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Tommy T-Bird

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About Tommy T-Bird

  • Birthday 01/01/1977


  • Aircraft
    PA-28 161 Piper Warrior II
  • Location
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Tommy T-Bird's Achievements


Member (1/3)

  1. Interesting to note the pilots never touched the throttle during the whole process and ultimately were WAY over Vne Easy to be critic and the stress of an emergency is far different from sitting on a computer typing, but clearly the pilots did not follow the procedure set out by Boeing. Boeing's aircraft system is a clearly a contributing factor in the crash though. I ask myself, would I get into a 737 MAX....not for all the tea in China.
  2. Too busy creating mountains of paperwork for everyone and creating costs to administer said paperwork to be bothered with those pesky unimportant things like whether an airport master plan is compliant. CASA will no doubt initiate another 258 employees at $85,000 each to add to their staffing levels...all passed on to the flying community.
  3. I use VFR Flight Following with no filed flight plan. Just say "Centre, [callsign] VFR Flight Following Request" They will say "Go Ahead", then the usual who you are, where you are and where you're going....they will probably give you a squawk code and off you go. Very easy. Just cancel whenever you want to, usually on descent into said aerodrome. They may ask if you want cancel SARTIME, but I just say I didn't file one.
  4. Yep Ethanol....drunk too much methanol I think.
  5. I’m told buy a fuel guy this is ok, in fact you can get an STC for it. The issue is to ensure you don’t get fuel with methanol as it can strip your seals. So buy it from a reputable supplier as dishonest suppliers mix fuels. The key is, add water to a jar and mark the level with a texta. Add the fuel, shake it and let it settle. If the height of the avgas is higher than the original mark, you have methanol....use it in your car, not your plane! Shandy it with avgas and only in one tank....keep one tank always for avgas only, for takeoff and landing.
  6. Renmark Aero club has on field accommodation and a car available - I think we paid $100 per day for both.
  7. Flying there was cheaper than the meal.
  8. Another victim of the true cancer on GA...Avdata. They "sell" their collection of fees to local Council's on the basis of "we do all the work and just send you a cheque" and local Council's see an opportunity for easy money. I was told Avdata was set up by an ex-CASA employee - hence CASA continue to breach our privacy and release our information publicy for Avdata to leech money off us....not sure if it's true, but seems to make some sense.
  9. That sounds like a plan Neil, I've just put in the diary and I'll rattle up a few other GVAC Club Members for a fly in. I hear you about the bad weather for our Pancake Brekky's - always seems to be fogged in on the first Sunday of the month ;) Cheers, Tom
  10. Is Kyneton Prior Permission? We might be away this weekend, but is there something on most weekends at Kyneton?
  11. Well worth flying over Mt Buller enroute to Millawa (Brown Brothers Winery) for lunch on a nice day with friends.....
  12. Hi All, New to your forum. I'm based in YSHT and have a Piper Warrior II. I'm keen on doing some touring at some point in the near future so getting to know some new people from different locations would be great. Cheers, Tom
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