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Everything posted by Tracktop

  1. Suggestion Looking around at the menu suggestions got me thinking - yep does happen sometimes. Another site I visit has a recent activity type log, a bit like "New forum posts" but includes other things as well eg video added, blog addition, article added, etc, etc One of these (" New Site Activity " selected on the blue bar menu beside " new forum posts") type pages, that didn't include forum posts as they are already covered, and had a marked as read ( like the forum ) so it only showed what each individual user hadn't looked at would be really nice, and may encourage some of the other great areas to be more used and frequented. In a way a site education tool, it may even mean that some things that have a home elsewhere but end up in the forum get put in the correct spot. :big_grin: Thoughts anyone? :thumb_up: or thumb_down or :hittinghead:
  2. I really like it the way it is. It took you a fair bit of effort to get it to this stage, where most users seem pretty content. Keep it fast and simple to navigate, not pretty ( modern) and slow. More links in the main menu NOT LESS The only ones that are a bit hard ( well more work ) to get to are " Aircraft Type Usergroups" - sub group of your choice Both requiring going to a sub menu, and in the case of specific ac type, scroll down a fair way then picking out of a long list - rather not have to do the scroll down thing at least and " Aviation Laughter " Like others on the bottom of the list - requires a lot of scrolling Both requiring going to a sub menu, and in the case of specific ac type, paging down a fair way then picking out of a long list - rather not have to do the paging down thing at least We are here to 1st to read, gather info and communicate In reflection I guess the "forum" page needs to be split with MORE options from the main Menu IMO anyway
  3. See Mcguiver ( forum member) at Somersby, nice and close to you
  4. Ah you know the easter bunny too
  5. a yoke or joystick, a CONTROL BAR or lines :big_grin:
  6. Knowing whats been done there, I don't know that it would beat the F3, except peak hour maybe.
  7. OK not really answering the question BUT knowledge worth knowing if you are flying in the area. On the newest Newcastle VNC the UL symbol has now gone from Cooranbong area ( if that was the airfield indication). I think the blocks have been there a long time (>> 12 months so that's at least 2 map updates isn't it?) To my knowledge, unless changed very recently, it's not ditches across the runways but rows of 1 to 2 tonne concrete blocks about every 50m up the strips Look on Google earth you can clearly see them. Wouldn't want to run into them - talk about a brick wall! Cannot remember seeing closed crosses at each end but they may be there Local gossip says the blocks were put there to stop the local car hoons from drag racing - fear of being sued after the ineveratible accident. Risk assessment - higher risk of car crash death than plane crash death = trash strip Having said that in an emergency I reckon there could be a wide enough flat dirt area beside the blocks to put down without too much damage, certainly would need to be a real emergency and pick the correct side, and pray. Or look for somewhere nearby that may be more suitable for an emergency landing ;) I believe choppers are still landing at the north end on the tar. Training maybe? Shame to see a black multi strip field in such good condition, in the middle of tigerish country close for the sake of development. Maybe missionaries don't need to learn to fly anymore.
  8. Sounds like a good stir to me :)
  9. OK I hadn't heard it before and did like it so but am told some other versions are looses weight because always being chased by dogs after what is in his pockets or ends in hospital after being mauled by dogs after the meaty bites and yer why censor ice cream ? :)
  10. Thanks Ian We really appreciate your effort. What makes this site great is first the members, then the way the site / posts are managed. Your task is no doubt a difficult and challenging one, so ultimately if the upgrade makes the site easier for you to manage and more secure then we may just have to put up with more changes, if that is the path that suits you best. Sometimes delaying upgrades a number of versions can make the eventual necessary transition an even more complex task for both the implementers and users. May or may not be the case here.
  11. speak for yourself Tige I'm here for both - burn them candles
  12. I'll make sure to keep all those on my "most important" list :big_grin: One advantage of getting a wee bit more senior :gerg:
  13. :thumb_up: :big_grin:
  14. Thanks Len So my air speed reads 4 kts over, my fuel use is 20% under, my altimeter QNH reads 2 high for known ground height, my oil pressure looks reasonable. anything thing else I should know before I venture too far :confused: I'll keep you posted on my fuel use discoveries as I get a better handle on it, until then, I am usually starting with a full tank so plenty of reserve for my current use. :big_grin:
  15. Hi Flight last Sun - 2 hrs ( assume 1.9 in the air - remove taxi/warmup) 3 landings, about 45 min at 4500rpm+ and 65+kts true air speed, one up with full fuel. Fuel used = 13.8lts ( not by weight yet - dash indicated and about replacement quantity guess). Is the BP 98 fuel giving me (us) better economy then those using regular unleaded? and contributing to the good figures I seem to be achieving at present. :confused:
  16. OK Wilkipedia has amoung other descriptions the following - Ultralight aviation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia In Australia, microlight aircraft are defined as one or two seat weight-shift aircraft, with a maximum takeoff weight of 450 kg, as set out by the Civil Aviation Safety Authority. In Australia microlights are also referred to as trikes and are distinguished from three-axis aircraft, of which the smallest are known as ultralights. In Australia, microlight aircraft and their pilots can either be registered with the Hang Gliding Federation of Australia (HGFA)[2] or Recreational Aviation Australia (RA Aus)[3]. In all cases, except for privately built single-place ultralight aeroplanes[4], microlight aircraft or trikes are regulated by the Civil Aviation Regulations. CASA has the following info at Civil Aviation Safety Authority - Light recreational and microlight aircraft Microlights or trikes rely on weight shift rather than the conventional three axis control. This means that there is no tailplane or control surfaces such as ailerons, rudder or elevator so the aircraft is controlled by the pilot shifting the aircraft’s centre of gravity in relation to the wing.
  17. Resolved already and all happy - good :thumb_up: 3 pages in one day - and the days not finished yet But if you still don't understand why trikers got offside with the comments I guess another way to look at it was like calling your Jab / tecnam / cessna etc a glider - exactly the same comparison to trike verses hang glider. Interestingly by definition they are all aircraft / aeroplanes One type ( TRIKE, Jab, tecnam cessna etc) is designed primarily for powered flight the other type ( glider, motor glider, hang glider, powered hang glider) primarily intended for unpowered flight.
  18. Well done - good news Pud By the way Weather on this side of the country was fairly similar.
  19. Kurri Kurri half way between Maitland and Cessnock ( drive time, my guess) and I don't think you have any other landing options. Where exactly do you want to go? and once on the ground how do you intend to continue your journey?
  20. :thumb_up: congratulations
  21. Hi Jim Welcome to the forum Having only recently becoming certified and going through the same frustrations, I believe it is most important Rec flying lesson No1. patience any "Hughie" seems to be determined that you will learn it his way.
  22. While I don't condone it, and understand correct terminology is very important. I Guess on the positive and at least be thankful that their radio calls were clear and precise enough that you could actually hear what was said and thus understand their intent. - better than garble, static or no calls at all. At least he had a radio
  23. Sorry, I possibly wasn't real clear. Yours was the simpler version, which seems fine. I also like the boat rollers as I think they would provide reduced track wear in the travel position My original trailer description was in a different thread - http://www.recreationalflying.com/forum/trikes/54696-popularity-2.html#post136539
  24. Loved the bed time story Terry. similar principle to the one I saw but much simpler in construction. I agree it seems the best option for easy, safe single handed load/unloading. Captive front wheel means the trike isn't going to give any nasty surprises during loading. After all you only have to trip, slip, stumble or sneeze while pushing it up the ramps from the back, by yourself, to create a situation you would rather not have.
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