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Everything posted by Tracktop

  1. Even though airborne clean and flush the tanks out thoroughly before fitting them. I believe after a month or 2, small bits come off the tank side from manufacture. The cause of our grief. When brand new, and other I have looked at, had clean fuel checks. As time goes by stringy type clearish small particles begin to appear. During my drain valve replacement, I completely drained the tank and then ran a bit of extra fuel through as well. After doing this I no longer get particles in my fuel drain check, and my valve doesn't leak at all. Other than the small amount of fuel that was in the tank when I picked up my trike, every single drop of fuel that has gone into the tank has gone through a Mr Funnel. This funnel has to be the ultimate in funnel filters, it even has a water trap though being careful where I buy my fuel from I have not found any water to date. I do also use another one at home for diesel refueling if I use a drum for refueling. I often get water filtered out of that one. Tools & Equipment :: Mr Funnel 8" Fuel/Water Funnel - Aviation Pilot Supplies Shop | Flight Gear | Aircraft Instruments Yes my instructor used to fiddle with the valve as well. They are usually in a worse situation as their trikes are regularly replaced and usually always new. My recommendation is after a couple of months - Dump the fuel out and replace with new. You don't need to waste it - put it through a Mr Funnel into you car / mower etc The other thing I have done at others suggestion, rightly or wrongly ( there are varying opinions on this ) is to only use BP Ultimate. There are some other posts on this but in a nut shell the theory is. Ultimate is a better quality fuel and will not have any ethanol traces in it so water in the fuel is less of a problem.It is claimed that the octane rating of fuel quickly diminishes with time so starting high means by the time it is used is has a better chance of being in the correct octane spec. Start with a fuel with an octane rating close to spec and you can only go down and out of motor recommendations. Be careful if you use Shell 98 ( or their resellers) brand fuel as it has compounds in it may cause an interaction with plastic clear tanks where exposure to UV exists. With non clear tanks or no UV exposure Shell is fine - according to what I have read elswhere .
  2. Agree with what you say about the little bit of wet. But when they get a bit of foreign stuff in them they drip and drip and drip until cleared. And as a feedback, since draining / flushing my tank and replacing the valve, all has been 100%. Do the drain check, inspect sample, put the tester away, come back and check for leaks. ALWAYS DRY - one happy camper.
  3. Hi Andy Whats your thoughts on the Keel post location? discarding the fact that you would rather not have it on the wing? Also had a suggestion ( indirectly from Microair) that some of our close proximity comms issues could be "blasting" where the power setting on the radio is set for long rather than short distance comms. Thoughts on that? At present I tend to think is is still shadowing as had lots of trouble communicating with another trike in company flying on Sat. Both are set up exactly the same ( x factory ). Communication varied depending on trikes location at similar distances 200m- 500m.
  4. Good find Bill I had been thinking along tilt tray line but that is even better. When I first looked I was concerned about weight but at only 230kg for a mechanism and tray and a lift capacity of 900kg that's well and truly acceptable.
  5. another overseas site I visit is also discussing similar things - no not my doing.. A suggestion there was to mount it underneath in the centre of the fuselage pointing down ( 3 axis). They seemed to think that most of the work was done at the base of the aerial and that you could quite successfully bend the aerial in the middle so the whip end pointed back at about 45 - 60 deg ( I think ) thus reducing the length and stopping it dragging on the ground. Now I have just written this - the same would apply to the long section mounted up from the king post, though I don't know if it would reduce the height sufficiently for most of us. I am also not convinced that the additional plug required to mount the aerial on the wing is a major issue so long as it uses the correct and quality product - 50 ohm not 75 ohm connectors and the termination is done correctly. Also we are transmitting EMR so the further the aerial is away from the body the better - the wing is a good place. Moving it to the keel extension may make it more susceptible to engine interference.
  6. Certainly worth a try. Look forward to the results.
  7. ah ha the difference in numbers is the 2nd one includes the NEWS as well Back to the drawing board :hittinghead: I prefer it the way it is so I only see what I haven't read - and thought it had always been like that.??? BUT I agree that an all posts in descending order would be nice though.
  8. Definitely NOT But when I check the weather ( multiple times every day usually ) to see if and when I can go flying. After all I need to do a bit of planing to ensure WORK doesn't get in the road of good weather windows . I always check a number of sites ( about 4 or 5 ) depending on the criticality of the decision at the time. The one here is definitely on the list. I find different sites use different models / interpreters to do their predictions so each site's accuracy seems to vary - depending on the weather They also portray info in slightly different forms eg - graphs , maps, text, summaries, forcasts and current. Their update times also vary as well. Hi Turbo - I think you will find there are 2 different "new posts" and they both do different things intentionally or unintentionally :confused: One is on our favorite Blue Bar The other one is on the home page in the spot shown below Welcome to the world of Recreational Flying! ~ The world wide home for recreational pilots and enthusiasts ~ Hi... Welcome home Tracktop You last visited: 06-02-10 at 1:16 pm There are: 3 New posts You have: 0 New . With total out of 50 allowed. It says 3 but when I click on it I get about 140 posts ? whereas the blue bar "new posts" gives me about 50 at present Don't know if that is what you need or if it helps at all
  9. Another Weather Site Hi all Here is another weather site - well model output or maybe in this case model input. http://www.wxmaps.org/pix/aus.fcst.html http://www.wxmaps.org/pix/forecasts.html Seems a bit different to the the others and a bit more raw / predictive data type after a quick look anyway. There is a help page worth looking at that explains what each of the maps is showing. may help us understand the weather more and keep out of IMC
  10. Hi Scott I assume you read my posts in http://www.recreationalflying.com/forum/avionics/71456-aircraft-vhfs-2.html post 12 for example So I am also looking for an answer Mc Guyver uses a rabbit ear setup that I think pokes forward and up, half way up the king post. He claims they are brilliant. This may be a suitable solution but I would need to try it before recommending it. Solves the height problem, and he says puts out plenty of signal
  11. Don't you sleep Ah? Not so embarrassing really, just highlights that there are many different reasons that we fly. The view is just so great in a trike, getting from A to B is not usually the primary goal If it takes a bit longer then the view is usually there to keep us entertained and better at a slower speed. Trike GPS tracks often seem to indicate that, even if you are on a mission to get somewhere usually they include some funny circling and deviations along the way :confused::confused::confused: - unless of course you are trying to outrun some weather or your late for tea, then any extra kts are a wished for. :thumb_up: Doesn't matter what we fly it is all a compromise. I am sure every fighter pilot would love a hyperdrive fitted:faint:
  12. Following FD's bagpipe thread that's gotta earn a 10
  13. Hi Darky How long before the door closes? Sorry I'm hanging out for a good line They keep getting better.
  14. Thanks Len Different than how I had been told to do it And sounds much better. I assume the A bar goes out front similar to when you lower the wing?
  15. Hi Les How much do you need to drop it If it is only a small amount you can lower the front tube onto the base bar and use some sort of bracket to keep it in place
  16. Gnome It does get like that :big_grin:
  17. 10+ Phil
  18. Yes it was the last Catalina festival. The Ramphos ( flys out of Maitland) was there early and left about 0945 from memory as the guys had other commitments from those who must be obeyed I am a bit disappointed with the vid quality as I lost a lot getting it to the web I'll keep working on getting them better though. This was my 1st attempt so I have a lot to learn.
  19. Watch Now!
  20. Bill I thought farmers were much more gentle - more likely to drive their tractor over their front lawn :dousing:
  21. No shortage of holes and devastation there to look at. They only have to look up at present to see the Hunter dust :)
  22. Could the forum be moderated by the select group so anyone can post into the thread but that post won't appear to all until it has been accepted by one of the select group? This would allow others to add their bit, and if appropiate it is then included. The select group could also use the post, if it was incorrect in some way, by including a correction and justification / clarification if they thought it was valuable. This would prevent the wrong message getting across and provide useful training for all ( or lots anyway). It also allows the student to not only get the right answer but also what is the wrong answer. It is identified as the wrong answer ( hopefully early ) so further down the track it can be quickly discarded and not become an alternative option. It will no doubt be offered / thought about in the future I have some problems with the current protocol - a) a person who thinks they have an answer and are incorrect now live in ignorance rather than posting and being corrected. b) An incorrect reply sometimes starts and broadens the discussion to other factors that may be unknown / misunderstood by the original poster and other forum members - so some of the learning ( for all) capability has been taken from the forum. c) there are many others that may have worthwhile contributions to make that are now excluded. I do agree the forum should be moderated though.
  23. lots of different sellers under different names but they all look like the same unit ( last time I looked)
  24. Fly real early mornings or real late afternoons ;) Sorry Pud - shame cause it could be a good system. Try it on your knee board ?
  25. Just come for a visit to Maitland RNAC has one I think on cross hire as a club plane to replace their Jab that they recently sold. They run mainly Cessna as club planes but usually have one RAA registered plane as well to hire to members. Seems to get a lot more use than the old Jab and the word is it is as nice to fly ( from a mainly GA type perspective ) as their little Cessna's Their only reservations are the light wing coverings but I guess that's just RAA ac to get to required weights - they are used to playing with the medium weights.
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