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Everything posted by Tracktop

  1. Well arrived today - min expected delivery time. in a new sealed box without any mention of factory repack. so all's looking good so far.
  2. Thanks for the offer Ross remember I have been using my Navman already, just moving to a second sat nav unit ( with anti glare screen ) so I can leave a unit in the trike permanently. :thumb_up: If you wouldn't mind sending me your screen and button overlay, it would save me building one (a not happening gunna project) , and be appreciated. Thanks
  3. Mine just says Low Risk - Owner unknown and it is a fairly good protector Logged on did the module, passed the test but the certificate prints rubbish in the name / test / etc fields Oh well it wasn't a bad exercise anyway.
  4. If you have 2 wings don't you need to register them both - and they get different numbers????
  5. Just shooting from the hip ( or maybe from behind my back), but are the sensitive ones for use in gliders etc as I guess they would be much more interested in any small changes in height and climb / descent rates, and would want a more responsive device than required in powers ac?
  6. I guess if you are going to take a movie from the nose wheel, then the nose wheel needed to be down. My guess is not too much drama in dropping front early on descent. It was raised at the same time as the mains on climbout though. Obviously the pilot knew the camera was there. I wonder if it was really allowed to be there?
  7. must have been in a happy frame of mind at the time. I did chuckle though I'll try and be harder in future
  8. Have a look at this machine. [media=vimeo]9440319[/media] and as a camera platform [media=vimeo]7316468[/media]
  9. :thumb_up: 10
  10. The ones that have tried it say Ok for emergency backup but not primary - they say they cannot program a track or course into it - may need to buy more to make that happen???
  11. Lot of chatter on UK micro site - they are not too impressed - very short battery life, and as Bass said expensive for what you get., thought they aren't talking about free updates though???? wonder why not
  12. Hi Alf I read somewhere, I think it may have been in the HGFA newsletter???? an idea for transporting / storing your wing was to wrap it in a sheet or 2 of square profile acrylic sheet ( laser light or similar) to distribute the load more evenly and protect it - I guess if you could seal the ends it may help with vermin protection too. I wouldn't put rat bait in or too close to the wing though, as you don't want to attract them to the wing.
  13. Nice Vid :thumb_up:
  14. Hi This is the type of error I was referring to. I have emailed Ian as well to help in his possible fault location - but then it is earlyish. Note trend report Wind: hurricane force SYDNEY (YSSY) METAR TTF SPECI YSSY 051900Z 35003KT 9999 FEW008 BKN013 22/21 Q1010 RMK RF00.0/013.6 FM2100 33008KT 9999 BKN020 Trend Report issued 06th 6:00 am NSWT Wind: hurricane force NE (051°) 90 kt Wind: light N (350°) 3 kt Cloud: few at 800 ft - broken at 1300 ft Temperature: 22°C Dewpoint: 21°C QNH: 1010 hPa Rainfall : no rain in last 10 minutes , 13.6 mm since 9 am. FM2100 33008KT 9999 BKN020 TAF AMD YSSY 051853Z 0519/0624 30008KT 9999 BKN010 BKN025 FM052200 30008KT 9999 SCT015 BKN035 FM060000 07010KT 9999 FEW020 BKN035 FM060300 04015KT 9999 LIGHT SHOWERS OF RAIN FEW025 SCT040 FM061200 02008KT 9999 LIGHT SHOWERS OF RAIN SCT015 SCT030 RMK T 22 23 27 27 Q 1010 1011 1010 1009 Amended Forecast issued 06th 5:53 am NSWT valid from 6th 6:00 am to 7th 11:00 am NSWT Wind: gentle NW (300°) 8 kt Cloud: broken at 1000 ft - broken at 2500 ft from 9 am becoming Wind: gentle NW (300°) 8 kt Cloud: scattered at 1500 ft - broken at 3500 ft from 11 am becoming Wind: gentle E (070°) 10 kt Cloud: few at 2000 ft - broken at 3500 ft
  15. antiseize? doesn't the Rotax manual call for heat transfer paste? Had wondered about using antiseize as I usually use it eveywhere I can - better rephrase that - I usually use it on any nut or bolt threads that I can - sure makes the job easier next time.
  16. :thumb_up: 10+
  17. Why not include regular unleaded as well, as not all people run 95+
  18. Hi All Nice morning at Maitland this morning and triking is certainly alive and well We had at least 10 trikes in the air this morning. 3 were flat out training. I can recall at least 22 people flying, and I wasn't there all the time.
  19. Yep - Don't have ailero thingos or rudder thingos :big_grin: :hittinghead: :peepwall: :baldy: :kboom:
  20. I also regularly see wrong bits, but it usually stands as being quite wrong. Love and use it daily anyway. I'll post next time I see one if you like?
  21. OK Darky I've waited long enough. I do like - look down on your friends but I think I will go with "Look Down On The World - Fly a Trike" I'll have 3 please no name thanks
  22. Welcome John. We love welcoming new members BUT NONE MORE SO THAN ANOTHER TRIKER. Especially one that has stepped UP. :lol 8:
  23. Just did a bit of a search on them and found this site that makes interesting reading 6 antennas on trial [Archive] - Microlight Forum Note however the manufacturers comment near the end "Its not advisable to use a radio with more than 3 watts carrier as the output will crossover on to other frequencies as they are designed primarily for hand helds and precisely as you used them." mmmmm ???? Here is another link with pics about half way down Air Magic Products
  24. That sounds the same as the one Mc Guyver swears by.
  25. Had a quick look around http://www.recreationalflying.com/forum/trikes/44860-regular-unleaded-912-a.html this was one thread that was happening at the time but there were others with more detail. interesting article about acetone :thumb_up:
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