Hi Gundy and congratulations on the build and first flight!!
Only problem is that we weren't able to watch it happening along the way as we have been able to with Mark and Ian. I have been watching these posts on the Savannah with a real sense of thrill. Having spoken briefly by phone to the both Tom and Reg, the distributors, and looking at and climbing over and reading about these aircraft endlessly (well, touched a couple, still have to have a fly in one), I am coming to the decision that this is the aircraft I want to build and own, and your aircraft sounds very similar to how I would like mine to finish up.
I would love to see as many photos of your aircraft as possible and am very keen to see how you've fitted out the panel. I think the Dynon Skyview looks to be the ultimate, and the 10" combined with EMS and the new mapping software, and $1500 for 2 autopilot servos, WOW!!! you don't need anything else for a very clean, simple installation.
So, a couple of questions. Why the S over the XL? Just for the aesthetics? Have the corrugations been taken out of the rear fuselage, and if so, does this return the "tin canning" that the corrugations were there to remove? I read somewhere that with the S, you couldn't have the extended baggage shelf. Is this the case and is the normal one sufficient for camping gear etc? Were you able to arrange a credit for the ICP instruments that weren't required because of the purchase of the Dynon or did you just keep them anyway? Was it easy to make changes to the wiring harness to accommodate your changes away from the standard instruments?
Look forward to hearing from you and seeing some photos.