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Everything posted by Tracktop

  1. Does it really matter who ( HGFA / RAA ) you learn with - just convert to your preferred when you are finished ? Even if you have to pay extra Licence fee or whatever ( ??? ) it may still be cheaper than travel / accommodation / lesson expenses. In real terms the extra difference may only be the cost of one lesson ( guessing) and the required lesson number will vary between instructors anyway. Given the choice I'd also go with whoever you think is a better instructor as well regardless of RAA / HGFA.
  2. Hi Wallsair is a private strip ( syndicate of some sort) that can be very wet. Has a gate on the entrance and while the operators there are nice friendly guys, they do not like lots of traffic as the spot is very neighbourly sensitive, with a residential suburb adjoining very close, and sensibly they do not want to create more issues than necessary. There is often people at the site. Having said that, request permission and you may well receive it. Circuits are to the east ( away from the houses) , calls are expected as it is under the route used by the Westpac helicopter to the John Hunter Hospital. Airborne do some flight testing and have a hanger there, so they may be a point to start contact for permission. Taxi shouldn't be a problem. Failing that, there is also Cessnock probably next best. Someone on a thread here recently got permission to stop at Areopelican ?? may be an option If you work out how - I'd be interested A quick google says Wallsend 15km Cessnock 37km Warnervale 42km Swansea ( areopelican) 26km
  3. :thumb_up: :big_grin:
  4. Hi Grant and welcome Why that ac ? The adds and PR look really nice, the specs and info look ordinary to say the least? may be better talking to airborne ( float trike ) or look at a Ramphos ( boat trike ) neither are RIB though. From what I can read your choice is slow with a large wing area. I am guessing in remote NT you are looking at travelling reasonable distances, with perhaps lots of thermal activity? so, slow and big wing surface, low fuel load may not be the best choice for those conditions. ??? Just my quick thoughts anyway, I may be wrong.
  5. Clear Prop has flight suits, though the suits may be better than in the pics??? Bill There are now several different wireless PTT systems hitting the market. They seem to be selling for about 80 pound
  6. Hi Scott Pics attached As you can see - rough as guts - but very effective The blue is 3mm closed cell foam ( Clarke Rubber ) The cream is about 8mm very high density closed cell rubber that came out of an old life jacket ( tick for recycling :big_grin: ) As it was a proto, held together with sticky tape. And the question - "Have I made a new permanent one" NOPE Like an old pair of shoes :) :hittinghead:
  7. Hi David While I really only know the Lynx system, our trike environment, high wind velocity and noise, close proximity to motor ( pax hear is very close) etc, means we generally need more specialist type gear to work properly- hence the mixing of brands etc. Any small issue can soon become a major bug bear. I know there are a few options that are suitable for this type of use. When working properly the Lynx interface/headset system seems very good. Unsure about the dual radio function though. There is another brand on the market that is already built for what you are trying to achieve (auto vhf & uhf radios input as well as phone and music) . I'll have to see if I can re-find the link ( came across while looking for phone interfaces). The newer Icaro helmets have a friction system rather than a clip to keep the visor down. Not as positive as the clip that most pilots prefer, also the pivot screw is nylon ( I believe) and has been known to fail and cause the visor to dislodge ( prop fodder). This can be solved by replacing with Stainless Steel (or metal) screws.
  8. Hi Scott I had exactly your problem, and can fully relate. It becomes a real Human Factors issue after 1 hr with concentration and ability deteriorating fast. Mind you I have always had the mic boom on the inside rather than the outside as suggested here. I will be trying the other method next flight. I used some closed cell foam - two pieces to allow edge taper, They are I think about 6 to 10mm thick???? ( Done ages ago so I will need to check), to line the top of the helmet. I have cut a wide slot in to top section of this, the headband then recesses into the slot. The foam also has some darts cut in it to allow it to conform to the dome shape with the foam extremities big enough to tuck into the inner liner or something ( I think) It doesn't ever fall out or move. I can now wear the headset/ helmet for hours now without any discomfort from the headband top. If you like I can take a pic next hanger visit. It's not necessarily pretty as it was going to be a proto but worked so well I haven't bothered replacing it. Some others don't seem to suffer from the problem so it may be head shape determines if you have a problem or not. As I said in an earlier post, if you want to butcher your foam line, Airborne keep replacement liners in stock ( last time I checked anyway). Ring and check for a price first :-)
  9. While Warnervale and Pelican are in direct threat and need urgent help, I see it as a National issue that effects all ( well most anyway) here. It's a general image problem that needs correcting. The media are only too happy to promote the negative image and we as a flying community don't seem to counteract that much.
  10. Thanks David I had heard ( rumour ) that they were much higher than that. dispelled another As I pointed out in another thread and just a rambling thought anyway. Maybe the number of airfield reductions is a major safety issue, especially with an RPT in distress as they then have a long way to the next safe out landing location? Oh I forgot - we have the safest airlines in the world. Maybe CASA / RAA etc should be lobbying the government for more to stay open and over-ride greedy councils in the name of safety for the general community? About how you do the risk assessment I suppose.
  11. Just a question David and CCAC may have already addressed it. Is there potential for the rezoning to be changed back to what it should be? After all its current proven use IS still "Special use - Aerodrome" so rezoning is inappropiate. Not an expert by any means but I have seen similar things happen to rural land being rezoned to rural residential or worse, to increase council revenue, but by proving it is still under primary production the zoning is normally reverted back to rural without any problem. The councils seem to work on the principle of change it first and wait for the flack - if none happens they win rightly or wrongly??? Good to hear the rumours are now buried, and microlights are welcome. We have enough battles at hand without fighting amongst ourselves. So, can you also enlighten us to landing fees and join club fees / avoid daily landing fees viability?? Surely more members would help the cause, maybe a low cost occasional member status could be made available?. :-)
  12. Hi Pete timely - just happened across this info elsewhere, The plugs and socket are the seven pin Binders 678 series available from Farnells Hope it is correct and helps :-)
  13. I believe the Lynx headsets changed to gel ear pieces about 2- 3 yrs ago with the newer ones ( so I am told) much more comfortable than the older non gel type so Glen may have a good point .
  14. Sorry Jab people In keeping with the theme - important bits from the chat end up in the forum. reminds me of a joke : Gentleman parks Jab at airshow...comes back finds woman has placed small child in Jab and is walking around it looking for the coin slot !
  15. Hi Pete You don't need to buy a new helmet. You can just buy a new liner. The shells are all the same size so a cheap option to try to start with.
  16. Any more good tips David? :big_grin::big_grin::big_grin::big_grin:
  17. All part of the risk assessment Doug and we each make our own decisions about what is acceptable risk. But remember other things share the air with us and have been responsible for bring down many ac in the past. Good airmanship and training may not be enough to help in an ac that is severely disabled eg after a pelican or eagle strike If you look at history - being a certified ac doesn't seem to guarantee they won't fall from the sky for one reason or another either. A BRS MAY just give you another chance should the worst happen. Wishing for a BRS on the way down ain't gunna help any. And if it fails to deploy or open correctly I'm sure there would be some cursing going on, but I accept it also is part of the risk.
  18. If you read and can believe the many reviews that are around Nokia seem to be dragging their heels badly. ????
  19. Very easy to do in a trike Pud and it is very noticeable though not usually outside normal flight conditions. The more you go round the worse it gets too Some of it may be the shock effect to, as it comes unexpected if general conditions are smooth. It can catch you out as others have described if you are relaxed ( due to nice conditions ) and not ready to react quickly. Have to get a plug in here - hit by WT and respond in your 3 axis reflex action ( low hrs trike hi hr 3 axis ) and things may not be nice at all.
  20. Ok here are some thoughts why turbulence in a trike can be uncomfortable. Feel free to correct me as I am just thinking out loud The trike wing has very low inertia as most of the weight is in the base, ~2m below the center of wing balance and free to rotate independantly. This means the wing is fairly free to follow the Turb ( rock from side to side, up down) with the pod just swinging freely below and essentially just tethering the wing (no pilot input). In a rigid 3 axis the fixed weight tends to dampen the Turb effect as any effect must move the hole mass as one. In a trike you still feel what the wing is doing through the bar so the quick wing movement is very noticeable on the end of a 1.5m leaver. Being ~2m from the rotation axis is a bit different than sitting at the center of the rotation axis My understanding is the trike can handle the turbulence ( obviously within limits) , its the pilot that has the problem???? and maybe rightly so ??? and that's without getting too technical. I guess we are using similar HP to push through the air but at a slower resulting speed so more drag and thus turb ? Though we still seem to use similar fuel to travel the same distance so 3 axis faster speed / same HP used should = similar turb ???? Coarse theory based on cause and effect being equal ?? Thoughts??
  21. Thanks David There you have it people get behind this one and support CCAC and Warnervale air field. Organize you weekend there now so you don't miss out. :drums:
  22. aren't there plaques / info on the ac telling you this? in view of the pilot
  23. HTC Desire has mini USB charger / Computer connection same as iphone, and the Desire Headphone connection is the same as iphone - ie 3.5mm standard jack input, ( any mp3 player stuff works fine) though with mic it uses a 4 pole plug, again like the iphone. The phone is even smart enough to tell you what type is plugged in.
  24. I don't know anymore than what is in the article but reading between the lines, the area he was flying in, may have been non tiger country with a small area near the Dam that had no nice options. Unfortunately it was while crossing that area when the fan stopped. Maybe some more height would have helped, easy to speculate after the event and without any more knowledge, maybe he normally flys with landing options in reach and made a misjudgement or mistake. We are all human ( I think) and prone to make the occasional error or poor risk assessment. He was lucky he had another option. Again reading between the lines and his reaction, I doubt he took the chute into account when he made the decision to cross that area like he did. Still agree too John - Most important to always fly like you ain't got one.
  25. free ones I hope Mags , well free to us anyway:laugh:
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