Thanks Bill, glad you added a comment on trailers, now I don't feel like I am helping hijack your thread :)
If you intend to do a lot of touring, are you enclosing your trailer Scott?
I recently saw an enclosed trailer that had the front wheel tray mounted on a movable track. Tilt the trailer put front wheel on tray that was located at the rear of the trailer, tie front wheel down to tray, not sure but I think there was a winch ( again at the back of the trailer) to then pull the front wheel tray to the front of the trailer with the trike engaged, ( no worry of Trike tipping back or the front wheel not steering straight up the normal center channel.) Lock the moving tray in the forward position with a rod system again operated from the rear of the trailer, , untilt trailer, tie down the rear wheels, throw remaining gear in and close rear doors.
By far the easiest, quickest and best one man trailer loading system I have seen so far. All done without getting in or on the trailer with very little physical effort. It was only a few months ago but was not a new trailer so others may have seen or have a similar system, Sorry I cannot remember who's it was but maybe he is on here and can give more details or pics