Well like many before me, I have watched and listened to this subject for some time so now it is time for my thoughts.
First of all I am very new to aviation, I have only had an interest of any kind for 12 months
( and in reality only 6 months) so I come with no history knowledge and no past baggage.
While I can see where the NO proponents are coming from, and I agree that keeping it as simple and as unregulated as possible is the correct direction within reason.
While I am still to attain my PC I am a member of this site and as such entitled to vote how I feel at the time I vote in the pole as is every member.
Yes I voted yes, have you change my mind no
From a selfish point of view - when I purchased my plane (new) it seemed obvious to me that for safety sake, it should be equipped with the optional radio and not including it was not what I considered an option. For MY radio to be most effective it would be better if every aircraft had a radio on board. Even better if was switched on and on the right frequency. Yep selfish but my safety is important to me and I believe anything I can do to improve that is a bonus.
There have been some pretty weak arguments for the NO vote like put a radio in every car example, even wrong frequency doesn't wash. It will never be perfect but the improvement - especially at such small expense would be benificial. All the other non arguments like why not mandating "IFR, triple redundancy glass cockpit two crew, air bags, emergency slides, EGPWS, TCAS, RVSM, weather radar, cockpit voice recorders, flight data recorders and fixed ELTs" only effects the occupants of that ac NOT ME. I want to be heard when I say something. - selfish me :big_grin:
I notice almost if not all the NO proponents agree they have and use a radio.
Why if it does not provide a significant benefit to you ?
My thoughts are that a radio is like the motor car blinker, yes I was around and driving when they didn't exist. Now every car must have them, they are not always used correctly (like wrong frequency) and sometimes not even used at all (as with radio now) but without them driving on our roads would would be a much more hazardous and difficult task than it already is. You still need to drive ( operate ) defensively in case they are used incorrectly as you would if radios were mandated.
Having said that I don't believe it will ever be mandated as it would need to fall in line internationally.
Then again maybe the RAA / HGFA should lead the way by mandating it in their rules and show how responsible we really are, it might even give us some leverage to bargain / negotiate for some other freedom / exemption that is really more important to us. Especially seeing as if radios seem to be the norm rather than the exception, and this discussion is really about freedom and rights (exemptions) rather than what is best.