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Baron. 2000

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  1. Giday  Mick need to talk to you about the Jab 3300 engine  looking for a good mid time 3300 or a new one for a CH 750 I am building contact when ready.  baron2000@ecn.net.au thanks. Mick........Barry
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  2. Giday Round. Engines thanks for the builder lists..have made contact with a number of members could you give me details of the one in. WA as I am seriously looking for a CX4 now thanks for your interest baron2000
  3. Thanks for info and photo would like to make contact with the owner of this aeroplane..thanks
  4. Giday. M61A1...thanks for info could you send details to me baron2000@ecn.net.au or. 0419705509 would like to make contact with CX4 owner. Thanks
  5. Tornado thanks. Give me more details of the one on gumtree cannot seeit..thanks
  6. Giday Ruffa tell me more about your CX4 as I am looking for a nice one could you send me photos of your panel thanks baron2000@ecn.net.au
  7. Giday Have any members built the CX4 single seat aircraft in. Australia and now flying would like to hear from anyone with experience flying the aeroplane
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