Exactly what I found when looking for a small(ish) 4WD to buy now that I've moved back to Oz (and like to go camping and surfing). All smaller "4WDs" are actually AWD, do not have low range, do not have lockable diff. With one exception: the 4WDs made by Suzuki, which is why I bought a Grand Vitara.
On a more general note, putting my academic hat on, I have been using the example of car advertising for some time now as a demonstration of how the publicity world has moved from fact & features based advertising to emotion-led advertising. This is on the back of a huge body of research showing that emotions trump "rational" cognition in many everyday decisions. That's also why cars are all curvy, with worse visibility due to smaller rear windows, than was previously the case - looks trump function at least to an extent. Even when we think we're thinking rationally, often it's a post hoc story to rationalise an emotional decision.
I don't know enough about recreational or general aviation to know if it's the same story there, but I know enough about human decision making to be pretty sure it would be.