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Ahmed Zayed

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Everything posted by Ahmed Zayed

  1. I've been drinking from the Nile for 30 years, I've never suffered from anything before, what do you think?
  2. Waiting you
  3. Okay, will add this feature tonight (Egypt Time) Regards,
  4. I'm also aware of the long menu case, the solution is to implement the vertical scroller but I don't really want a page with 2 vertical horizontal scrollers... The alternative that Ian have will be better. And regarding this one, It should be now fixed.
  5. Kindly refer the following post:
  6. Ah, this should only work inside forums listings page not in the streams page.
  7. You've to wait until page loading finish then just hover on topic subject:
  8. This feature is already activated... If you're logged in as a member, and hover on the topic title in topics listing page then you can a see preview for first and last post [see the following image]: This is under discussion between me and Ian... Already some action have been taken and it should make effect.
  9. Ah, Now fixed for multi-pages topics.
  10. From the left side menu, click the bell icon then "Notification Settings" as the following photo: From the following section you can decide how to receive notifications:
  11. Now added:
  12. An issue with the Elastic Search Engine server has occurred today that caused search index table to corrupt... This issue is now cleared by the action that Ian took. For the slow loading, I'm not sure what is the reason, I have it running with moderate (Normal) speed right now in my area. If any one from the same area that can confirm, it would be good.
  13. Following topic...
  14. @Jim McDowall Hi You'll need to recreate a new login on lastPass for the new plat form... LastPass, as I remember, mainly depend on form id, which is different between the 2 platforms.
  15. Disappear from what? could you please explain
  16. Update: Mobile header navigation menu look changed, also sticky to the heading:
  17. On the left and side vertical menu: /monthly_2018_11/image.png.fcd84a8683f2e4f9ef7fdf460fbfd62c.png" data-ratio="108.38"> If you mean the pop-up message on login, so, yes... You can do that from notification settings here: /monthly_2018_11/image.png.d2087f3dcd7064f9497467268778fcc7.png" data-ratio="101.28"> From the same page, scroll down, and you'll find every piece of content item will have a notification method, fine tune it according to your needs. Regards; Ahmed
  18. I really appreciate your concerns and the perfect data you've illustrated... But just to be clear and I to assure that I got the point... Now, near my workstation, I've 3 different devices [iPhone 6S, Samsung Galaxy Tablet "Don't know the exact model", and an old HTC desire mobile phone "5.5 inch screen"], I've taken 2 different screenshots from each one of them (1 more for a tapped image from iPhone 6S), but I really can not figure what is the difference between any of them. That's why I believe it's not (Android/iOS) issue. Please confirm if this is same as your case. For the auto save case, does it happen only on iPhone also? Regards; Ahmed
  19. The current width is exactly the same as old design, please consider that the design is responsive and is designed to match all kind of screens without implementing extra horizontal scrollbars. I think I got what you mean in this regard, It's not an iPhone related issue, as I understand you mean the image is in low resolution. Actions taken in this regard: - I increased attached images resolution to the maximum value. Please confirm if this look now suits? Please take into consideration that the current platform is totally flexible in notifications.... I've checked your account and I found that you have email notification "Only" for topics you follow... You can fine tune notification settings from user settings menu [to be inline notification in addition to emails]. For the hidden notification after pop-ups, this - sometimes - may be caused by badly cached data by the browser. So, for this case, you can just try "hard refreshing" the browser (Ctrl+F5 for windows). Would like to hear your feedback. Ian already figured this in his comment, this is actually the main cause for grouping the stream activity this way. To make it more clear, let's say this streams (What's New) page, is more like Facebook timeline streams... Its keeps you updated without even refreshing the page. To get more info about the stream item, you can change toggle the view to the expanded view... Kindly check this screenshot: Regards; Ahmed
  20. Could you please provide a screenshot of the bug/issue you have, this will allow us clear the issue quickly... Regards;
  21. Update: The old system reactions system has been now migrated to the new platform. Regards; Ahmed
  22. Hey; First of all, thanks Ian for this nice introduction, truly appreciate it. Secondly, I'd praise all efforts that have been exerted by every one here to keep this website up... So, This is Ahmed Zayed, a php developer, based on Egypt. I'm here now to totally support aircraftpilots.com [Technical Support Developer]. Let's focus our discussion here on 2 basic points: What is going wrong after this recent move-on. What would you like to have in AircraftPilots. As Ian said, The next step is to migrate the old reactions into the current platform... This is supposed to be completed within the next 24 hours (It will be processed silently). I'll be standing by the topic and getting immediate notifications about any "Bugs" or "Requests". Please forgive me for not being active for other community sections. Regards; Ahmed
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