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Everything posted by Tracktop

  1. :musicboohoo: Doesn't look like enough of you have watched this yet so I'll bring it back to the top of the new posts
  2. Unfortunately they don't have a monopoly on stupidity Here is a link to a list of US trike accidents and causes Accidents Important for the quick looker is the comment by the compiler at the bottom "I’ve gone through everyone of these accidents and in every instance but one (the 5/29/09 North Wing accident) the NTSB found the pilot at fault. And even in the North Wing accident I am willing to bet that the pilot either put the wing together incorrectly and/or did a poor preflight, which will make it pilot error too. Some of these accidents had gusty conditions as mitigating circumstances but again, it is the pilot’s job to know the weather." and "• My Safety Advice is don’t be stupid. I am reminded of that old adage, “there are old pilots and bold pilots but no old, bold pilots.” This certainly applies to trikes. We are flying very safe machines provided we fly them within their design parameters and within our skill range. As you bring the pilot and/or aircraft to the edge of their performance capabilities the risks go up. If you are going to “explore the envelop” do it by yourself and not with a passenger. " On another mainly US trike pilot forum there is a list of serious accidents for year 2009 up to August 2009 when posted. There were 12 crashes - that's 1.5 per month! 10 deaths, 6 serious injuries and to quote exert from the compiler "You can see 40% of the accidents were people refusing to take training or some kind of ground loss of trike or going to full power accidents. Surely those accidents are easily avoidable, obviously." the link is below but I think you may need to be a member to fully view trike crash - Forum - Trikepilot Social
  3. Hi John Welcome to the forum - can't help with hanger info Love to hear more of the traveling learning story, rig etc.
  4. Hi Here is an interesting training video Its longish and a bit slow to start but worth watching
  5. How sunlight viewable are these units How easy are they to read in direct sunlight compared with the 495 ? Can all buttons / selections on the screen be done accurately with a finger ?
  6. Sorry Qu Don't like net ones and I do drive trucks
  7. Being a very regular cap wearer - work outdoors wear a cap most of the time - I have dozens. Make sure they are quality comfortable caps or they won't get worn much forget the cheap nylon ones - the inside is as important as the outside Some of us have shiny spots that are sensitive :gerg: Orange is a good colour for stand out, Blue is bad. If I go somewhere that the other half needs to find me I usually wear an orange hat and am usually easy to spot Light, bright seems to be better than dark and the more unusual the colour the better. Just my thought anyway
  8. Hi All Wasn't there ( did meet Flying Dog on his way up though) but a real shame so many couldn't catch up. Maybe in future we should have a standard " Recreational Flying " meeting place for all events - Same time , same landmark, regardless of event. Turn up with your rec flying hat and T shirt on and see who else is there eg at 11.30am (I suggest a 10min window to see if anyone else shows) near the main gate, official tent, southern most hanger, largest plane, coke machine, (by the cheetah. though I think I read it was unfindable at one stage ) Open it to suggestions from the regular attenders. A feature that is most common at all events would be really good. Would that work ? Maybe one of the real regular attenders could have a Rec Flying Flag to put up at 11.30 at the chosen spot for the 10 mins - or just look for someone in a RF hat or Shirt.
  9. Ok took me a while to get to it this place is so busy 10 again Chucky
  10. ;) got me a stump and some mints
  11. Hi You could also try using the "social groups" section That way you can keep the topics as tight as you want and they become easy to find Ian - your thought if this might be suitable?
  12. Or Defy Gravity. Go flying for FUN! ????
  13. "monkey-see-monkey-do" or NOT We love your app Ian - Thanks
  14. Gomer's for me :thumb_up:
  15. I've heard it refered to as lots of things but that's a newie
  16. I think I read somewhere that he has added or was having made another 70lt tank Must be fairly reasonable endurance as he has fitted a comfort pipe - there was discussion there about the dia not being big enough.
  17. :thumb_up: Where are the floats? :big_grin:
  18. :thumb_up::thumb_up::thumb_up:
  19. I think you will find the Airborne manual has a section on tying down to a trailer - XT anyway. If you have rear breaks - watch the break lines don't get involved The tie down points on the airborne trailer design ( Plan on their web site) seem to work very well ( assuming its the same as their factory trailer), with about 3 different locations around each back wheel for choice and one either side and forward of the front wheel from memory. Check if you need to move the trailer lights further to the edges - RTA(NSW) have specs on their web site for building (modifying) small ( <4.5t) trailers with plenty of detail.
  20. OK correct me if I'm wrong ( like that ain't gunna not happen :clown: ) Stall on is harder to do / learn Stall on gives slowest ground contact speed so Less tyre wear Less roll out distance to stop Less effect if surface is rough But also less control in rougher air I do use both but then I'm just a beginner
  21. Hi Its a Quick R Here are a few more links https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e7zjsZNx7Bg" Different video in this one - haven't rechecked but this could be the one that was on telly in the last couple of weeks BBC - Gloucestershire - Solo microlight trip 'down under' London to Sydney Solo by Microlight Martin Bromage (flexwing) on Twitter
  22. Ahhhh is that a full sponsorship offer ?
  23. We had a news item a few days ago but here is some more info Martin has 2 weeks to go before leaving Read about his preps and progress Martin Bromage To Australia by Microlight 2010 :: Main Page
  24. I've been up this morning and rung on 5 different occasions during the morning and it has been deactivated each time.
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