The current width is exactly the same as old design, please consider that the design is responsive and is designed to match all kind of screens without implementing extra horizontal scrollbars.
I think I got what you mean in this regard, It's not an iPhone related issue, as I understand you mean the image is in low resolution.
Actions taken in this regard:
- I increased attached images resolution to the maximum value.
Please confirm if this look now suits?
Please take into consideration that the current platform is totally flexible in notifications....
I've checked your account and I found that you have email notification "Only" for topics you follow... You can fine tune notification settings from user settings menu [to be inline notification in addition to emails].
For the hidden notification after pop-ups, this - sometimes - may be caused by badly cached data by the browser.
So, for this case, you can just try "hard refreshing" the browser (Ctrl+F5 for windows).
Would like to hear your feedback.
Ian already figured this in his comment, this is actually the main cause for grouping the stream activity this way.
To make it more clear, let's say this streams (What's New) page, is more like Facebook timeline streams...
Its keeps you updated without even refreshing the page.
To get more info about the stream item, you can change toggle the view to the expanded view...
Kindly check this screenshot: