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Country Flyer

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  1. sure...... if you can send me your details Ill return the email with bank info etc seabreeze at outlook.com
  2. David Clark SET NOW SOLD PILOT PA-12.8T Aviation Head Set GA Plugs $100.00 Set never used Price as above plus postage
  3. From NTSB - Not a lot know at this stage https://www.msn.com/en-au/news/australia/appin-plane-crash-press-conference-december-17-2022-illawarra-mercury/vi-AA15Ha53?ocid=winp1taskbar
  4. Good question…. Pilot talks directly to the navigator/autopilot so the planning and more importantly the finer details can be done at home and simply upload at the plane. Also I can do it on an iPad….greater screen size rather then the smaller navigator screen. I Would rather one..most probably pilot due to the ease of sending but Oz has some great features…like next frequency, NAIPS submission and now coded airport metars…as well… yes it adds up especially the Garmin databases but between pilot/Oz it’s an extra $200?????? Per year.
  5. Thanks a pen….. I continued to use both and bought both…. The ease of changes and sending plans and waypoints to the garmin gear is so easy… so it’s worth it. I use Oz as my primary planner and then copy it to pilot. I don’t use pilot for w&b or fuel…. Just steering the plane basically.
  6. Hi…. I’ve been using both…. Pilot works so well and easy with upload and changes on the fly…. Picks up waypoints so I just bit the bullet and do all my planning in OzRunways, submission, height, maps etc and then just duplicate it in pilot10. It probably takes me an extra 5 or 10 mins max… any change in flight I do in pilot but other wise it’s pretty easy and quick. The only thing is that pilot won’t send heights to the g3x… but that’s fine. And also you can’t seem to send the information to a printer…. Another plus for OzRunways. OzRunways has just done an upgrade and it has some great vfr/ information included.. I know you can send files from OzRunways onto a usb and then upload… but really. …toooo much mucking around it means two costs but in the scheme of things it’s only once a year. the link between pilot and Garmin products is seamless…. Simple as click and send the image was from Taree down to Newcastle and back to Maitland along the coast…. Pretty specific on heights and waypoints have to be spot on…. Turned when it had too and I got to have a look at the scenery ….within reason 🙂
  7. Looks to cover electrical up to 100000 volts if needed as well…. Great
  8. Thankyou one track. Makes for an interesting read. I’ll do a ‘bit’ of chatting with a few flight schools and trading units and see what they suggest as well.
  9. I have had a read of the above and thank you…... I’m leaning to a co2 for electrical fires inside the cabin, as the 182 has a full upgrade and of course all electrical… but what about an engine fire after you land, or take off… is there a best of two worlds? Do you need to carry two or will a co2 do the engine fire as well ? I don’t know enough about them to make an informed decision….. but learning 🙂
  10. I would like to install a fire extinguisher into a c182. Looking for suggestions and brands/ models from Australian suppliers ( I assume this is best)… so size and weight is important, CO2 for electrical fire, best location to install….. any other criteria I need to look at ?…. Do you have one on board ? Thanks in anticipation.
  11. Adsb in and out was never a ‘maybe’ when I did the upgrade a year ago. As a low hour pilot and flying into non towered airports with RFDS and knowing where they are plus other aircrafts so equiped is worth every cent…. Sure expensive but if it helps me be safe and others know where I am then yes worth it…. We spend thousands on services, fuel, coffee !! 🙂 so spend some on safety so it may help you get home at night……. It’s helped me a couple of times already….. and less stress…. Sure what you buy today is out of date tomorrow…but you have to start somewhere…… I’m in support 100%
  12. I had to stop in Gunnedah NSW for fuel and found out the visit charge was the most expensive one I have received Vs eg Merimbula NSW (Chalk and Cheese)... so Gunnedah is off my list of stops for fuel. I know in the total scheme of things not a lot to stop. Buy fuel, no fees... good idea. I like the idea of under 1500Kg FOC BUT make it easy for aircrafts to make a donation PAYPAL ? Airports aren't cheap to maintain and look after, so making donations to even free ones would be on my books..... as long as its easy to do and don't have to go looking for the bank account details, paypal names etc etc. MAKE IT EASY FOR people to do :) then drop AVDATA Councils Im sure would be happier with more money in their accounts (As long as people were honest and/or donated ??? )... well thats my 5c worth :) BTW Broken Hill is on my flight list when your RFDS opens back up....
  13. Hi Jack, Stefan DRURY did a review in the last week or so I use the version 5 with cell and been very happy with it... does everything i need it to do (Use it with OzRwy and Garmin Pilot) plus a few other flight apps I use a Telstra SIM (12 months data use) only use 5 GB but gives a great coverage at height. I also use a "active cooling case for an ipad" as well.... worth it especially in summer runs well by battery Latest release vs Last years model...
  14. Hi From Albury.... did 92 hours over the last 12 months... some longer trips to Ballina , Port Maq, Maitland. The weather man slowed things down over the last 8 weeks... rain rain and more rain ... All private.
  15. I do that every week(NSW)... fly circuits and gets the plane out and about... health and safety... my mental health/safety and the safety of the aircraft that its being operated and engine run...
  16. This happened with me a few months ago.... onto the runway, accelerate "Speed is ALIVE?? Nope Dead as a doornail !! ..... I aborted the take off and returned to the hangar... "Wasp Mud" in the pitot. Anyway a few dollars later it was fixed. It seems the pitot had not been removed in a long time so screws had to be drilled and we put in a connection so it can be easily accessed in the future..... I lent the plane to a guy who had just come back from Louth... not sure if he had the cover on.
  17. I was heading your way ... but the weather from down south was being nice... storms nearly all the days leading up to it... Well its on my list for next year
  18. if you have 5 to complete.... (No I’m not part of CASA 🙂 ) We want to understand what communication and surveillance equipment you use when you fly under visual flight rules (VFR) conditions so we know how potential future airspace changes may impact you. If you don’t have any surveillance and communication equipment, we’d still like to hear from you to understand what may be preventing you from installing equipment. This consultation is open to all pilots and aircraft operators who fly VFR, you do not need to have a VH tail to complete the consultation. The survey will take 5-10 minutes to complete. Your feedback will be anonymous and used in accordance with our privacy policy. https://consultation.casa.gov.au/stakeholder-engagement-group/vfr-equipment/
  19. 18 kg lighter all up..... so more 'fuel" it was mainly taking out the old lumes of wiring, HF radio cables, vacuum pumps, and the "Six Pack" plus old radios, autopilot and old servos. we were all amazed how much it saved when they did the final calculations
  20. Thanks for the comments.... yes the insurance has been increased as well.
  21. Your right..... i get told its overcapitalising.. but i did it to enjoy the flying more and for the long term safety side as well... i dont begrudge the final costs... i simply like to drain my sorrows hahahaha. Would i do it again... yes 🙂
  22. Rob Gray Avionics in Wagga, did the upgrade mainly works out of Albury. Fantastic job was meticulous and worried about the finer details. Highly recommend him and his work.
  23. A few shots of the finished product... been great... Ill explain a little more. I love having the ADSB available... they can see me and I can see them... I think the sooner this is compulsory for everyone the better for safety... and I know this will be an emotive topic... but I like knowing when someone is close or heading my way.. Ive found less stree with last minute ATC changes... Its got me out of trouble recently travelling to Port Maquarie...clouds dropping and terrain not moving !! decision do 180 and return to Mudgee.... press and "direct... by the time i had done this i was about to enter cloud... yes on now we shouldnt but at 140 knots it comes up very quick... and no panic...watched the screens and headed back... there has been a couple of times near Wagga and planes have been sneaking up on me, espcially the training ones !! and Melb Centre has seen and announced Flight Following across the mountains has been nice and maybe easier as well.... For a low hour pilot ..me !!! just the safety side has made it worth while..
  24. Tom was the observer..it was vh registered. Pilot was commercial... both great young men.
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