I wouldn't call the arrow a high performance wing, it was a fix for the SST and trims at 60 knots. Your high performance wings are 80 knots plus. I once heard Russel say that the arrow had the potential for 90 knots but the 80 horse engine just isn't enough so they have it hanging at just 60 knots. Another bloke I respect is Larry Mednick and he thinks the Arrow is the best wing airborne have ever done, a good all rounder. I've flown 5 different wings from a wizard 3 to a Quik R, each time I graduated I thought it was easier to fly. Scariest Wing for me was the slowest, the wizard was all over the shop in anything but the calmest of conditions, each time I graduated it got easier, the faster wings are less volatile, have better penetration in rough conditions and generally easier and more pleasurable to fly. I'm glad that I started out and got my grounding in the wiz as I reckon if if you can fly that you can fly anything.