Again I have to reiterate that I don't agree. I have looked at the RAAus "syllabus" compared to the Day VFR syllabus and there is a big difference.
I assure you the conversion was not a formality, had you known my situation you would not have said that. You see I am now a "real pilot" I stepped out of a fast GA single into a drifter for my conversion. Never flown a tail dragger, a pusher or something you can almost walk faster than
I am not saying that RAAus pilots are lesser pilots, I don't agree with that. But RAAus pilots most certainly do not jump through the same hoops as GA pilots otherwise we would all be GA would we not.
Being a pilot for me is about choice. RAAus does not give me the freedom that GA does and contrary to popular belief it isn't cheaper for me certainly when you compare $/mile cost.