Yes it does, hence why I wait so long to post. You may also note that mostly my post have been about why you haven't provided any reasonable ( in my logical and continually questioning mind) explanation why it shouldn't be so.
Being new to aviation, there are things that appear to me to exist in aviation for reasons of legacy or pomp so I tend to challenge all things for reasonableness.
Off topic but a sort of example.
Take the weather debate.
I recentlyl attended a CASA safety seminar
At the seminar someone ( I believe an experienced old hand ) asked if " plain English Forcasts were on the agenda?"
The answer was an unequivacial NO WAY
The experienced learned presenters then went about telling the congregation how easy and simple it was to interpret all the abbreviations. Why all you needed was to know a simple 20 abbreviations all listed on - Opens the book - page 125 of the latest VFR guide. Nothing else need be known is that so hard to learn !
Well I thought, I usually use the full abbreviation list in the back ( and I am learning and have a reasonable grasp of the reports) but I thought well 1 page will be easier and maybe even a copy at the computer will help as a quick reference.
Well what a load rubbish we were told - yes I already know almost all the 20, but did it help me understand the forcast - NO WAY- Its the obscure and infrequently used abbreviations that you need most. none of which appear on page 125 as instructed.
Typical we had to learn it, so do you, attitude rather than thinking smarter and providing a sensible explanation - if one really exists, teletypes and morse long fallen from favour.
I guess another point I am trying to make is - not all information provided by the experienced knowledgeable is correct - even when collaborated
Still to be convinced.:hittinghead: