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About GregMilloy1

  • Birthday 07/05/1957


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  1. Thanks for your suggestion.
  2. Thanks!
  3. All right guys - after spending about 200 hours on my computer in the last couple of days ( is that even possible?) researching what is available out there and what they sell for, I think I am looking pretty closely at a Kolb Twinstar or MarkIII. Pretty similar; the MarkIII comes stock with some bigger motor options. The MarkIII Extra has a little larger cabin, motor, upgraded instrument panel, and is a little heavier. But they go for quite a bit more. So I'm thinking the Twinstar or MarkIII. All comments, questions, criticisms, suggestions, complaints, etc. are equally welcomed but perhaps not warmly received.
  4. I like the Kitfox - but they seem a bit pricy for my wallet. Maybe down the road. I do really like the bush plane look. And I know some have foldable wings, but I don't think all of them do.
  5. Looks like a possibility - but do the wings fold? Gotta have that.
  6. Thanks for the suggestions.
  7. Ok - thanks!
  8. Thanks!
  9. Thanks, I'll check them out.
  10. Hey guys - Thanx for the great welcome response! I think I'm going to have fun here. I don't know if I am writing in the right place, but if not I'll figure it out. More seriously, the things that are important to me: #1: Light plane. I don't have a pilot license yet. I might do that, but it looks like I can get something that would suit my needs just fine that fall under the less restrictive licensing requirements. Ultralight, sport pilot, experimental airplane, ect. I am not crystal clear on all of the fine details between the different catagories, but I am in the process of trying to learn. If someone has a suggestion on where to go to get crystal clear, it would be appreciated. #2: Trailerable. I don't want to have to rent space at the local airport every month to park it. Also way more exposure to the elements that translates to more maintenance time & cost and general deterioration. I think the folding/removable wings just has to follow in order to get it into/onto a trailer. #3: Hard body/wings. I have tried to have an open mind so far looking at all possibilities of aircraft that might address my desire to fly. Even investigated things like paramotors and the like. But when I look at the price of various equipment/aircraft it seems to me that I can get something made with more rigid/robust materials (metal, fiberglass, etc.) for not too much more money. These stronger materials would again also translate to less maintenance/replace/repair costs in the long run. Safer too, I believe. I would consider something like a fabric wing if I have to, but if I am patient enough to find the right thing I don't think I have to. #4: Short takeoff/landing. Ideally I would like something that I can takeoff/land more places than the airport. The bush planes that can takeoff and land in just a few feet are awesome! I would love to have one of those. I do a lot of adventuring offroad on my motorcycle to some pretty remote places. That is the kind of flying I would also like to do - just follow the wind to some cool spots and be able to land someplace that looks interesting. Also less airport fees if I can takeoff more places. #5: Less than $100 dollars. (Just kidding!) At this point I think I can get something that will suit me well for $20,000 give or take $5000. Obviously not new aircraft. But unless I am being totally delusional, I see some decent stuff out there in that price range. Again, I am new to this so maybe someone needs to set me straight on what reality actually is on this point. But that is kind of the price ballpark I am shooting for. These are the criteria I am looking for right now. I appreciate the suggestions that have been made thus far. Hopefully this post will help nail down more clearly what it is that I want. I am open to any and all suggestions, offers, education, complaints, ridicule, ect. that anyone might want to throw my way. I am looking forward to learning a lot from ya'all. Thanks!
  11. It doesn't necessarily need to get me off the ground - It just needs to make me look cooool sitting in it!
  12. Yea - but who isn't?
  13. Great! But is this the trailer or the plane?
  14. Hello - Let me get right to the point - I am looking for a trailerable light aircraft (ultralight or similar), folding wings, closed cockpit, short takeoff/landing, hard body & wing, 4 stroke motor, possible water landing, for less than $100.00. Am I asking for too much? O.K., I am willing to compromise on a couple of points. Any ideas? (Oh yeah - safe as well. No compromise on this one!)
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