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Michel LT

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Everything posted by Michel LT

  1. Thx BrendAn, If you could share his contact, it will be great.
  2. For anyone thinking about getting a parachute, take in consideration the life of the rocket. Looks like BRS is 12y while Stratos is only 6 and of course the availability of simple service/compulsary maintenance in your country. Looks like buying Stratos, was a mistake for me.....
  3. Here is what Bryn Lockie of BRS Australia said: These (all rockets) are difficult to ship to most places as parts. Easiest is in an aircraft or in a container with the aircraft that makes them exempt from explosive shipping/importation regulations. If you have to freight separately, the difficult part is that border control in each country and sometimes states within the country have different requirements for import of class 1.4g explosive (what the rockets are). Some countries have exemptions for ‘life saving appliances’ or parachute deployment devices. For a rocket not attached to an aircraft, shipping by air is the easiest. Shipping by sea requires all ship owners and ports visited give their approval – almost impossible As I say, the easiest option is to get the rocket a ride in a sea container with another aircraft. Or - and I know Africa is a big place, try the dealer based in South Africa – they will likely know what is required to get a rocket to you
  4. Hello, I am coming back to this post as I need to get my Stratos Magnum 450 checked for my Savannah S. I am struggling with the rocket of course. And I haven't succeeded in organising that. I am on my way to Australia in a few days and thinking about getting at least the parachute checked there. Unfortunately I cannot find anyone doing Stratos in OZ, I contacted BRS, who were very good and replied but they are unable to check someone else parachute. I am curious to know where to buy the special box for shipping the rocket. I could at least bring that back to Kenya... So if any of you have a contact, I will appreciate.
  5. Hello. I have had an e prop on a Nynja. The factory had 3 options climbing, in between, and cruise option. I choose the middle way. The prop was quieter, and giving a a greater torque. I didn't get much in cruising speed. It needed a lot of right rudder at take off. Unfortunately a friend crashed my plane on a go around after only 50 hours. He had used that plane before a few times and should have reacted with enough right foot but he clipped a tree on the go around, destroyed the plane but survived. That was the end of the Nynja and the e prop. Of course he blamed the prop ;-) A friend of mine who run a flight school in Zanzibar recommended the prop, he has been using them for years and swear by them, all on Rans aircrafts. The has just re done an engine at 2000 hrs, the engine was in excellent condition. He puts that on the lightness of the prop. If you wish. I can give you his email. Oh by the way, I got the savannah S after the pay off from the insurance but it came with a Duc Flash, so far so good, but difficult to get more than 5200 at take off on my 5600 ft alt home strip. If you ever put an e prop please tell us how it goes.
  6. Thanks Kaz, I will keep this in mind, for another year. Corona is keeping me grounded now :-( no trip to OZ this year...
  7. Hello Guy, I am watching your track from Kenya and I haven't look at the airspace around Melbourne. That area looks really interesting but you are nicely avoiding it. So avoiding the Mornington peninsula and the Port Philips Heads because of Airspace or weather? Here in Kenya we dont have a light sport aviation licence nor do the civil aviation understand much what LSA are, so we are equipped like a certified aircraft. So no real restriction regarding airspace. Avantage :-) and inconvenients :-(
  8. Thank you very much for all the answers. Looks like Tyaab and Caloundra are the easiest from where I will be. Looks like QLD has more activity or schools. Weather related I guess. Dont they say you get 4 seasons in one day in Victoria ;-) Best regards Michel
  9. Hi While on the topic of rental place and flight school. I am from Kenya, where I own a Savannah S. I am coming to the Mornington Peninsula area in April, then to Brisbane/Maloolaba area. Will you know any place I could convert my US/Kenya PPL in a LSA licence. Thanks
  10. And while I had some plexiglass, I removed theses small pieces which join the windscreen and the wings. Amazing how much visibility I have gained... I never quite understood why ICP put them there. Now I am curious to see how much rain will come in as I didn't fitted the seal ;-) I thought it looked better without it.  [ATTACH]42160[/ATTACH]
  11. Decided to build the window. Here are photos and a video. I used plexiglass 4mm as Lexan is not available in Kenya. I put a furniture strut to keep it open. I try to stay below 70knots when flying with the window open. It vibrates a bit. So far so good. [ATTACH]42156[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]42157[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]42158[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]42159[/ATTACH]
  12. Thank you John, never thought about opening the window inside. That is one way of avoiding the impact of the airstream. I like a bigger window open, so I will have a go at hacking the factory door in two. I will post the result here. If any one has already done it. Dont hesitate to send advice.
  13. Hi John. I saw on an old post (2009) that you have build an opening window on a savannah. I am a new Savannah S owner and I am missing my opening windows from my old Nynja. Will you have some photos and advises regarding flying wth open windows?  Savannah windows are curved compared to the Nynja, So I am not too sure how they behave in flight. Your advices will be much appreciated. Regards Michel
  14. Hello, I am not sure if John has published instruction and photos, but I am a new Savannah owner and missing the opening windows of my old Nynja. Any one has photos and experience with opening window design for a Savannah S, that would be much appreciated.
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