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Everything posted by Tracktop

  1. I guess there are at least 2 sides to every story. HGFA members have been emailed the other side ( current board), which essentially deals with / answers most / all of the issues from the yes group. Looking at both sides stories and endorsments from others it would seem fairly obvious the yes case is primarily about loosing state funding and only beneficial IF you or your group were lucky enough to be receiving more than your fair share ( now removed) of the pot. My understanding is most if not all trikers received none of these funds unless they also were involved in the right HG club / events.
  2. I was at at farm clearance auction recently where there were at least 3 ULP tanks - 2 x 1000lt on stands and one portable one about 600lt with pump hose and nozzle included. Those on stands went for about $400 and the portable ( back of the ute size) went for $600 - $700 if I remember correctly. At the time I was only looking for Diesel tanks of which there were also a number. Check to be sure but I think so long as you have less than 1000lt of any type of fluid on board it is not classed as dangerous goods and OK to transport. Container needs to be approved for use, static issues aside
  3. Lucky 13 with some price dependency
  4. Hi John I assume the resonating is a wavy effect Have you looked at this site under FAQ There is a section on how to get rid of the wavy effect as well as other tips and some good videos Jeff's Flight Log -- All files, media, photos and text Copyright ©2004-2008 jeffsflightlog.com
  5. Hi all You probably already recieved this info but just in case Exert from HGFA enews "The long awaited vote for the SGM motions are in the mail. The SGM motion has been sent to all current financial HGFA members only. Important notice - There was an error that states that the ballot closes on August the 28th. The actual closing date of the ballot is Thursday 17th September - Please pass this important information on. "
  6. Hi All If your going to Agquip next week I will be at the trike display promoting the cause so drop in and say Hi (I'm the grey haired balding bloke) My CFI will be doing TIFs from the show, so if all you have done is 3 axis and want to move up in the world then come have a fly in a trike and experience what real flying is all about :stirring pot: :big_grin:
  7. Hi Bill I read the same thing. With my also limited time and knowledge with HGFA it seems to me that the current board is trying to set things up in a manner that CASA etc needs / requires for us to continue into the future. I must say I couldn't understand what all the fuss has been about until I got the info of the distribution of funds. So it seems it's not really a political issue more a $ issue, and if as suggested an illegal $ distribution at that. As a member of the association I am glad my current board if proactively trying to correct these issues and anomalies and trying to improve the professionalism of my association.:thumb_up:
  8. Hi fpvbill and welcome You will love it, it just keeps getting better and better. Plenty of help here if and when you need it. I guess first tip is to relax ( pretty hard at first ) listen and learn, and enjoy the journey.
  9. Hi Ralph How old is the radio? If its newish try talking to Microair or your supplier. I am led to believe there may have been a problem with one batch of radios that caused similar problems to your description. To my knowledge the TX light stays on sometimes, when radio is first turned on. The TX stays on for a while ( flashes to say its been on extended period) but usually once it goes off it then works fine until the next time ( days - weeks?) it decides to play up. Power cycling doesn't usually stop the problem. unplugging PTT also doesn't make the TX light go out. Duration that the TX stays on unprompted varies between occurrences. I believe the radio is NOT actually transmitting during the faulty period. As it is an intermittent problem, I would guess the fault symptoms could vary between radios.
  10. Only guessing But don't you need a windows ( CE ) machine to run Ozi, and I don't think Garmin machines are windows based.
  11. Thanks all Yes Brett the grin was, and still is pretty big. :big_grin: Hopefully Criso the next learning phase will come easier but be just as enjoyable, thanks heaps :thumb_up: And Querty I haven't been a good pedestrian for a long time ( crook knees) so hopefully I can be a good pilot, certainly been smitten by the bug. Hobbies are about friendships and mutual interests, looking forward to it. thanks Col And Tomo if your still smiling after 3 months then it certainly there to stay ;) now there's another one to join you :big_grin::big_grin:
  12. Hi all Went first solo late this afternoon. Next learning phase begins. They sort of say it for me Ray
  13. From a novice understanding point of view I think it's a bugger. Why ( my limited understanding - correct me if I am wrong) - Maitland sits on the edge of CTA but only weekdays during the day. Other times Mornings, evenings and weekend are CTAFR so that large area is currently available to fly through, land in - not the AP in particular. There are a number of ac that have and use landing options ( paddocks / strips) in this area. Flying through the edges of this area is safer than other routes heading east as it is less populated and has less tigers and more EO options. D. Sm in his wisdom has managed to convince the powers to be that this area should have 24/7 CTA. This is in the process of being implemented, so locking up an important flying area to some at least. I am a trike pilot ( yes my choice). If I had a PPL I could fly my trike into this area ( after meeting the other conditions like transponder.) Any trike flying hours do not count towards PPL unlike rec 3 axis ( according to another thread ) so to get PPL I would have to start from scratch. Again from a novice point - in trying to learn as much as possible in my newly chosen sport, it would seem to me that one very common factor in trike accidents around the world is pilots have previous 3 axis training - often very experienced 3 axis pilots. So if I have to get my PPL does that then greatly compromise my safety in either or both aircraft types. Surely the additional requirements to fly into CTA is primarily theory ie procedures, regs, requirements. - assuming that the rec pilot has good flying skills. To me it seems it's not just flying into the BIG few airports that is the issue. Additional rec lic categories shouldn't effect those who don't want to proceed that way. Just like you don't have to get XC if you don't want. Ray
  14. Hi Worth reading this US trike accident report as it has some simple recommendations that if used may prevent this accident happening again. Titled: Jon Thornburgh's Trike accident Narrative at: Rob Stapleton - Members - Trikepilot Social I would suggest recommendation No 2 is one not often considered or have I missed something in my training?
  15. Ian might have to add a South African site to the other three if this keeps up :clown:
  16. I thought you liked low and slow:juggle:
  17. mmmm pic doesn't open - looks like Ian has a little problem tried opening some others and they react the same. Just have to wait until he gets time to fix it Ray
  18. Tracktop


  19. I think it is only new I had a quick look a couple of days ago but haven't been back yet probably a good spot to push for plain English forecasts ( as well as the current if you must) So lets all make an effort. Ray
  20. Hi Garth Lots of interesting things and people here. Welcome to the forum Ray
  21. Yes it does, hence why I wait so long to post. You may also note that mostly my post have been about why you haven't provided any reasonable ( in my logical and continually questioning mind) explanation why it shouldn't be so. Being new to aviation, there are things that appear to me to exist in aviation for reasons of legacy or pomp so I tend to challenge all things for reasonableness. Off topic but a sort of example. Take the weather debate. I recentlyl attended a CASA safety seminar At the seminar someone ( I believe an experienced old hand ) asked if " plain English Forcasts were on the agenda?" The answer was an unequivacial NO WAY The experienced learned presenters then went about telling the congregation how easy and simple it was to interpret all the abbreviations. Why all you needed was to know a simple 20 abbreviations all listed on - Opens the book - page 125 of the latest VFR guide. Nothing else need be known is that so hard to learn ! Well I thought, I usually use the full abbreviation list in the back ( and I am learning and have a reasonable grasp of the reports) but I thought well 1 page will be easier and maybe even a copy at the computer will help as a quick reference. Well what a load rubbish we were told - yes I already know almost all the 20, but did it help me understand the forcast - NO WAY- Its the obscure and infrequently used abbreviations that you need most. none of which appear on page 125 as instructed. Typical we had to learn it, so do you, attitude rather than thinking smarter and providing a sensible explanation - if one really exists, teletypes and morse long fallen from favour. I guess another point I am trying to make is - not all information provided by the experienced knowledgeable is correct - even when collaborated Still to be convinced.:hittinghead: Ray
  22. Dare I suggest its not the radio being present's fault! maybe they shouldn't play with their knob while taxiing. Then again flying is all about multitasking.
  23. Hi Different kettle of fish - maybe in 10 years :big_grin: Ray
  24. Hi First I would like to thank the experienced for passing on their knowledge in general to us more novice members. Generally your opinions are evaluated and absorbed or consumed with relish, except for this debate. While I don't think it would ever happen as it doesn't fall in line internationally. the debate still rages Sorry but I don't see any NO arguments that make any sense to me at all. Sorry NOT EVEN ONE. All I see is burried in you text is - we want to be free of all rules ( that's never going to happen) or in the past we didn't need it so why do we need it now. I would suggest - my guess only - in the past there were far less aircraft in the air at any one time, the rec ac range was more limited than now, less cheap reliable technology was available the further you move into the past, The rule and restriction makers were much fewer and far less enthusiastic than they are now and will be even more so in the future. The only responses I see that have faulty logic is the "why we should not have" ones. Sorry but just as you fail to understand how we think, so we of you. I and others have certainly tried to understand (without success) your logic and reasons as we work on building our aviation knowledge. Ray
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