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Everything posted by Tracktop

  1. IMO and I have done a lot of towing with a good variety of configurations. Trailer weight is not a bad thing and may even give a better ride for the trike, so long as you have the power to tow it up hills and the vehicle weight to stop it. The bit of extra weight of the enclosure and the extra windage isn't going to make much if at all any difference to economy or towability. Subject to enclosure design and materials and tow vehicle of course. Hasn't kitesurfing only replaced windsurfing ? seems to me about the same density when I look at the waters around here. Paragliding has been around a long time too I talked to one local trike owner a while ago, his trike gets little to no use as he finds with his motor bike his coffee stop choices are far more numerous and accessable, the weather for bike riding is far less critical, the pretrip requirements, planing etc is much quicker and simpler as well and the cost is less. IHO While I like bikes IMO trikes rule :big_grin:
  2. Ar yes they do attract attention an open trailer in a parking lot. After collecting my new trike I made a quick stop to buy a Mr Funnel from a store on the way home. No good having a new trike if the tank isn't full and ready to use :thumb_up:. Came out after my purchase to a small crowd gathered around the trike. Took me more than half an hour of interest questions before I could leave :ilmostro:. Fortunately they weren't the local yobos I suppose.
  3. sorry 8
  4. May have been, I saw it at Maitland where he had his trike to do a check flight or something. I think I was starting a lesson at the time so didn't get a lot of time to chat. If it is the same one it started as non enclosed trailer then he did the enclosing.
  5. almost Nice morning for a fly this morning at least 5 different trikes in the air around Maitland this morning Not to bad for a Tuesday morning me thinks
  6. ...............:big_grin:
  7. Hi Thanks Bill, glad you added a comment on trailers, now I don't feel like I am helping hijack your thread :) If you intend to do a lot of touring, are you enclosing your trailer Scott? I recently saw an enclosed trailer that had the front wheel tray mounted on a movable track. Tilt the trailer put front wheel on tray that was located at the rear of the trailer, tie front wheel down to tray, not sure but I think there was a winch ( again at the back of the trailer) to then pull the front wheel tray to the front of the trailer with the trike engaged, ( no worry of Trike tipping back or the front wheel not steering straight up the normal center channel.) Lock the moving tray in the forward position with a rod system again operated from the rear of the trailer, , untilt trailer, tie down the rear wheels, throw remaining gear in and close rear doors. By far the easiest, quickest and best one man trailer loading system I have seen so far. All done without getting in or on the trailer with very little physical effort. It was only a few months ago but was not a new trailer so others may have seen or have a similar system, Sorry I cannot remember who's it was but maybe he is on here and can give more details or pics
  8. Surely the phone could be most useful if you have the misfortune to require a precautionary / emergency landing close to home. Of cause you would have your PLB if you were further away, but I suppose even then maybe its nicer to use the phone.
  9. Hi Bill I haven't been around ( in triking) that long but I have heard the same good old times boom stories here to. On a nice Saturday here things seem to be on the improve with lots of activity happening. We have (that I know of) at least 6 trikes that fly every week weather willing, and probably another 6 that fly fairly regularly. I think it may depend on the drive the local school has ie how hard they work to get new people into the sport, and how proactive the existing trikers are in promoting their sport. We are fortunate here that Airborne Upper Hunter is working hard to promote the sport. As an example they ( yes I was there helping) had a static trike display at the recent Catalina flying boat festival at Rathmines (X catalina base). We also had Tubby our local Ramphos amphibous trike fly in, water land, then come ashore up the ramp, as well as a number of other trikes do a group fly over during the day. On the ground the public interest of both static and trike fly over was intense and considerable especially considering the large number of other ac fly overs done by sea planes, war birds, 3 axis through out the day. As an aside I recently attended a trailer yacht club 30th anniversary where it was stated that member numbers now are > 50% down on 5 - 10 years ago even though the club is still very active so I guess it's not just trikes.
  10. 10
  11. 9.99 the announcer laughing detracted it a bit
  12. Hi San Welcome There is quite a few farmers here, so you won't be out of place Being a farmer often means you can have your own place to land and store if you go down the track of your own ac :big_grin:
  13. Thanks for congrats XC and pax are very high on the list. Need Pax soon so I can take my other half up. She has had many offers but is waiting for her first flight with me. Watch for me, I'll be there to visit you all soon well those that are closer anyway. More distant ones may have to wait just a little while. First jobs are consolidate my flying skills and improve my spot landings so that I can land at home, and even eventually bring the bird home to roost.:big_grin: Then flying will really be easy as a whim. Not having to find an available slot and prebook to fly is the first and biggest bonus so far.
  14. Come on Rick, we only good and accurate info on this site these numbers didn't work or was it because I looking at the wrong week or lotto?
  15. Hi Well it's taken a while. The weathers been unkind along the way and tried to teach me patience, but I finally got my pilot certificate yesterday:ecstatic:. Great journey so far, loved every single minute of it. Now I guess the learning really begins. Day 1 today, forecast good, no wind, 30% chance of fog till 8am, YES, tried to go for an early fly but all there was was FOG FOG FOG so I guess tomorrow is another day - or maybe this afternoon might even be nice :big_grin::big_grin::big_grin: ( still trying to get the hang of this patience business ) The books didn't tell me 30% chance fog till 8am meant 70% chance of fog extending after 8am. Silly me thinking 70% chance of no fog :hittinghead:
  16. I'm with you Tomo The VIEW VIEW VIEW and the flying challenge :big_grin: and of course the friendships along the way
  17. I don't think passenger or freight / mail carrying other than maybe joy flights really come close to fitting our scene. Photography and shark patrol ( almost a community service ) probably align pretty well though.
  18. I think there are a few problem areas - like don't PPL have to do a couple of hrs instrument, some of the recovery procedures are from outside our ac flight parameters?
  19. and like they say - if it sounds too good to be true then it definitely is
  20. Hi Welcome to the forum good place to collect info You have asked twice and not got an answer yet so at present you need min PPL ( private pilot not RAA ) to operate in CTA. Some microlight ac can fly into CTA with the correct equip ag GOOD radio / transponder. A good way to check for info on any subject is to use the search function. If you put a search in for " controlled airspace " I am sure you will find a number of recent threads on the subject as it has been very topically recently or look at thread http://www.recreationalflying.com/forum/raaus/46932-advice-ceo-regarding-entry-into-controlled-airspace.html Hope this helps
  21. Tracktop


    :thumb_up: but no rating today :big_grin:
  22. checkin 9
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