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Everything posted by Tracktop

  1. Clear Prop has flight suits similar to mine as well
  2. Hi Eric With no flying for a week or 2, my guess is your probably starting the withdrawal symptom stage at present :big_grin:.
  3. My guess is making a new trike wing cover is a bit different and more complex than replacing the fabric on a rag and tube plane.
  4. Hi I used Jacket and Jeans most of last winter. and looked at lots of options, and a good jacket can cost more than one of these. I now use one of these and they seem great. Easy and quick to get on and off - . Comfy to wear. come in different weights for different temps - designed for trikers I went for a middle weight one as I can always add thermal layers under if required Flight Suits
  5. I mostly monitor 2 frequencies with my Microair set to dual monitor and it seems to work fine. Sometimes a 3rd would even be nice.
  6. Welcome Dave Enjoy
  7. Ok third try lucky :score008:;):big_grin:
  8. Sorry Chucky :score004:
  9. In this day and age and the price of a GPS being sub $100 surely everyone should carry at least one if not more. Easy to say get your nav right but even a car GPS would have told Bluey where he was and more than likely averted the unneeded attention to our sport. His map etc wasn't sufficient obviously, as the way I read his story he had no or very limited ground visibility and certainly not 4/8. My guess is also, Map reading, nav recalcs, keeping DR checks etc under the conditions he was in ( turbulence, open cockpit, limited / no ground reference, probably gloved hands, stressed) would have been quite difficult to say the least. I am not at all suggesting that normal nav practices should be abandoned just to also make use of the available, cheap and reliable technology to supplement your systems. Ozzie I know you won't like this tact but averting attention by the media / authorities where possible ( and with a cheap and light:big_grin: solution) can only help with keeping our regs to a minimum. My thoughts are NO ONE should be flying cross country without some sort of working GPS backup. I would even go so far as to say , one should be included in your kit for XC tests - turned off but available if the student does get lost ( which they shouldn't )
  10. Hi Peter Seems to me from your description that you were making calls that fit ( to quote Ross's quote) "the safe and expeditious conduct of a flight" and the Cessna pilot was making calls outside the allowed descriptions
  11. That's a bit of a byte
  12. I may stand corrected, but I thought it was highly illegal to record aircraft radio broadcasts let alone publish them on the net.????? - and yes I know some smart people are able to get the transmissions into their videos.
  13. Hi Jim Trouble is format out of the JVC ( and some other) camera seems to need converting to use in anything other than JVC software. Yes some programs ( $ ) can read the format but they still usually convert it from what I can see, so stuck between a rock and a hard place you need to use something or just burn to DVD or play in specific software.
  14. Mine is in the recall list but working OK at present ( my 2nd unit) so I am a bit relutant to send it back just yet, and I need a long bad weather window so it doesn't impede on activities. Interesting that it is in the receive cct. Makes me wonder if the receive ( and not transmit ) shadow I am getting is also related in some way.
  15. Yes it has been undergoing development - they say the current latest release is "now stable with previous problems fixed" ( time will tell ) so they have obviously had stability problems in the past. Seems to be working fine for me at present - touch wood.
  16. Hi Scott try this for converting files - free and seems to work well. Quick Media Converter HD Free - FLV AVC (Advanced Video Codec High Definition) - HD VIDEO Converter - Quick Media Converter - FAST Youtube FLV Video Converter- Mediaconverter - Full HD AVI DIVX XVID DVD MPEG MPEG2 MP4 MPEG4 MKV MOV QT HD D10 AKA DVCA no shortcut Jim that was joining the taxiway at the cross strip junction. I have considered it on the bar before and may in fact try it but as it is just a standard handycam without wide lense and I like a bit of ac in the frame, I may not achieve that. Also on the mast is out of the way, much more vulnerable but adjustable on the bar. I am thinking that the rear strut may be a good spot to try as well.
  17. Ok you have been nice - here is the rest
  18. Thanks it was a smooth landing further up the runway but in the vid it hadn't happened yet- sorry ( yes I was very close to touching) . - that threshold is a long way from the hangers so I held off touching down until further up the runway.
  19. I assume your question is are your training hours with an instructor on board included? Are you not still PIC in this situation? ??
  20. Maybe if I don't drink for a few days the bladder may hold out - NOT OR might have to install a pipe :lol 8: - oh golden rain over the south maybe then my bumper sticker should say something different to "Look down on the world" :devil: and to keep the thread on track a mast mounted video taken a couple of days ago ;) :big_grin::big_grin::big_grin::big_grin:
  21. mmmm free tea and coffee - what no scones and jam? Preferred brew - I only drink milk out of a bottle, usually I have a preferred brand too now how far, and how long was that in my slow streak III. Just to keep on thread track I'll take a bit of video on the way with my vid mounted on the mast.
  22. Does the anti seize stuff transfer heat???? I spoke to Wal at BF recently about how critical the use of heat transfer paste was on my engine. His opinion was that the 80hp is usually fine without heat transfer paste ( well so long as it was used in the previous spark plug change so there was still some residual there ) but the >80 hp models needed it or the spark plugs can get overheated due to not being able to transfer the heat out quick enough. So I read from my discussion with him that the heat transfer paste is not there to as an anti seize medium ( a function also nice to have, I understand ) but to ensure there is good heat transfer out of the spark plug for the spark plugs sake. As an aside, he also said it was important that the heat transfer paste was the non hardening type.
  23. Go the Mio not the Navman way - for air use anyway - may Navman is streets in front of the Moi for the car ( no pun intended) but the MIO is much better and easier to run Oziexplorer on.
  24. Good I have been having withdrawals for days now.:Disappointed: One happy chappy now its found again. Ian / Ross how about a link on the weather page so if it gets changed we can still find it.
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