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Everything posted by Tracktop

  1. Saw one of the guys at our our field changing one a couple of months ago. I think it was the second time he had replaced it. At the time I think he commented that some people relocated the tank to get away from the problem though he preferred to just keep an eye on it and change it when it first showed signs of cracking. Others here may have more direct experience. Ray
  2. Hi Len Welcome, plenty to interest you here. are you training with Len? Ray
  3. Ah yes watched again, just your editing made it look like your shots were more hand selected. I think a good vid for a bumpy day. Nice corder too, I just bought a cheaper S Def one to start experimenting with.
  4. Recently insured farm and the insurer said if I had a strip (don't yet) then they weren't interested in insuring and it would void my insurance.
  5. Nice vid Ronny - ground is a different colour than the pics - thanks What sort of camera Taken hand held I assume? Ray
  6. I am still learning so my experience is very limited. Ray
  7. Hi all First of all I am only very new to flying and triking. I have never stated any different. I call it how I see it and if I get it wrong I'm sorry. My research also showed me ( and I will stand corrected if I am wrong) that there has never been a fatal crash of an Airborne trike that has been proven attributed to structural failure while the aircraft was being flown within the aircraft flight parameters. While am very new to aviation I did research as best I could before I made my decision to purchase. While the suggestion of trying to fly different brands seem sensible I would suggest that a learner or pilot without a lot of experience ( me included) would have difficulty in decerning the difference. I know I have flown streak 11, streak 111, cruise and wizard wings during my training and while I could notice obvious differences in speed, lift etc the real differencies in handling, stability etc were far beyond my experience level at the time to correctly detect. So unless you are a very experienced detecting differences in flight of different brands is just BS. To reinforce this I have flown an outback 912 and tundra 912, they are essentially identical machines except for the pod, flairing and spats and only 2 weeks difference in age. I much prefer a pod machine as I find the windage with a streak 111 to be uncomfortable, But my friend much prefers the more open feel of the outback. These sort of things a beginner can detect and they are probably model / option specific rather than brand independant anyway. While seating may be another obvious thing even it is probably hard to make a good decision on as I would think low hr pilots are usually more tense than high hr ones so I assume seating comfort may be different as a pilot matures. Along similar lines if looking at a 2nd hand trike I would suggest using a highly experienced independant trike pilot as the experienced ones around me seem to be able to spot the good from the bad trikes (condition wise) very quickly. There seem to be many hidden traps for the unwary. Reminds me of some shonky 2nd hand car dealers of old. Broadening my knowledge is high on my agenda. Yes Chris I have seen the test rig picture before but my guess is that there are many different ways to achieve a similar thing. By the way does my streak wing fail your German test? and does it need to pass it, it certainly passes plenty of other trike relevant standards in Europe and America. Part of my purchase decision making included talking to an old friend who has been involved in the ultralight scene ( not trikes so I saw him as unbiased) for more than the 20 odd years I have known him, including importing and manufacturing ultralight components. His advice to me at the time was " consider local - nearby or Australian - and easy quick access to the manufacturer as a huge benifit in selection. I took that into consideration during my purchase and have not been dissapointed. As to the only spare parts you will ever need are for the engine! Do trikes not have service life on any other components, including wing fabric, heart bolt etc?. When I have had questions about my trike service, operation etc etc Airborne have been close at hand and accommodating The other thing with choice is every aircraft is a compromise in one form or another. You do your research, you select the best fit for your situation, you live (hopefully) with your decision. The discussions will never end - Fords, Holden, Jabs, Airborne and even Tanarg. Ray
  8. :laugh:CS I think you posted in the wrong place - rates as Laughter IS The Best Medicine joke of the week Ray
  9. When making your choice and by all means look at as many different ones as you can, don't discount the significant benefit of having easy access to the manufacturer. Airborne are Australian made (I think supporting Australian manufacturers where possible is very important) and the staff there are always very helpful and friendly. I guess I'm in a fairly good position because I am only 40min from the factory but then Vic is not that far away either. Tundra tyres are nice and am told increase your landing options considerably. While there might be many 2nd hand trikes in hangers to stay away from I think there are also some that are worth a look - just make sure that you have a very experienced triker with you ( the flying type) as they seem to be able to spot the bad ones really quickly. Good luck in your search. Ray
  10. I would think as an instructor he should also be well aware that pilot skills and experience vary greatly. I'm still training and a new pilot is probably not much different from me, but on down wind before turning final when you make your call can be a busy time. I would think while you would be keeping an eye on the run way, looking for other aircraft in the sky that may conflict with you intentions is far more important. making the call at the right time if you can also helps others see you ( text states somewhere -ac are easier to see while banking. I think for him to expect you to diminish your chance of being seen for the sake of his inter-cockpit coms is poor airmanship. From my very limited experience multitasking seems to become easier the more hrs and experience you accumulate. my 2c worth anyway Ray
  11. Hi Justin Welcome Trikes and Hunter fit well Ray
  12. If your council has a web site try looking there or asking if they have an exempt development list/checklist/document - mine does and it is 17 pages long.
  13. 1st Solo coming up as soon as the weather clears enough - and I get things right. Ray
  14. The RNAC info is at RNAC - Royal Newcastle Aero Club Ray
  15. Hi This is the Cessnock Rec flying group I was thinking of. Hunter Recreational Flying Club Inc. Don't know any more than looking at their web site. Hope something here helps you fulfill your dream. Ray
  16. Hi Hemlock A trial Introductory flight (TIF) or two is a good start and decide who you would like to train with and in what type of aircraft. Trikes offer an open cockpit, magnificient unobstructed view, and are very cost effective solution (I'm biased) Chris From Airborne Upper Hunter will do trike TIFs and Training out of Maitland (Rutherford) Probably the closest to you. His details are on this site at Microlight School - Clubs/Schools RNAC also does TIFs and training at Rutherford ( Maitland) GA - not sure if they do RAA . Try Giving the airport a ring I am sure they would love to help you Cessnock is another close option I hear them training on the radio. I think there is a 3 axis RAA group there too. Ray
  17. Hi Gary and welcome More Trikers the better Ray
  18. Firey gone grey - no artificial there.
  19. Ian - Do they offer UV protection? Get well Ray
  20. Mine - not blonde - giggled for ages
  21. Gotta love them blonds
  22. Has anyone used this stuff - I have been contemplating getting some for a while now. Ray
  23. So if strobes are useless in the daytime is there a better option - is a flashing orange light or something better? Landing lights when overcast seem effective. To be seen visually is good :big_grin: and anything that helps is a bonus. As to fast low flying military's go - not sure but I would think they would have other systems to assist them in avoiding us, after all my guess is they need to know about incomings. I assume missiles don't have xponders. :hittinghead: but I could have guessed wrong about that too. Ray
  24. :thumb_up: Voted best joke for weeks by the other half
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