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Everything posted by Tracktop

  1. I guess there are 2 things to consider that are being discussed from what I can see 1 - Willy CTR which needs to be avoided mid week by us (at present ) 2 - R587 which surrounds Willy lower level and has a ctafr ceiling of 4500ft while R587 is deactivated. So the inland lane becomes much wider and has a higher ceiling ( safer and easier and shorter (- you can track back to the coast above Nelsons Bay)) while R587 is deactivated Have I got that right or have I missed something ?
  2. Mazda Why do you need long ones for slow ones?
  3. Always to willing to help Pud :devil: Luv that dry humour but may favourite is definitely "I'll bet there is more than one person besides me who had that very image in mind for you "
  4. Fuel used Weather Signature
  5. If it is active is PPL even allowed ?? edit Maybe I suppose so RPT can still operate
  6. Doesn't that just mean that if the restricted area is activated then it is a no go. But if it is deactivated then transit is possible/ allowable? Mostly it is deactivated. The area is CTAFR at weekends with a 30 min notice ( via radio) to activate ( ie leave now , do not pass GO do not collect $200) So my guess is, that's why you need clearance for the coast route
  7. Yes Ross lines up with my understanding :thumb_up: I haven't got my XC yet so it is just out of reach but my current understanding of training so far is that is doesn't require CTA (PPL) endorsement or transponder. If you had those wouldn't you be able to fly anywhere ( with Tower approval) through the area, and certainly not be required to maintain just 500ft along the coast.
  8. Hi FD PM sent You could also go the coast route around Williamtown but you need to get clearance from Willy when at Newcastle to proceed. Its at 500ft, water side of the coast. Inland lane doesn't require clearance
  9. Hi FD Willy is usually deactivated weekends If you phone 02 40346920 you get a recorded message of current status and weather. Drop in to Maitland for a half ways stop and say hi, let me know your eta if it's on the agenda.
  10. Just change the clock on your computer Pud, don't forget the time zone difference that might fix it :baldy: :lol 8:
  11. Tracktop

    Drifter arm

    Thanks I'll try one there. Xt tank already has level marks that are moulded in, and I have made them black so they are easier to read. I hope the secondary use was just something you had accidentally noticed and now include in you female ( in shorts ) pax brief.
  12. Tracktop

    Drifter arm

    Thought it might have been for a fuel check. Does it work? I have been thinking of mounting one on my trike somewhere I was going to try the control bar but maybe the spat is another useful location. I have fuel burn but that doesn't tell me if I am loosing fuel from a leak ( eg drain check valve) and I would really, really like to see whats in the tank.
  13. Tracktop

    Drifter arm

    Hope that not a bad word Turb
  14. Tracktop

    Drifter arm

    Hi Maj What is the mirror on the spats for?
  15. Hi Kane It's gets pretty addictive once you start so time becomes less of an issue you tend to make time. :big_grin: Airborne Upper Hunter is a pretty good place to start - see schools section here for the and others
  16. There are obviously lots of non ALA that are still used to land on So Ian and others Is there a need or want and is there a possibility without liability problems, of including another type of location in the airfields database for these type of locations ;), maybe "possible emergency EO location" or "Last chance landing location", or "Private strip", or "private flat cleared area" maybe with a phone no.
  17. Thanks for booking the weather break FD, had a nice fly down over Newcastle and the beaches this morning - not quite dawn though. There seemed to be Warnervale, Somersby, Cessnock, even Pelican and Willy traffic flying around but all pretty quite at Maitland ( except me :big_grin: of course)
  18. Happy New Year to all Hope the weather improves greatly here for your morning flight FD else it won't be a very nice flight. I'm hangin out for a fly too.
  19. Nice Job Scott. Looks very flash :thumb_up:
  20. You could try talking to Criso at Airborne Upper Hunter. He operated out of Maitland 7 Days a week - weather permitting. - not far from the Nth end of the F3 Look in the clubs/schools - NSW section on this site for his contact details. He is also a forum member. :thumb_up:
  21. Hi Jon and Welcome. Where will you be flying from? Are you experienced or just starting out. Either way plenty of good people and info here
  22. And it's not even trike related
  23. Come along for the ride as Kyle Franklin explains his entertaining Super Cub comedy act and Ben Wabknoski goes flying. Franklin makes it look easy — but trust us, it's anything but. Watch Now!
  24. Welcome trikepilot Sorry not Mac orientated so cannot help there
  25. Come on Query your usually on the ball more than that "SPECIAL! (our different daily special will return in the new year)" I'm with you on My Links and new posts :thumb_up: Ian Blue bar is worth a try. Was suggesting an all in one haven't read page ( not including forums) but obviously this was an easier implementation and worth a try to gauge comments, use etc
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