I understand that there is a lot of behind the scenes work going on with those involved with the CRAA and I am hopefull that one day their work will succeed.
I have spent the last 2 years dealing with various licensing agencies , council, crown lands , local members and others trying, and am now much closer, to re establishing a range for the Cooma pistol club. Time stands still as paperwork sits on desks ,no matter how much you try to drive it . Finalisation appears not far off (hopefully) but in the meantime it has meant that members have had to join canberra clubs. .
This use of other facilities, until the local problem is solved, appears to be the same situation that CBR aviation finds itself in. What ,and this is my question , is to be done to keep aviation alive in the ACT for the next few years . With no visable presence in the air of lighter aircraft will it not be hard to get potential new aviators.
As in the pistol club scenario members wait whilst things happen, we have to play the game, be persistent and have an attainable goal (as CRAA does)