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pete duncan

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Everything posted by pete duncan

  1. I have purchased a 2nd hand BRS and it is @ Moorabbin. Getting it home to Cooma NSW is posing a problem. Whilst flying in would be nice its not looking possible . Freight companies cannot move a restricted item (the rocket motor ) .Whilst a drive down may be the final choice i was wondering if anyone was traveling to the Orbost area, Cooma, Canberra area, sth coast NSW and would be prepared to pick it up for delivery. An agreed fee of course would be paid Thanks , Pete
  2. The foxbat we own is LSA and we wish to install a locally available system to make it easer for the checks it will need every 5 yrs. The glitch comes along in the requirement that we need a letter of approval of modification from the Foxbats maufacturer. Thats ok , however has anyone gone down that route , if so are you able to give me a few pointers. Cheers , Pete
  3. When the time comes to replace the water hoses on my 912 ( engine and radiator ) can I use good quality hose from an auto parts supplier or similar , hydraulic hose from enzed /pirtek etc. Who makes a good quality fuel hose. These are going in a Foxbat LS . Thanks ,Pete.
  4. How dare you think out of the box, showing traits of common sense like that will only lead to the end of uncivilisation as we thought we knew it. In the day and age of the newest model must be better, you should be grateful that someone has enabled ,with predictable regulatily, thousand$$ to be in posession of something BRAND NEW. Scuse me whilst I go and reinvent the Wheel .. Anyway, just a thought, and in no way insinuating that the powers that bee are a joke. Written and authorised by Pete
  5. Hi Mark, I got accident insurance for myself , reasonable annual fee. try emailing - [email protected]
  6. Check this out [ www.getup.org.au/protect-us -but-respect-us ] and I am seeing a day when the issuing of my asic card should become easier, or even not necessary. That good old situational awareness (whats happened, whats happening ,whats likely to happen ) shouldn't stop when we are not in the air. So iffn you've been good and cautious what could you possibly do to go wrong? Do you loose your lisence if Your callsign is used by someone where you shouldnt be?
  7. stunning !
  8. The unit was chinese made , I take note of the price reflecting the quality. cheers , Pete
  9. What could have caused my altimeter to have suddenly become unadjustable below 3500'. I realise that it is damaged so will start with the question .. "do altimeters sometimes just sh+t themselves or is there something more sinister affoot "? Aircraft has pitot and static beside one and other and is covered when in hanger. Unit still reg wrong when out, so not a moisture in hose problem. cheers Pete
  10. Ok , have cut the central section of the liner out to accommodate the headset top cushion, removed nearly all the foam from the rest of it and taped the lot back in the helmet with the covering material. Put the headset in as per ideas , juggled the lot onto my head and went bush for a walk gee it was quieter than usual. Sorry gang but I must be suffering from the "poor me" syndrome cause it just getted more unkumphy. Damn.. Then when I read Scotts comment about them not being designed to go together iI realised that maybe its not all me . Xmas is comming , so is summer (about 15 , -10's here in the last month ) and I suspect a new lynx helmet . Thanks for the feedback Pete
  11. Thanks Ray, checked their website yesterday ,but didn't realy know what I was looking for. However your advice has solved my problem, thanks, and I hope others have got a reference of that in their note book . Cheers, Pete
  12. Where can I get locking male/ female connectors as used on Lynx Headsets and do they have a particular name ? cheers, Pete
  13. Thanks Alf , thats how I get everything on and I am still complaining!!! Thus the idea of a different helmet. Ray, shall try removing some more of the foam liner. Pete
  14. I wear a lynx headset and an icaro helmet and find that after 30 min flying the pressure of the earcups on my ears becomes quite painful (yeah bighead , I hear you say). I pulled out the foam liner of the icaro removed the cloth cover and used the dremel tool to take out foam plus extra at headset top support area. Still feels crap . Trying to work out if I should get a LARGE Lynx helmet or even look at one of those micro avionics helmets with a built in headset . Have even thought of a helicopter helmet, though the prices are pretty steep ( I suppose they are a lot safer in an accident). Any ideas would be appreciated , or even chuckled at. What do you use and how do you find your combo. Cheers, Pete
  15. Thanks all for your info and I hope that others got as much out of it as I did . Thinks I shall go for the vision .
  16. Does anyone know if there is an Led lighting system , that I can use to replace an existing 100W landing light unit . Just figured that it would draw less current and from a safety point of view , I could leave it on longer. Thanks, Pete .
  17. I understand that there is a lot of behind the scenes work going on with those involved with the CRAA and I am hopefull that one day their work will succeed. I have spent the last 2 years dealing with various licensing agencies , council, crown lands , local members and others trying, and am now much closer, to re establishing a range for the Cooma pistol club. Time stands still as paperwork sits on desks ,no matter how much you try to drive it . Finalisation appears not far off (hopefully) but in the meantime it has meant that members have had to join canberra clubs. . This use of other facilities, until the local problem is solved, appears to be the same situation that CBR aviation finds itself in. What ,and this is my question , is to be done to keep aviation alive in the ACT for the next few years . With no visable presence in the air of lighter aircraft will it not be hard to get potential new aviators. As in the pistol club scenario members wait whilst things happen, we have to play the game, be persistent and have an attainable goal (as CRAA does)
  18. Am I right in my understanding that GA is to be out of CBR by Sept this year. If this is right and I was the owner of an aircraft at CBR ( with the intention of continuing my flying ) I know what my next step would be. I would be away quick smart,long drive or not, to another field . If there is any available hangerspace available it's not going to be round long (I like the weather away from our aircraft when it's not in use). That way I'd be flying with the knowledge that one day the 2nd CBR field would see my return. If all went down the gurgler I'd still have a feld even if it were less convenient. Hell , a return trip to the shops for me is a 2hr journey, I just do it and time it for a fly as well. Australia is a big place and to me road time is just a part of our daily life.
  19. Try contacting Wall at Bert Flood Imports 03 97355655 . As rotax specialists they should be able to help Good luck Pete
  20. I would expect about $1800 for the warp drive with nickel leading edge. Try Peter Harlow Foxbat Australia . 03 95923101 0413900892 Good luck, Pete
  21. Veverjg , thanks for the ulp / avgas info. Its good to have access to so much info through these forums ,I am glad to think that we never stop learning. The next question is..... if, say 10% avgas were to be used with premium ulp in a rotax 912 engine , would the extra lead cause the same type of buildup ( though more slowly ) as running straight avgas.
  22. I would not mind a drive of 1to 1.25 hrs to an airfield but I wonder if there is a certain distance that becomes to much . With the loss of airfields do we loose active flyers or does our flying become less , with potential safety issues.
  23. Would the addition of a percentage (10 or 20) of avgas to ULP extend its storage time. Thinking of for use in 4 stroke rotax. It seems to me that while fuel is stored in the refinery in massive tanks that possibly are not alwas full and have vents we may have the volatiles slightly depleated . Then it is transported to our local pumps where it is remixed with old fuel in vented tanks and into our drums with definite strong odour thus volitiles loss and finaly into our aircraft of choice ( more pongy odour ) where we (like the cigarette) have fun burning the costly stuff . So is there any affordable tool/instrument that could be used to determine the octane still present after all that. And does it realy matter?
  24. ACT Govt promises for funding sounds like the way to go . Even if there is a way to go till it arrives and the new airfield sees its first sod turned. Then again, if I were to build my dream aircraft I too would need patience. WIth what I understand is a deadline for GA to be out of CBR by Sept what will happen to the 60(my guess) odd aircraft currently tied down there. Does this see some owners just have to throw in the towel and sell ,whilst others seek other accommodation for their bird. From that perspectice one could almost say that the govts approach could be, and pardon my sinicism, why have another aifield when all the planes have gonnnnee...
  25. Govt support is helpful. So where are all these users flying from in the meantime and where can new pilots or those wishing to convert doing there GA training.
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