point, meant that this wasn't possible. He enlisted his daughters to help. (Supplied/Ashok Thamarakshan) Undeterred, he constructed a small shed in his back garden and planned out the different stages of the project, which would be monitored by the Light Aircraft Association, a UK representative body that oversees the construction and maintenance of home-built aircraft, under an approval from the UK Civil Aviation Authority (CAA). The rules for amateur built aircraft differ slightly from country to country. In the US, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has an experimental airworthiness category where special airworthiness certificates can be issued to kit-built aircraft. Amateur-built airplanes in the UK are investigated by the CAA, who will issue a "Permit to Fly" once satisfied that the aircraft is fit to fly. Although the start of the build was delayed slightly due to the Covid-19 restrictions in place in the UK at the time – the Light Aircraft Association inspector assigned to the project was required to visit his working space beforehand – Aliseril was able to begin in April 2020. While he notes that his engineering background helped in some ways, he believes that it was actually his home improvement experience that proved most useful while constructing the aircraft, which has a length of 7.175 meters and a height of 2.45 meters. "These aircraft kits are designed for any amateur to build, provided you're a bit hands-on and you've got experience working with some specialist tools," he adds, describing the detailed "Ikea furniture type instructions" with drawings that came with the kit. "I would say generally, anyone can get involved in these sorts of builds." Aliseril completed the work himself, drafting in Abhilasha to assist with some of the sections that required more than one pair of hands. Their eldest daughter Tara, now nine, was on hand for tasks such as removing the plastic from each of the components. By the end of summer 2020, Aliseril had built the tail and the wings. He began constructing the fuselage section in October, when the next part of the kit arrived. Although he'd initially planned to hire a workshop to construct the aircraft, Aliseril feels that creating a workspace at his home was the better choice. He constructed a small shed in his back garden and planned out the different stages of the project. (Supplied/Ashok Thamarakshan) "I could just step into the shed and work on it," he says. "So having everything just in the back garden really helped, even though space was tight." Each stage of the project had to be signed off by an inspector before he could move onto the next task – the Light Aircraft Association completed around 12 inspections in total. Once the majority of the components were constructed, and it was time to put the aircraft together, Aliseril moved everything from his home to a hangar near Cambridge for the final assembly and engine fit. The aircraft passed its final inspection a few months later. It was one of the first Sling TSi homebuilt aircraft constructed in the UK. G-Diya, named after his youngest daughter, was signed off for its first flight in January 2022. Aliseril recalls waiting on the ground anxiously as a test pilot took the plane he'd spent 18 months building up into the air. "He took it up for about 20 minutes, and then he came back," he says. "It was a big relief. I couldn't lift my head up to see what was happening (during the test flight)." That first flight was hugely significant in many ways. "With these build projects, everyone calls it a project until it's first flown," he explains. "Once it's flown, it's always called an aircraft. You never call it a project anymore. That's psychologically a big step." When it was time to fly the aircraft for the first time himself, Aliseril was accompanied by another experienced test pilot. While he admits to being decidedly cautious, the test pilot was "throwing the aircraft about as if it was a racing car." G-Diya has a range of 1,389 kilometres. (Supplied/Ashok Thamarakshan) "I was feeling very nervous, I didn't want to put any extra stress on it," Aliseril explains. "But (the test pilot) was really pushing it to the limits. And it was good to experience that. I know that (the aircraft) can handle this much. "Once I landed, (the test pilot) clapped his hands and said 'Congratulations, you've just landed the plane you built.' That was a great feeling." G-Diya, which has a range of 1,389 kilometres, went through a number of further test flights before it was issued with a permit to fly in May 2022. The following weekend, Aliseril flew with his wife and daughters Diya and Tara, five, to the Isle of Wight, where they took a short taxi ride from the airfield to the beach. "The kids were really happy," he says. "So that sort of freedom. And the fact that we could just do that on a Saturday and still be back by 4 p.m. That was a great feeling." They continued taking trips together within the UK, flying to Skegness, a seaside town in eastern England and the village of Turweston in Buckinghamshire, before Aliseril felt comfortable enough to take them a little further afield. Last Easter, the family, who've been documenting their trips on their Instagram account, fly_home_or_away, travelled to Bergerac, France, which Aliseril describes as their "most memorable" trip together. According to Aliseril, G-Diya has flown over 300 hours in the past two years, travelling as far as Norway. The family have been documenting their trips on their Instagram account. (Ashok Thamarakshan via CNN) Family trips For Aliseril, one of the main benefits of the plane, aside from the freedom it provides him and his family, is the friendships he's formed with other pilots. He was always mindful that owning an aircraft could become a financial burden, but has been able to get round this by working out an arrangement to share it with three others. "To get your private license, it costs quite a bit," he adds, before noting that many of those who've taken on similar projects are either retired, or are people "who have the time and financial status" to fund the process. "I kind of knew that from the beginning, and thought I'd take that risk and try to do it myself," he says. "I knew that once it was done, I would easily be able to find people to share that cost. And it's worked out quite well (for me)." "It becomes a communal thing," he says. "You always have somebody to fly with if your family is not available. Also, having other pilots who are friends – you learn from each other."
  18. Kevan Brown was on board a small seaplane, enjoying the majestic sights of New Zealand’s north island far below, when somewhere over Lake Taupo, the pilot effectively said: “Here, you have a go”. “I’ve always been interested in planes,” he says. “My dad works for NASA and Boeing, so I’ve seen a lot of the behind-the-scenes stuff over there.” But there and then, 12-years-old and joystick in hand, he was well and truly hooked. And it explains why passers-by of his Taylor home over the past few months may have spotted parts of aircraft carefully laid out across the front lawn. Now 25, he’s gearing up to become an ultralight aircraft manufacturer. “Pretty much as soon as I got back from New Zealand, I thought: ‘I’m going to do this. I’m going to get into flight training’,” Kevan says. By 17, he was flying solo using a rented two-seat plane from the Goulburn Flight Training Centre. But this was expensive, and if he were to accrue the 2000 hours of experience he’d need to get his dream job as an aircraft pilot with Qantas, he’d have to buy his own. “I was paying somewhere around $250 an hour,” he says. The ultralight aircraft in carefully laid-out pieces on the front lawn in Taylor. Photo: Kevan Brown. The project didn’t exactly get off to a good start. “We came across this good deal over in Parkes, about a three-hour drive west, and decided to go ahead with it,” he says. “We went over to pick it up, but didn’t realise it had a wing span of 5.5 metres on either side, so we had to dissemble it first. The drive home was a disaster. We had to stop a few times to re-rig it and make sure everything was okay.” The ultralight aircraft was designed by a now defunct company, American Aerolights, but another company has since bought the rights to reproduce it as a “no-licence kit” in the US. Loading the plane onto a trailer was the first challenge. Photo: Kevan Brown. “So you buy the kit, and it’d come with instructions on how to build it and how to fly it,” Kevan explains. “The perfect plane for a personal builder.” Well, sort of. It’s still taken him and a mate four days a week over 11 months to get it working, or a combined total of 500 hours. “For the first seven months, it was in my garage in Taylor – I moved everything out and it was literally the plane taking up the whole space.” About two months ago, it was put on a truck again and taken to Goulburn Airport for the certification and testing processes. This includes getting it just off the ground along the runway to see how the controls respond. On Thursday (18 July), he took it up for its first circuit. “It started quick, and I’m getting more confident with the engine,” he says. “I’m keen to take on a big flight.” He estimates the plane costs him about $45 an hour – a big reduction from the $250 he was paying for the rented plane – but his initial ambition to become an airline pilot has waned in favour of becoming an ultralight aircraft manufacturer. The plane took up most of Kevan’s garage. Photo: Kevan Brown. He’s particularly interested in the potential of electric and hydrogen power. “I did want to be an airline pilot, but I don’t think I want to pursue that now because I’ve found a lot of joy in the small ultralights,” he says. It’s a fairly open industry, and Australian legislation allows for people like Kevan to “build my own design straight out of the garage and legally fly it as long as it’s been tested and certified”. “And I think it should stay like that, because that allows people to be innovative and come up with new ways of doing flight.” And it’s up and away. Photo: Kevan Brown. Small aircraft powered by batteries or hydrogen fuel cells are certainly up and coming. For instance, Sydney Seaplanes, the carrier set to be taking off from Lake Burley Griffin in the coming months, also has a stake in Dovetail Electric Aviation, and expects the first test flights of small battery planes early next year. Kevan’s plans focus on the ultralight category. “Ultralight aircraft are perfect for training purposes, but we don’t really have any new versions,” he says. “So I’m interested in bringing this type of aircraft back with hydrogen or electric power.” It seems Gungahlin may have just witnessed the origin story of a future Australian entrepreneur.
  19. Aircraft Pilots 2 Place Portable Intercom Stock has arrived and are now available at Clear Prop of this great little portable intercom and what better headsets to use with these are the Aircraft Pilots ANR-1 or the PNR-1 also in stock Introducing the Aircraft Pilots 2-Place Portable Intercom, your essential companion for seamless communication in the skies. Designed with precision and reliability in mind, this intercom system revolutionises in-flight communication for both pilots and passengers alike. Equipped with a remote Push To Talk feature, pilots can effortlessly control transmissions while maintaining focus on flight operations. Whether coordinating manoeuvres or relaying crucial information, this hands-free capability ensures clarity and efficiency throughout the journey. Tailor your audio experience with the integrated volume control, allowing for personalised sound levels to suit individual preferences. From subtle background chatter to clear, amplified transmissions, this adjustable feature guarantees optimal comfort and communication clarity. Experience enhanced clarity with the squelch control functionality, effectively filtering out unwanted noise interference for crystal-clear transmissions. Whether soaring through clear skies or navigating challenging conditions, rest assured that every message is conveyed with utmost precision. Compatible with General Aviation headset and microphone plugs, this intercom system seamlessly integrates with existing equipment for hassle-free set-up and operation. With universal compatibility, pilots can rely on consistent performance across various aircraft platforms. Powered by a 9-volt battery or capable of being hard-wired into an aircraft, this versatile intercom system offers flexibility and convenience to suit your needs. Whether embarking on a short-haul flight or a cross-country expedition, count on the Aircraft Pilots 2-Place Portable Intercom to deliver unparalleled communication capabilities throughout your journey. Avionics :: Intercoms :: Aircraft Pilots 2 Place Portable Intercom WWW.CLEARPROP.COM.AU Aircraft Pilots 2 Place Portable Intercom Introducing the Aircraft Pilots 2-Place Portable Intercom your essential companion for seamless...
  20. The Aircraft Pilots versatile Kneeboard has arrived and in stock The Aircraft Pilots Reversible Kneeboard is an essential tool for pilots, offering both versatility and durability for use in various environments. With 3 pen/pencil holders, a secured side pocket, a center pocket for an E6B and seven eyelets for securing clear sleeves that provides ample space for checklists, in-flight guides, and other necessary documents. Its 5 x 8" clipboard is particularly handy for securing standard folded maps, approach plates, or even an iPad MINI, making it adaptable to different pilot needs and preferences. Overall, the Aircraft Pilots Kneeboard is a reliable and practical accessory for any pilot's cockpit. Reversible: Wear on either the left or right leg Pen/Pencil holder: Velcro attached to place at any angle and can be swapped with the secured pocket which is also Velcro attached Clear Sleeves: Included are 5 clear sleeves and 3 rings. More sleeves and rings are available as an option FREE: Comes with a FREE Aircraft Pilots Key Ring DON'T PAY OVER $65 ELSEWHERE FOR SOMETHING SIMILAR AND THEY DON'T EVEN COME WITH INCLUDED SLEEVES...OURS DO Get yours today at: For Pilots :: Kneeboards :: Aircraft Pilots Kneeboard - Clear Prop WWW.CLEARPROP.COM.AU Aircraft Pilots Kneeboard The Aircraft Pilots Reversible Kneeboard is an essential tool for pilots offering both versatility and durability for use...
  21. Introducing the epitome of sophistication and functionality: the Aircraft Pilots Keyring. Crafted with meticulous attention to detail, this keyring is more than a mere accessory; it's a statement of refined taste and impeccable style. Designed with the discerning pilot in mind, the Aircraft Pilots keyring exudes a timeless elegance that seamlessly complements any ensemble, from casual to formal. Its sleek design is enhanced by the gleaming metallic and leather finish, exuding an aura of luxury and exclusivity. But beauty is not the only virtue of the keyring. Engineered for durability and reliability, it ensures your keys are always secure and easily accessible. Whether you're navigating the skies or exploring the urban jungle, rest assured that your keys are in safe hands with the Aircraft Pilots Keyring. Versatility is another hallmark of the product. Its universal design allows it to accommodate keys of all shapes and sizes, while its compact dimensions make it effortlessly portable, fitting snugly in your pocket or bag. Completing this elegant design is a bottle opener and spring loaded belt clip. Indulge in the allure of aviation elegance with the Aircraft Pilots Keyring. Elevate your everyday carry and make a statement wherever you go. It's not just a keyring; it's a testament to your impeccable taste and unwavering commitment to quality. The Aircraft Pilots Keyring will be included for free with every Aircraft Pilots Headset when they arrive (soon) or Aircraft Pilots Pilot Bag (in stock) OR Get yours today at the introductory price of 20% off at $7.95 Aircraft Pilots - Clear Prop WWW.CLEARPROP.COM.AU Aircraft Pilots Introducing Aircraft Pilots your premier destination for high-quality pilot and aircraft supplies crafted with precision and...
  22. Finally, I have just received delivery of new stock of the Recreational Flying 250 headsets and Portable Intercoms with Push To Talk. I will be putting them into the Clear Prop Shop as soon as I can check that the quality the headsets are known for is still up to scratch so keep an eye out in Clear Prop for them to be marked as available at: These headsets are slightly better than David Clark H10.13 at a fraction of the price. They even have gold plated plugs, 2db better passive noise reduction than DCs and they are so comfortable that even Charter Pilots use them all day.
  23. WOW, 104 views and not one comment, is this site, this resource still working and helping aviators or has it had its day and it is time to move on to say Facebook? I wonder how many users are still flying?
  24. Hi All, I am looking at adding a new feature to the site that enables you to enter the trips you go on. I would need to adapt an addon that is made for the ecording a Hiking, Cycling, Skiing etc to one for Flying trips and I was wondering whether you think it would be a good addition to the site? Now, one thing is that this site has so many great features for you all to add things to and not just discussion forums yet most of you don't add content into them like Movies, Books, Articles, Calendar Events, Gallery, Videos, Blogs, Groups etc. These are all here for you to add anything that you may find on your internet travels and can share to all other site users...this is your site so is there any reason why you don't contribute in all areas? Here is the description of the Trip/Route Feature for you to work out if you think it would be a great feature and would be used: Empower your community members with the ability to submit (by uploading a GPX file), explore, and engage with routes like never before. The Routes application seamlessly integrates with your site platform, enhancing user experience and fostering a vibrant community around outdoor activities, travel, and exploration. Route Submission: Users can effortlessly submit routes directly through the application. They can provide detailed descriptions, upload GPX files, share captivating images and videos, and specify route-specific information such as distance, activity type, difficulty level, weather conditions, surface type, and elevation. This comprehensive data ensures that every route submission is rich in information, guiding fellow adventurers accurately. Interactive Map Display: Harnessing the power of OpenStreetMap, our application provides an intuitive and interactive map interface. Users can visualise routes seamlessly, plan their adventures with precision, and explore routes submitted by others within the community. Community Engagement: Foster community interaction and collaboration through route commenting and reviews. Users can share their experiences, offer tips and recommendations, and engage in discussions related to specific routes. This social aspect enriches the community experience, encouraging camaraderie and knowledge-sharing among members. Robust Filtering and Search: With a vast repository of routes at their disposal, users can easily discover routes tailored to their preferences. Our application offers robust filtering and search functionalities, enabling users to narrow down their options based on criteria such as activity type, difficulty level, location, and more. Whether they're seeking a leisurely hike or a challenging cycling route, finding the perfect adventure has never been easier. Responsive Design: Our application boasts a responsive design, ensuring seamless accessibility across devices of all sizes. Whether users are accessing the platform from their desktops, tablets, or smartphones, they can enjoy a consistent and optimised experience, enhancing usability and convenience. GPX files: Users have the convenience of downloading GPX files for any submitted route, enabling them to seamlessly transfer routes to their own devices, such as GPS devices, smartphones, or fitness trackers, for offline navigation and exploration. Ability to link to the same route on the Strava platform. This feature ensures flexibility and accessibility, empowering users to take their adventures beyond the digital realm and into the great outdoors easily. So what do you think??????
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