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Everything posted by Tracktop

  1. The AGM and Committee meeting minutes linked in the HGFA link above also make interesting reading.
  2. Hi yes Ross my S300T They look easy - velcro dot on - Might try making up a shade and see how it goes. Weather looks bad for a few days so I'll have to wait to try a shade thumb_down Do have one other little drama at present - when I connect S300 to my PC, the PC tells me that the usb device is corrupt so I cannot load maps easily at present Suggestions?
  3. Thanks for sharing :thumb_up:
  4. Hi all Hi Len, still got to get my XC to venture that far but "its on the list" - and soon :big_grin:. Glad to hear you had activity there too. Maybe coffee at Cessnock first? Who else had trike activity in there area - promote your sport and let us know where trikes are active. ( if Bill doesn't mind a slight topic deviation. ) Even though we had 8 trikes up today it still doesn't compare with the "good old days stories here of 10 to 14 every Saturday" so I think your original suspicions are still correct, but it seems to me, to be a hell of a lot better now than 10 months ago when I started so maybe the local drive has a big impact. I have helped on a couple of trike displays at shows and we were certainly quoting prices for new trikes from (roughly - I cannot remember the exact numbers) $30k - $70k so it would seem as Bill said prices haven't jumped that much, just the standard of what you can get if you want to pay has increased dramatically. As you are no doubt aware going from 2 to 4 stroke adds in the region of $12k - $15 to the cost in the blink of an eye, but with that TBO moves from ~500 to 2000hrs, a reliability, power and efficiency increases as well, you get what you pay for I suppose. Gas struts, big wheels, Glass panels, less wires and fancy tubes all add to the cost too. As with any shopping of that type, for some strange reason most people seem to have a preference for the top of the line model :baldy:. End of the day your $30k machine is still available if you choose, my guess is they don't sell too many $30k machines now, if in fact any at all. Unlike the big house or 50" plasma, a better ( more expensive ) trike probably relates to a safer machine, just like air bags, ABS etc in a car and I guess in the air that's pretty important. Function for function they may seem the same but as one example whats the range of your $30k machine? I would suggest 25% of the $65k machine. I would also suggest on a well used machine the life cycle cost of the dearer machine would also work out cheaper overall IMO.
  5. again almost Nice morning for a fly again this morning at least 8 different trikes in the air around Maitland this morning (Sat) and only 2 were training.
  6. Hi Well I've had a couple of flys with it now and learnt a bit more Firstly the bad First flight was in overcast conditions and screen brightness was good and readable second flight ( today) was fine early morning but as the sun got higher the screen became totally unreadable - bugger just when I was starting to really like it. The time problem isn't resolved, I am wondering if the win settings have been made read only or something , will get to investigate that later. Now the good After changing the position of the gps so it was closer to eyes for viewing, the screen size was works fine. The button size that concerned me has a fix I didn't realise until I started using it. The hole screen is divided into a 3 X 3 matrix of 9 buttons that overlay over the top of what is displayed. One of the buttons changes the transluncy of the buttons so you can see where they are and read their operation. So most of the time you don't seem to meed to use the tiny buttons. If you build your own screens you can make 4 pages of these buttons, thats 36 big button functions to do what you need. Scanning and calibrating your own maps in is an easy function , as is merging a number of scanned images to reform the full map As stated elsewhere flying with the aviation chart on screen is really nice and although it doesn't have air space alarms it's easy to see if you are near violation
  7. Please tell us how it goes and what works best with the winch thanks Scott Thanks Glen the wood sounds like a quick easy fix. I have always used a borrowed trailer so prep effort before loading hasn't usually been more than find something to tie it down with. I can push it up from the back but as you say a fair bit of effort is required and by pushing at the back it stops the nose trying to rise.
  8. Hi The hardest thing I have found with loading a trike on a trailer is keeping the front down and the front wheel straight. very difficult if by your self How do others manage?
  9. Off topics fine - just trying to gather thoughts on a system to suit.
  10. Just checked and mine is still in $ Agree OziExplorer can't do maps to Garmin but I thought I read somewhere it could now do waypoints and routes ? so you could still maybe use it as a planner
  11. Thanks BlackRod we can all sleep well tonight now
  12. But if you read - List price: $1,150.00 Discounted price: $1,049.00 You save: $101.00 (9%) Jay Kay The touch screen / bumps do have me concerned - that's why I have started looking at the Slarti solution with my existing car GPS, at least if I don't like it I have only done a couple of hundred on maps and software. :hittinghead: , No think again probably only $40 as the maps and PC software would still be most useful and I think Oziexplorer can now download to Garmin anyway. $1000 is not too much dearer than a top of the line Garmin, Tom Tom etc system. and the Nuvi is a tried and proven system with probably far more units in service than the 495 Not sure you would really even notice the screen size difference - size cancels resolution? but the screen brightness could be an issue. OK Ian, maybe I need to consider your Geopilot 11PLUS :) too, but I have been a Garmin fan for quite a while and my recent deviation to my hated Navman has me cautious about deviating out of the comfort zone again real soon. Maybe the Geopilot 11 Plus needs a review / comparison ?
  13. Hi all Here is a link showing different screen sizes of a French equivalent to the "Slarti System" Looks like it to me anyway, I can't read french. (but I am told this software is freeware ) Previously I didn't want to risk trashing my, required for business Navman S300T by unlocking it and adding software but I hate it so much I decided it could only improve things, and if I did brick it, I would just have to replace it with another brand . So I also have started the process, even if only to decide if that's what suits me or I go a different track. (XC is getting close ) So far Backed Up Original - get active sync, then easy as Unlocked - easy as Loaded oziexplorer on PC and Navman - straight forward and seamless Ordered Maps - still to come Buy OziE - still to happen ( tomorrow) Drive around in car (truck) to see how it works. - done and seems fine Concerns i_dunno 1 - screen size is a bit small and hard to read for an old fella so how are those using the 7" screens finding theirs ? 2 - really need a stylus to operate ( finger is fine for original operation ) - my finger is just too fat -boy them buttons are little when you are bouncing along. Don't know how I will go in the trike in anything but dead still air, Might have to look at the Ross big button page Is the 7" screen any better? 3 - had a similar time problem to ???? where it kept reverting to the wrong time but that now seem resolved ( don't know how) And the good bits so far 1 - There is a good selection of pages, with good info, easy to read up close and in a still environment 2 - using a stylus seem to make operation much better 3. The GPS seems to find its location much easier than in its original form :confused: doesn't seem to make sense as it gets the same data from the GPS component, but I get a good fix inside with OzE whereas the original system gets no signal / fix at all. So to another question My last PDA died years ago but had other software on it that I think is included with normal ( but not mine) winCE eg text editor, pic viewer, organiser, calculator. etc Do you have these on yours, or are they freely available, best source for other (free) software? running wince 5 - arm processor AND Thanks Ross for a good thread :thumb_up:
  14. Hi Garmin are about to release a new GPS called the Aera range. Garmin intros aera GPS devices for pilots, drivers | CommsXpressRaw 4.3" touch screen, similar spec to the 495 but also is fully road capable out of the box. And looks like it could be much cheaper https://buy.garmin.com/shop/shop.do?cID=156 us site so not suggesting to buy from here but the specs are detailed here Any thought on these - only the 500 & 550 are Aus suitable.
  15. Hi Al While I absolutely hate my Navman S300T (last years model ) It and I assume others have a walk mode that allows you to go anywhere without following roads, so have a look in store for that type of feature. I have tried mine once so far and it gives you a zoomable moving map as you fly over. I didn't try a route but I know if you enter one it asks if you are sure you want to walk there as it is a long way :) You do get speed and direction etc so there may be many model / brand options for your needs. Also Garmin is about to release there Aero range, looks basically like a Nouve ( I think) but is both fully road and air capable, and much cheaper than the 495.
  16. Not so much smoke if you do it in the air :)
  17. Hi I hadn't been following this thread but have just read through it. Flying a trike and not 3 axis means I don't have detailed knowledge or opinions of some of the discussion put forward BUT As stated on the link you click to get to the video ( and as such you accept it for what it is)- MOST IMPORTANT wording - is - Introductory Video NOT a training video to be used in isolation. Give the authors a break IMO They have done a really great job in trying to promote your (my) sport by showing some of the simple complexities required to control / operate a small aircraft in circuit. It Gives the targeted audience - non flyer / new student a confident, clear, detailed easy to follow and watch idea of what is required and some incentive to want to learn how to fly one of these things. This targeted audience hopefully will then go on to, or continue to, receive detailed instruction from their CFI / trainig school in how, and what they should and shouldn't be doing to fly their aircraft of choice. My training has been that regardless of your experience level, before you undergo a new maneuver / technique etc you run it by a CFI or at least someone else with experience. For goodness sake look at it from the purpose it was made and thank the guys for the many simple important basic messages contained. A few examples - Look, make calls, fly precise etc, not to mention the visual description of just what a circuit is. Don't hang on every word, and analyse every frame. GREAT VIDEO for its intended use - WELL DONE
  18. I own my trike so don't need a syndicate ( at present) but maybe - Ian - as a way of improving the site, helping increase our RAA pilot base, making it more affordable / easier for members there is a spot for recording syndicates including forming / advertising / selling shares - could be location based. :DevilDog:
  19. Ahhhh yes funny if only it weren't close to the truth still he is probably doing fine - he is getting 100 per week - and he still has 5 hrs left every day to fly ( remember the nights are for sleeping)
  20. What about joining or forming a syndicate where a few people own and share the cost of an ac. Gives you an ac that you own and can use for extended trips at reduced individual costs I assume there are RAA ac syndicates as I know there are trike and GA syndicates.
  21. Try Airborne as they are an option on a new trike
  22. One or more of the controls! So some other ideas to lock a trike Does that mean that locking the control bar to the down tube would suffice? or one I like less a lockable fuel tap? or maybe something to lock the nose wheel at full lock might be fairly simple and easy to achieve ?
  23. Loved the read, :thumb_up: and nice pics too
  24. :roflmao:10+
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