Well its a year later than the last thread in this past and the cold is coming again and I haven't flown in the colder months yet so
Specifically for open cockpit flying in winter, what do others use, what is cost effective? What is good, what is not?
Does a freezer suit bulk you up too much, is it stiff or fairly flexable, does it flap or fill with air at speed?? Where is the best place to buy them?
Are motor bike or ski gear a good option to consider?
While I am still training I have used several different wings, very slow and fast (In a trike terms this relates to different cruise speeds). I have noticed with a faster wing and thus faster speed, you seem to need better clothing to keep the wind out ( stop cloths inflating or flapping and to keep warmer. I suppose due to the wind chill factor increasing.
What are you thoughts on types of gloves and bar mitts
So many questions!
But I am expecting it to be bl :censored:y cold. And I feel it