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Everything posted by Allegro2000
Flindersflyer, Just adding that JabiruJoe has sumed it up well in terms of operating the aircraft. I deviate slightly from the book. First inital climb, get rid of the flaps at 100 feet then climb at 70 knots (rather than the 55 kts in the Manual), this gives you a flatter climb which allows to go to glide quicker if you have a engine out. Most takeoffs I don't use flaps as you don't need them with the 100 HP motor, the Allegro will outclimb a Jab using flaps. For strong cross wind landings do not use flaps I tend to come in at 75 knots. I have discussed these with Joseph ( not Jacob as I noted before) of Fanastay Air, when I was in Piseck, and got a warm smile as assurance that this is was a good way to do it. Allegro 2000
Flindersflyer, I can help you, I have an Allegro 2000 and have flown the 2007 at Piscek in the Czech Replublic. Firstly the my 2000 has an Rotax 100 HP motor and is almost a STOL without the drag issues. I take off from an airfield at 3550 feet above sea level, I only need about 120 metres to be in the air. Also landing with flaps in No 2 setting you come in like a Stuka dive bomber. The plane is ecomonical and it is a joy to fly its gliding abilty is really great. However when you have all that wing area and a relatively light aircraft it can be bumpy on a hot day and I find I tend to drop the speed a bit. The 2007 I flew at Piseck only had a 80 HP motor which I needed to get use too. Quite noticable was the incresed dihedral to the wings of the 2007. The flying conditions did not look good as the tress where nearly horizontal with the wind that was blowing at the time. Jacob of Fanasty Air was continuously apologising about the flying conditions. Well the 2007 was an absoulute delight to fly in those conditions, it is very stable the increased dihedral and the changed tail fin really work well. It is a great aircraft. Allegro in America were looking at a kit to increase the dihedral on the 2000's but it seems to have slowed down on the project. This will give me the incentive to see how they are going. Allegro 2000
All, You may think we are in trouble and the discussion certainly points to that, however the Warbirds Association is currently in greater trouble. They have two executives, the President and the remainder of the Committee. There appears to be a major issue over CASA certification, the Pres feels they are being taken to the cleaners whilst the Committee is of the opinion that it can be successfully resolved. It all looks a bit nasty; I hope those guns in their aircraft are non operable. In our case when is the next election? Allegro 2000
Air Navigation system for Andriod
Allegro2000 replied to Allegro2000's topic in AUS/NZ General Discussion
Gnarly Gnu, It already runs on Windows that is how I use it for flight planning. I would imagine that a Nokia 920 that runs on Windows 8 should be a natural. Allegro 2000 -
All, It has finally happened I got rid of my iphone 4 to get a Samsung Galaxy Note 2. I had to wait 5 months for the Note 2, I can tell you the wait was worth it. The bigness of the phone disappears in about a day, I now look at my old iphone and think god that is small. When you are asking a phone to do so many things, trying to do it in a mini package is ridiculous. I am still converting over from Apple to Andriod which does not occur in a day in my case but the daily discoveries are exciting. With my clumsy fingers the stylus is so much faster.
Air Navigation system for Andriod
Allegro2000 replied to Allegro2000's topic in AUS/NZ General Discussion
All, We have potentially good news, Air-Nav is looking to provide an Andriod apps of their flight planning system if there is enough response from aviators. This is a major breakthrough particularly as Andriods now out number Apple. All that is required is to contact Air Nav and notify your interest. You can stay up to date with with their facebook page or they even have a blog page to advise progress. Allegro 2000 -
All, I agree with Andy and Ian, the figures look reasonably normal. Whilst we can argue that "this' should have been done or "that" may have been a better option the flow of the two years is quite reasonable. This is not disimilar to our own Company s' books. Overall the situation is healthy. Allegro 2000
All, Calmness is the order of the day. We need RAA to function well as it is in our interest. The question is "what can we do to unite and reconstruct RAA?" There is nothing to be gained running around like chooks with their heads cut off. So what do we need to do? Allegro 2000
Country Courts favour their own country...stuff the law
Allegro2000 replied to Admin's topic in AUS/NZ General Discussion
Ian, What has not been mentioned is that Motorola recently sued Apple in Germany for copying some of their patents and won. It seems Apple is quite prepared to copy but does not like being copied. There is a word for this. Also I am very cynical of American justice in this case. Allegro 2000 -
How long does it take you to get to your airfield
Allegro2000 replied to Admin's topic in Site Announcements
Two options, To Mudgee where the aircraft is hangered 50 mins, however I have a strip on my property but being on top of a mountain means it is not an all weather strip. So it to Mudgee we go for the bulk of the year. Mudgee strip is good as it is on the doorstep of the town and the Council is developing it. Yes they charge high landing fees but at least by being in Mudgee Aero Club it softens the blow. If you look at the landing fee and the cost of a taxi to go in and out of town it is no so bad. Allegro 2000 -
Andrew, Lets us know how it goes, the PocketFMS looks like it may have a future. Allegro 2000
Nunans, I have been in contact with Air Nav and Ozrunways about the possibilty of an Andriod version, Ozrunways did not bother to answer, so we are dealing with an Apple ostrich. Air Nav did and gave a good reason they expressed concern about the Andriod software being able to be copied. Whilst I understand their concern I am not going to be held to ransom by Apple, I am going over to Andriod, when the plan for my iphone expires.( 28 days 2 hours and 56 secs time). The current choice is a Samsung Galaxy Note 2, they are big and cumbersome, certainly not for everyone, but the existing Note model is a delight to use and well suited to my professional use. Thanks Ian for the tip on Oz Explorer I will follow this up. Allegro 2000
It is interesting to see how the apple camp works it is almost a religious ferver . I have an iphone but the cold facts are there are more Andriod devices than apple devices and it is rapidly increasing this is substantiated for the USA , the UK and Austraila, to say otherwise is putting your head in the sand. My friends around me are dropping iphones and going over to Samsung Galaxy IIIs, soon my plan for the iphone expires I will looking for other than Apple. Allegro 2000
We are clear that there are applications that can be downloaded to ipads and iphones however Andriod devices are excluded which is odd as Andriod devices now outmumber Apple. I currently have a iphone but will gladly see the end of it in a months time. Does anyone know of a serious air navigation system that can be down loaded on a Andriod device?
Ozzie, Yes it is simple Mid Western Council (Mudgee) own the airport therefore they can tell the piper how to play. We can be as indignant as we like but the bottom line is very clear. Allegro 2000
All, I have just had my renewal rejected because I have two addresses. Their brains could not get around the fact that I am in the city for 3 to 4 days then I am up at the property for 3 to 4 days. I gave the city address but the airfield and the aircraft are at the country property. They stated that I can not have two addresses. You are dealing with public servants. Finally I convince them that I live in the country and it is now being processed but it took awhile. Yes as Mick said it is not a renewal you have to apply again each time. At Mudgee airport you have no option you have to have an ASIC card eventhough the Council is wrongly applying it. It only applies an hour before an after a scheduled RPT flight, the council thinks it is 24/7. No ASIC no fly. Allegro 2000
Thomas, Thanks for your words of wisdom, this should clear up the matter of Vne now. I spoke with Jacob at Fantasy Air in the Czech Republic when I visited there in 2008, I raised many questions the answers were interesting. Firstly the glide ratio is quote at 12:1 but I have measured it many times at 18:1;" yes that is right but 12:1 is the theoretical value so that what is quoted". The crosswind landing speed is quoted at 10Kts but I have landed the aircraft at higher crosswinds than that without any trouble,"yes that is correct but we must be conservative particularly as we are in the United States market. Yes you are right the Allegro 2007 does require less rudder with the turns which makes it easier however this is a minor thing it does not take long to learn to co-ordinate rudder and aileron in the 2000 and there is a feeling of satisfaction of doing a good turn; not like the lazy pilots that expect the plane to fly itself." However as I said before in my previous post the stabilty of the 2007 Allegro in turbulent air was wonderful. Allegro 2000
Hi Bacchus, It has been interesting to see the various comments concerning the Allegro 2000, some comments learned and some no so. All aircraft have their characteristics, some performance benefits are traded for others. It is a matter of deciding what is important to you. I have an Allegro 2000 this choice was influenced by having a 450 metre strip at 3550 feet ASL. I learnt to fly in a Jabiru LSA, I remember my instructor saying, if you learn to fly the Jab you will be able to fly anything. He may be right but certainly going up to the Allegro was a dream in comparison. The plane literally jumps into the air, on a normal day 80- 120 metres will have me airborne from my strip. The flaps set at stage 2 converts me into a Stuka dive bomber for landing in tight spots. Some of the club members at Mudgee say that the Allegro takes off on a postage stamp and lands on half a postage stamp. The glide is exceptional, when I recently did my BFR the examiner did an engine out well south of Mudgee AD, he asked me what are you going to do? I said I am going back to Mudgee," his reply there is no way you can do that (he has a Jab 170)". Not only did I glide back but then I had to get rid of excess height when I arrived. Great to fly but what is the down side? well with all that wing area and being relatively light the plane tends to bump around in turbulent air, this means that I have to drop the speed to get a comfortable ride. Whereas I have flown the Allegro 2007 in Piscek in the Czech Republic, in this case in howling turbulent winds. It was an absolute joy to fly, the very model of stabilty. As you have been advised there are two mods, firstly the wing dihedral increased from about 1 degree to close to close to 2 degrees. The stabilisher fin and rudder has been raised but not increased in size. The US factory is now looking at a modification kit to increase the wing dihedral on the Allegro 2000 to the same as the 2007. I am awaiting the results of the trials and certification. My feeling is that may make the touch that will comfirm that I made the right decision. I note the comment on the Vne being low (118 kts) reflecting on the build quality, what comment would the same person make on a Foxbat that has a lower Vne? Allegro 2000
To All, It is always with dread that we learn of another accident involving an aircraft In this case the pilot has been lost and the passenger severely injured. We all extend our heartfelt sympathies to the love ones and friends of those involved. For RAA this looks like one of its'blackest years, we all do not want a repeat of what has happened. There has been discussion of RAA revealing the outcomes of accidents so that we are all educated and therefore forewarned. I realise that this comes at a cost, there will be many RAA members that will scream but for our safety we should look at this squarely. Allegro 2000
Ian, Received the updated version, wow it is really great to use. I can confirm that this is great value for the money. Allegro 2000
All, We have been flying around Mudgee with mountains that are typically 3500 to 4000 feet all around us so the LSALT are 4500 to 5000. This means a minimum of 4500 ft typically 5500ft and depending upon track 6500. The new regs makes our situation valid. Yes as normal flight planing you must check freezing level, it has snowed here three this year so far so it is essential. Allegro 2000 this is essential.
Your preferred crosswind landing technique?
Allegro2000 replied to Gnarly Gnu's topic in Student Pilot & Further Learning
All, I let my aircraft tell me what it wants to do. I prefer cross controls but under some conditions crabbing in will work fine. My aircraft tells me how it feels in the particular wind conditions and I fly accordingly. Regards Allegro 2000 -
Redozbriz, Sorry to say but keep at it and learn to do it very well. I now had my Certificate for some time, what do I do when I go for a flight? The first thing is to do a circuit, if I do it well, then I go on to where I was I intended to fly to in the first place. If I do it badly I do another one until I get it right then I go flying. I actually enjoy an immaculate circuit; there is a feeling of satisfaction that I can fly well. Allegro 2000
Spitfire Engine Fire - Jandakot, WA
Allegro2000 replied to sseeker's topic in AUS/NZ General Discussion
Guys, The thought of losing a Mk 26 let alone the pilot does not bear thinking. We have to be all thankful for a calm and decisive head, as a result a Mk26 and a pilot lives to fly again. Allegro 2000 -
Ian, Have received the 5" unit, the car navigation system works well, you are right about the accuracy. Have spent some time getting to know the system before I put it in the aircraft but I can not get past the demo mode for Ozi Explorer. Should have been supplied with a code? The unit is a lot of features for the money, well done. Allegro 2000