The Allegro has lots of good things going for it, however at the end of the day what are the important characteristic that you need. As I have discovered aircraft have good points but there is always a trade off. I selected the Allegro at a time I was learning to fly a Jabiru LSA. I have a property at 3550 ft and intended to put an airstrip on it. But with 450 metres available this raised questions. In summer a Jab would be struglling to take off, whereas the Allegro 2000 with a 100 Hp Rotax is off in 120 to 180 metres. A comment that has been made many time about my Allegro, by other pilots, it takes off from a postage stamp and lands on half a postage stamp. The flaps in no 2 setting turns the thing into a Stuka dive bomber. Also the glide is wonderful I have amazed some instructors with engine out exercises basically completing the circuit as if the engine was still going. So what is the down side? well with all that lift and the light weight I find that I have to back off in turbulence say to 70-75 knots. Although I flew a Allegro 2007 at Piseck in the Czech Republic in very turbulent conditions and it was an absolute joy to fly. The Allegro 2000 has looked after me, I can put it down on a 50 cents coin and I have great confidence when I fly it, that confidence is evident to other pilots that accompany me. There is one Allegro 2000 that has talked of rudder problems but I have not experienced that condition.