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Everything posted by Tracktop

  1. Hi Dexter Have a look at your PCA_ozf.map file ( PCA chart) They seem to always use the places on this map in the weather.
  2. Welcome MM Plenty on good trike info and experienced help here. Enjoy the ride
  3. Don't like to be a wet blanket but for your main criteria I suggest A really good life jacket, an epirb and a tree hugger type craft - paramotor Cannot see much else you are going to have even a chance of a half reasonable outcome when ditching / downing into your wide selection of terrain - rough water, jungle, rough ground etc once down you probably aren't going to get back in the air again from those locations. At least you want to have a practical look at your choice - look past the advertising hype into reality. Good luck and remember ever device is a compromise, there really is no - one fits all - yet anyway :-).
  4. Accepted :big_grin: However the automated readback from willy during none active times has been saying "Williamtown CTAF R" Including since June 3 So air traffic think there still is one.
  5. High what??????? - joking listen on willy most of the weekend and you might hear at most 3 or 4 aircraft in the whole CTA area, often you can fly through and you are the only one in the area. Compare that to Maitland/ Cessnock when it will often be a dozen or much more including a lot in circuit. Add parachute ops at both fields and it still all works fine. Go figure
  6. Hi All Don't know if its been posted elsewhere but. Anyone flying in the Newcastle Hunter area, it's finally going to happen. As of 6th Dec 2010 Williamtown Airspace will become ACTIVE 16hr, 7 days a week Currently CTAFR at weekends (and evenings ). This also includes G - 2500 UL over Newcastle
  7. Pre-decide where you will fly in relation to the other aircraft, that way everyone knows where to look and expect to find the other aircraft. If they are continually changing sides and height you have to spend a lot more time trying to know where the other aircraft are, rather than concentrating on flying the aircraft. It also makes separation and avoidance safer and easier.
  8. For Android users try OruxMaps program ( free ) works now and with an intermediate program (OruxMapsDesktop does a quick conversion) will easily use you Maptrax calibrated Oziexplorer map files to display real time moving map chart on your phone [ NOT FOR NAVIGATION OR INFLIGHT USE :scratch head:] - be it an out dated map version - until Neil produces again anyway. Easy and quick to achieve and seems to work fine. I think Maverick and others may also accept the converted Maptrax files as well, but haven't tried it yet. Neil - Maybe it's worth looking at providing the required files on the CD as well? It will be interesting to see how Oziexplorer goes on the android phone - hope my OziexplorerCE licence is carried over for this as the phone now replaces the satnav device.
  9. Ok Liz I'll have a go Steep turns - sometimes simulated forced landings - regularly engine out on takeoff - occasionally short field stops - often stall recovery - nope - but then I do fly a trike and spend a lot of time practising not to require a stall recovery.
  10. I assume you are aware Rotax actually make the "BMW" engines for some models of BMW motor bikes
  11. Check out this cool paint job [ATTACH=CONFIG]19282[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]12327.vB[/ATTACH]
  12. Why to avoid beach landings if you can One that Alf will appreciate. :big_grin: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pMo23fFcAas https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pMo23fFcAas"
  13. Fortunately this one is a club plane, the club already hire dark side planes so they have experience, systems and infrastructure in place to manage the thing. Just the being "a first" issues to overcome, and I am told that's pretty well all sorted.
  14. Don't jump to the dark side too soon Scoob Not sure that all the negative comments are valid at all. There is a trike that is very very close to being hireable (to be it's sole purpose ) just like it's dark side cousins. My most recent info says its was > 95% in place - STAY TUNED no doubt a first. It is a very low hr edge 582 with I believe a StreakIIb wing. Once in place it will obviously need to be hired / used to remain a viable proposition.
  15. Thanks for the story Alf, :popcorn:I'll just wait here for the next one :big_grin: Ray
  16. Hi Did you put the batterns in on their correct side? Port / starboard sets. If they are swapped around the tensioms might be wrong? An easy thing to do. Ray
  17. Hi Manfred Welcome Ray
  18. Cheap insurance, cheap possible 2nd chance, me thinks. Just don't factor having one, into how and where you fly. A few examples of times when I think I would be really glad I have one fitted - Large bird strike - pelican/ lge eagle / Jaba / emu oops sorry probably no use at that height :-) Mid air ac collision / passing jet wake perhaps? Pilot Medical emergency Caught by an unexpected willy willy / dust devil etc ( may be more trike related as they don't like being inverted ) and I guess Pilot error could be included - we are human after all and do make poor judgements on occasions You may notice I haven't included structural failure, flying over inhospitable terrain, bad weather, cloud, engine failure etc as they are mostly controllable by pilot decisions and actions. Ray
  19. Nice looking spot Frank Is that the spot under the cloud on google maps?
  20. Hi David / Alf Is the tank still held fairly firmly ( your detected failed condition ) when the bracket is fully fractured or only when partially cracked? Just wondering if when cracked through fully on one side it was close to critical engine failure ( lose of oil tank / oil ) or a much nicer case of early detection? Thanks for the heads up - good place to keep an eye on Ray
  21. Hi and welcome Not having a lot of forward movement left to the front strut ( I assume you are talking about trim position) , my guess is, probably not that nice a situation as I am guessing it severely limits your amount of wing control? As others have touched on - the stall speed / position is probably important to know as well. Ray
  22. In typical advertising form ( not at all specific to Telstra) they are fairly correct in what they say - just they don't include all the facts. - There are in fact 2 different models of Desire, with different part numbers. One model works on Telstra Next G, the other model works on all the other networks ( and Telstra 3G I think) . I guess the bloat wear most talk about is a couple of apps that are installed, you don't have to use them but they cannot be uninstalled Hasn't been an issue for me either. Haven't filled my 2gig card yet but caching google maps so data connection is not required ( and data allocation used) is a nice feature but memory hungry if you want fine detail stored on board. bigger card on the list I am on a Telstra plan and it seems fine and I thought at the time much cheaper than prepaid. Extra data can be added and removed , to any plan as required for a few ( or lots) of $ Not my favourite carrier but then NONE are and they do seem to have the coverage sewn up.
  23. Correct as usual John. ;) ta
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