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Everything posted by Tracktop

  1. Come on Warnervale members whats the details. Trikes Welcome and no landing fees. Central Coast Aero Club fairwell event????, Keep open event??????, need lots of people ??????
  2. Hi A real experience answer to the original question. well worth a read through all the posts. One happy chappy. www.microlighters.co.za • View topic - Ballistic chute deployment Bronkhorstspruit? Big thanks to the link supplier. ;-)
  3. Nothing like incentive to help make the decision. I kept putting it off as the decision seemed to hard. More the fact that to get minor (perceived ) improvements (nice to have , wants) the $ requirements seemed to leap dramatically. So probably greed more than old age is the issue. In the end WOW what a device. Doesn't seem to do TV remote though, then again the other may not like me having extra control there so may be a good thing. Camera is average as well compared to ?????
  4. Hi Ian I have Telstra desire and it is great As to data, I think I only used about 20meg (of my 200) of data first month. If you are near wi fi (ie home wireless) the phone will always use that first . So most stuff I update while home in case I need data while out. Despite most reviews being critical of battery life and Telstra software, my experience is I just ignore any Telstra stuff I don't want and it doesn't create any issues. Some of it is even useful.:-) Battery life is ok (well > 1day anyway) if you manage it, which also is not hard. Gps is a big battery drainer. I usually leave both data connections off as well until I need them as it also helps battery life,more from the fact I think that the phone isn't waking up all the time to update things. Why > half of my rec flying browsing is even done on it. Including this post.
  5. I was telling the old joke " what do you do if your brother has an epilectic fit while taking a bath...,, throw your washing in" when a chap tapped me on the shoulder and said, "I don't find that joke funny, my brother died while having an epilectic fit in the bath" I apolagised profuselly and asked if he'd drowned. " No, he choked on a sock"
  6. Yes Tomo I believe it is totally hrs related. Having said that each person is different and would require a different amount of retraining. I am not an instructor nor a 3 axis pilot, so I don't know the full solution to the problem. The hrs required may also depend on the conditions the training has been conducted in as well, but I really am not sure? Once a parallel primary response has been learned then flying both forms is not an issue, and certainly there are many ( including high hr professional pilots ) that also fly trike regularly. Hit by a gust, thermal, or just plain beginner flying may require an immediate response to correct the situation. Respond the wrong way and you have the potential to make matters much, much worse very quickly, perhaps even unrecoverable especially if involved in takeoff or landing where height is not available. John, normally I value your opinion and bow to your far greater experience, but on this I very much disagree. Yes the official findings from accidents do not highlight this as a problem. Never the less the facts are there if you care to look for them. I indicated earlier this is one of my pet subjects. Last year I was training at the same time, same place as the pilot the 3 axis pilot that came to grief. I was new at this game so did a lot of research, sole searching and talking to other pilots, including high hour commercial pilots, GA instructors and trike pilots and instructors. My issue and motivation was - was my new chosen hobby and the decision to spend $65k+ and a heap of time and $ training greatly flawed and unsafe to the extreme. Should I seriously reconsider my options. If someone with so much experience, was who was very safety conscious could come to grief so easily, what had I let myself in for. This research lead me to believe ( correctly I hope) that there is a real issue with 3 axis conversion training. Interestingly the 3 axis instructors I discussed it with believed to go trike to 3 axis was not really an issue. Before my flying time ( about 5 years ago), another trike pilot also came to grief in my area. Different instructor / training etc. SAME issue - hi 3 axis low trike. Both pilot were highly respected flyers within the flying community. I think there may also have been another one as well about the 6 year ago mark with similar flying history. Research of trike accidents around the world often had the same facts stated in the limited information available - " hi 3 axis low trike hrs. From where I stand - common and likely. ie All recent trike fatalities in my area have this as a common factor and it appears to be common enough around the globe. ( enough to be greatly concerned and needing addressing) I AGAIN SAY I AM NOT SAYING THAT THIS WAS THE CAUSE OF THESE FATALITIES. IT IS NOT MY PLACE TO MAKE THAT DECISION NOR WAS IT THE OUTCOME OF THE INVESTIGATION. However the facts are still there and the issue is known and accepted as a problem. Andy, as I read it, you may not have had any issues as your 3 axis may not have had a lot of currency with it, and maybe the hrs were low? My guess is the higher the 3 axis hrs the more established the 3 axis primal response is , so the longer it will take to build a new one. I will go out on a limb here and suggest that ( from my perception / experience) trike flying is very much seat of the pants flying. Very much a touchy feely thing in a responsive machine that needs to be kept within its designed flight envelope. You don't so much look and control, more an unconscious feel and respond as one with the trike. In the early part of training / conversion if the respond is the wrong way things go pear shaped very quickly. ( maybe) The non 3 axis trained pilot has many other factors to slow their training down to a pace that allows development of their trike primal response. The 3 axis pilot short cuts this with his prior training ( ground coming up quickly, gawk factor, flair etc) so end up with 2 problems - 1) an existing incorrect unconscious response 2) a shortening of time ( due to prior experience ) to develop the new unconscious response. phew, down off the box now Having said all that, happy to say. My belief from my research and experience to date is - trike are safe to fly, and my original decision was a good one. This given that they are only flown within their designed flight envelop, and in reasonable weather, with the correct training ( and for Alf - if you stay off the beach :big_grin: though if I did need an emergency landing option and a beach was available, it would be high on my preferred list). Go for it Tomo, I know you will love it.
  7. :gerg: That's the sort of statements and expectations that I believe are very wrong IMO and should NOT be promoted. The last guy we lost around here was GA instructor, Glider Instructor, RAA pilot and about 25hrs trike and he unfortunately is no longer with us. Many in the past have done it in low hour conversion ( my belief - pure good luck rather than good training or good flying) . I believe there are a lot more than is realised that haven't survived the 3 axis to trike conversion. Look behind the low trike pilot hr accidents and "has high 3 axis experience" keeps coming up regularly, though never attributed to the accident cause. Sorry if I am treading on toes here, but I strongly believe it is a issue that needs addressing and correcting somehow. Ray
  8. mmmm Don't underestimate the time and effort ( and cost ) involved in converting. You will need to develop a parallel primary control response ( I think it is called) to your 3 axis one you already have. THIS CAN TAKE LONGER ( more hours in the sky) to correctly develop than someone who hasn't already developed one ( 3 axis response) yet. We have lost High hrs 3 axis, low hrs trike pilots in the past. Don't go in with the "it cannot take much" attitude or you may well join them. Not a result anyone would want to see. I am not at all suggesting that any of those lost in the past had this attitude, more a reflection of our training requirements, understanding, and lack of emphasis of this issue. While it is a well recognised fact within the trike community, I don't believe it has been identified and correctly linked to events in the past. While I haven't personally been down that track, I guess with youth on your side Tomo, the path would be easier for you than an older person. I would think also that the more 3 axis hrs / experience / currency you have, the harder it would be as well.
  9. Hi all Well had the HTC Desire for a couple of weeks now and it seems GREAT. Nice to have in flight weather Radar, real time tracking on satellite or map overlay. Good maps ( not aviation ones though - or I haven't yet found them ) Great screen, in all but the brightest daylight and even then still viewable. A touch screen to die for., especially after using the navman / moe/ ipaq types previously - absolutely vague and totally unresponsive compared to the Desire. Simply amazing how, with my fat fingers I can type on a screen qwerty keyboard with 4mm * 8mm buttons butted together mostly error free. Negatives so far that I am still working on finding a solution for. 1. The phone seems to need to lay flat for the compass to work nicely. 2. Speed indication on all the programs ( and they do vary between programs ) I have tried so far ( mostly in the car/truck where it should be fairly constant) seem to fluctuate up to about 4km/ hr rather than giving a steady state speed. I am not yet sure if it is GPS reception, GPS performance, lack of good program speed analysis or something else I haven't thought of yet. A couple of essential add-ons ( Free) that I have found. Call Confirm - stops accidental calls with such a responsive screen input. Volume Locker - stops accidentally turning the the ringer volume down while in you pocket Just working on in flight calls now. The People from Lynx - my radio interface brand tell me they are expecting a HTC/iphone interface solution and a blue tooth interface within the next couple of weeks. :-) Ray
  10. Welcome Elaine ( assume ?) plenty to look and learn here and by all means join in Great bunch of people - no question is too simple or silly to ask. Or give us your experience, we are also prepared to listen and learn Ray
  11. Have you looked at this thread? Lots of stuff there http://www.recreationalflying.com/forum/trikes/77637-vhf-antennas-kingposts.html
  12. :thumb_up: Recover well Bob Good wife to remember the important lappy.
  13. My trike has the same problem :hittinghead::hittinghead:
  14. There are rabbits and there are rabbits. Have someone cleaning up my and a friends population. Started at my friends ( hilly country), he was eating ( after cooking ) them - his freezer was full by the time he got to my place. This guy really likes rabbit. Started at my place ( lush river flat) and after his first meal from here threw the hole freezer load in the garbage and started again with new stock - best meat he has ever tasted so he claims. So to the rock culture, as with any food - it depends where your cut comes from! Mind you I think he is either still living out of the freezer of on a diet as there aren't too many left here. :-)
  15. Nice job, enjoyed.
  16. nice job - well put together - enjoyed
  17. I think that it should be shown to students as it is a great learning tool. Read the code that is included then check your answer or just keep refining your knowledge by reading both. Great Job Ian
  18. Thanks for the info so far I was looking at smart phones in stores today and liked the Desire so many choices :confused: So if I buy a telstra desire then it won't work on other networks if unlocked?
  19. Hi Darky So unlocked where from how much how long to get here?
  20. I am not dissatisfied with my aerial setup inverted on the king post since I angled it out. Seems to be working fine with no more shadowing evident and good transmit and receive performance.
  21. Most useful in flight in a trike especially when it gets rough right bit more weight smooths the ride Pages as they tear and get blow away and shreaded probably clean the bugs of the prop too:hittinghead:
  22. Tracktop


    plus :score003:
  23. Welcome FlipFlop David, the question that begs most is - especially for us frustrated open cockpit converted car GPS users What is the screen like in full direct sunlight. I notice the 495 spec reads "3.8inch diagonal (9.65 cm) 320 x 480 pixels, 256 color sunlight readable TFT with adjustable backlighting" Whereas the 550 spec reads "Display size, WxH: 3.81"W x 2.25"H (9.7 x 5.7 cm); 4.3" diag (10.9 cm) Display resolution, WxH: 480 x 272 pixels Display type: touchscreen WQVGA color TFT with white backlight" So Garmin use sunlight readable for the 495 but not the 550? Other than terrain resolution, are there any other benefits in the 550 over the 500? The other benefits all seem US based In a trike particularly ( not having used terrain info) - do you find the terrain info a benefit. I am usually very aware of the terrain around / under / in front of me. How do you find the touch screen in turbulence? I currently use a Garmin 60 and a touch screen Navman together and find although slower to use the Garmin button model is much more accurate with less or no goto wrong thingo errors compared to the touch screen gps in turbulance. What else can you tell us about them - good and bad? Ray
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