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About lbarnes

  • Birthday 07/06/1967

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  1. I think the product you are looking for is called 'Frontrunner'. eg - Front Runner Fabric Range
  2. One of them had been living in its trailer under a tree in a paddock near Mullumbimby up until recently. One of the nearby residents said that it had been purchased by a group at Casino.
  3. This is how the Aircraft was advertised in April 08 1225 Fisher Mk1. 19-4268 110 TTAF, 50 TSMOH, Wire-braced, Rotax 503, Icom A22, Garmin GPS Map 96C, ALT, ASI, Tach, EGT, Brolga Prop, intercom w/headsets, full pod and canopy, airfoil struts, Long range quick connect fuel tank = 5 hrs., Always hangared in Byron Bay, Immaculate, Reluctant sale, Beauty to fly. $18,900. With this photo: The owner supplied the following photos: Inspection of the aircraft by myself revealed the following: As it turned out the vendor's version of immaculate and my own differed necessitating a rethink of the AC. Further research revealed that the AC had a history and the corrosion problems led me to abandon the purchase. To my horror, a few weeks later the new owner had posted on Youtube (since removed) his test taxis and circuits at Tyagarah. The person shooting the video was a woman with a crying baby in the background. I immediately sent a message to the new owner raising my concerns about the flying wires. He replied that he had got a bargain but did not indicate if the wires had been replaced. I can't stop thinking about those bloody wires and the description of the eye witness of the wing folding up. Maybe i should have tossed a match in the damn thing when I had the chance. Luke
  4. No Flyby, the AC in question was not a Fisher, it was an old American Maxair rebuilt and rebadged as a Fisher homebuilt for registration purposes. Wayne Fisher makes two types of Drifter, one that is capable of aerobatics and one that is not. Know your aircraft and fly within its limits and the limits of the regulatory regime under which it is registered. Ignore the limits and it is the people left behind who will pay the price. By the way, i am not Drifter-phobic, flying with Wayne Fisher in a Drifter would have to rate as one of the best experiences of my life and I would probably give my left one to own a Fisher MkI. Luke
  5. I too had looked at this drifter when it was up for sale. I inspected it and found it had significant corrosion on steel parts including the flying wires. There was also corrosion on the crimps near where the flying wires attach to the fuselage. Speaking with three CFIs regarding the aircraft i found that the drifter had started life as an American Maxair Drifter that had had a forced landing in salt water. The drifter was rebuilt with Fisher parts and rebirthed as a Fisher MkI. The people i had spoken to warned me that i would need to strip the aircraft, replace corroded parts including the flying and landing wires. This was enough to deter me form proceeding with the purchase. When i found that Michael had bought the Drifter i sent him a message outlining my concerns regarding the corrosion, particularly the flying wires i dont know if he replaced the wires or not. Some time later when i saw his youtube videos all i could think of was those flying wires and yesterday when i read that a drifter had pranged locally i had a terrible feeling that it would be the red and black maxair formerly of Tyagarah. http://www.taoshighspirits.com/drifter.htm Go down the the page for the correct aircraft. Its previous owner called it 'Windwalker'. I think, with hindsight, that Tomo may show sense beyond his years. So sad. Luke
  6. Two killed in ultralight plane crash
  7. I have one of these that lives in the centre console. Communications :: Scanners :: Maycom AR-108 Airband Scanner - Aviation Pilot Supplies Shop | Flight Gear | Aircraft Instruments I use ersa to program in the relevant freqs for the areas that i will be driving, handy at airshows too.
  8. What about a silicone cover like this; Amazon.com: Green Onions Supply RT-XU011 13 3/4-Inchx6 11/16-Inch Universal Keyboard Protector for Laptop with 14/15-Inch Screen -1 Piece (Transparent): Electronics
  9. I'm glad you turned up, the interview with Michael Apps was nice to hear and his views pretty much sum up the reason for the rec. flying movement. Luke
  10. This is apparently a report from the pilot. Marty Lunsford's Crash
  11. I have had a look at the airfield.txt way point file and it is a dogs breakfast. I have re-edited it and it now imports into oziexplorer. The edited file is below. In oziexplorer if you go to the load button and select 'Import waypoints from text file', point it to the airfield.txt file, select the WGS84 datum and Bob's your uncle. Luke Airfield.txt Airfield.txt Airfield.txt
  12. I just purchased a 'Maptrax' WAC file and the airfield.txt file came with it. As yet i haven't figured out what Oziexplorer does with the text file. Luke
  13. lbarnes

    Drifter future

    I saw him doing a super drifter conversion some years ago, he extended the boom forward and sleeved it. I recall he also inserted an ally "I" section inside the boom where bending stresses would be at a maximum.
  14. And here as well. http://www.recreationalflying.com/forum/ra-aus-forum/12350-skewed-reporting-us.html This appalling excuse for a reporter upset everyone.
  15. What about this. Sunflightcraft - Paraplanes - Airchopper - Rotax - Coax P - Microlights- Flugzeuge - Ultralight Planes - Ultraleicht Flugzeuge - XTC - XTS
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