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Everything posted by Tracktop

  1. Never put a drop of fuel in my trike without it going through a my funnel. Avoid the extra large double filter one. I have afew filters and use an extra large for diesel on tractors etc and even though the flow rate is great, it's a bit of a pain to use due to its size and the additional chamber in the bottom. Small or med are a good size for rec aircraft. Only down side is they can be a bit top heavy and flat bottomed rather than tapered so need holding / supporting depending on your filler neck size, location and angle. I have seen other sizes than shown on your quoted site. A friend has the best one I have seen is about 100 mm dia and had the med or large filter in it. Compact for inclusion in ac and allows very quick filling. Good if you are holding a 20ltr drum high in the air. I have used them to recover some pretty badly contaminated fuel at times - water , dirt, rust etc and they do a great job. Mind you the recovered fuel was never used for primary purposes and definitely never went near my aircraft.
  2. Better than a ladder is an aluminium plank. Come in different lengths and don't suffer from the rung point load issues. Still use carpet / foam under the wing though. Ray
  3. Hi Have either of you spoken to Airborne about this in case they aren't aware there is any sort of issue. Only with good feedback can they make sure it doesn't occur in future wings. Especially one I might buy in the future :-)
  4. The overlay concerns me as it varies quite a bit from the air space marked on the chart, very noticeable with the lane though Williamtown Controlled air space. Unlike the Rotax vs Jab discussion this isn't about reliability. All 3 ( and there are others as well) do a similar job and are continually improving ( at time leap frogging one another in features ). Depending on where, how and in what we fly means we have different requirement from a gps / nav program. What suits one best may not be the best option for someone with slightly different priorities. The 3 all have 1 month free trial, including all maps and data so wait until you are due to fly. Load em up and practice each a few days before you fly. REMEMBER if you are testing them in the air, don't try learning how to use them in air as you will have you head down for too long and not be keeping a good lookout. A good method to learn how to drive the software beforehand is to get your friend/ partner etc to drive the car while u play with the iPad.
  5. Likewise David, Didn't realise u were there till Sun, I did Try and put things in place so our paths would cross :) Sorry Just got a bit busy flying :)) No doubt our paths will cross again. Just look for for me in the motor bike wing thingo ;)
  6. Ta hate to think I was missing something. Though not really an issue as OR does fine.
  7. Maybe I am missing something but I cannot find au av maps anywhere in the in app - map store NZ is the closest it gets. Would be nice if I could get maps as I have paid for the app. A friend has au av maps on his but I don't think he can update them anymore. Open to suggestions or correction as map access would be good .
  8. I have Ozrunways , avplan and air nav pro, Air nav pro now lacks au av maps ( it used to have them ) so it falls behind badly I find Ozrunways easy to use though the route planing is a bit raw yet, but I think a new version with improved planning is not far away. Single destination and use as a general map gps is easy as is overall use. It seems to be developing and improving at a fairly fast rate. My choice of the three, especially as an in-air gps
  9. While it is not me but Royal Newcastle Aro club that has and hires the trike Yes it is certainly still available. See the attached PDF on the aircraft and Hire rates page for details http://www.rnac.com.au Ray
  10. Wayne You forgot to mention the Air Tractor displays on both days Well done on a good show promoting all aviation. Why you even had a powered parachute over fly the show on Sunday Ray
  11. I agree with Herb, go with the Airborne combo. If you need to use it in a GA type mates plane you can get an adapter to suit and it works a treat. Early micro air models had a few issues but later ones seem fine. If there are problems they are normally easily and quickly fixed usually at reasonable cost if out of warrantee by returning unit to micro air in Qld.
  12. Hi On an airborne wing there is usually 2 small colour patches at the rear centre top of the wing - red / green on appropriate sides of the centre line.
  13. The Kookaburras have come over too - what a crowd :-)
  14. Hi all new here but lot of familiar names seem to be here. ;) Trike flyer and loving it.
  15. Some mics have 2 pickups , one facing your ,mouth, one for noise cancelling facing forward away from your mouth. make sure they are the correct way round and aligned correctly.
  16. Thanks Ig for the grand canyon smile
  17. Hi We - me being a member :-) at RNAC have a trike that can be wet hired on an hourly basis similar to what you can normally do for a 3 axis machine. I think maybe the first in Oz. May not be exactly what you need but rates are very reasonable - approx $60/hr plus fuel levy. At present it is only available to be flow out of Rutherford ( Maitland / Newcastle area) It is a very low hr edgeX 582 machine with streak 2b wing. You need to be HGFA and a check flight is required.
  18. Solo, unaccompanied and from what I can see, without a lot of base support and a paraplegic as well. I believe it can take him up to an hr to get in or out of his trike. Balls of steel they say after some of his water crossings.
  19. Fly a trike I get a queezy stomach every time I fly in a 3 axis plane. Never had the sensation in a trike, pilot or pax. The motion is totally different. and no I don't just fly in still weather, and I do happily fly middle of the day.
  20. http://www.luskintigers.com.au/ Ray
  21. Was it anything like this? - bit different than your average weather page? http://acweather.blogspot.com/2005/10/south-pacific-hawaiian-and-australian.html Ray
  22. Try Mc Guyver - he CFIś from Somersby.
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