Hi all
Hi Len, still got to get my XC to venture that far but "its on the list" - and soon :big_grin:. Glad to hear you had activity there too. Maybe coffee at Cessnock first?
Who else had trike activity in there area - promote your sport and let us know where trikes are active. ( if Bill doesn't mind a slight topic deviation. )
Even though we had 8 trikes up today it still doesn't compare with the "good old days stories here of 10 to 14 every Saturday" so I think your original suspicions are still correct, but it seems to me, to be a hell of a lot better now than 10 months ago when I started so maybe the local drive has a big impact.
I have helped on a couple of trike displays at shows and we were certainly quoting prices for new trikes from (roughly - I cannot remember the exact numbers) $30k - $70k so it would seem as Bill said prices haven't jumped that much, just the standard of what you can get if you want to pay has increased dramatically. As you are no doubt aware going from 2 to 4 stroke adds in the region of $12k - $15 to the cost in the blink of an eye, but with that TBO moves from ~500 to 2000hrs, a reliability, power and efficiency increases as well, you get what you pay for I suppose. Gas struts, big wheels, Glass panels, less wires and fancy tubes all add to the cost too. As with any shopping of that type, for some strange reason most people seem to have a preference for the top of the line model :baldy:. End of the day your $30k machine is still available if you choose, my guess is they don't sell too many $30k machines now, if in fact any at all. Unlike the big house or 50" plasma, a better ( more expensive ) trike probably relates to a safer machine, just like air bags, ABS etc in a car and I guess in the air that's pretty important. Function for function they may seem the same but as one example whats the range of your $30k machine? I would suggest 25% of the $65k machine. I would also suggest on a well used machine the life cycle cost of the dearer machine would also work out cheaper overall IMO.