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Everything posted by Allegro2000

  1. Ian, Many thanks. Allegro 2000
  2. Ian, Are the dimension given for the 5" unit (180 x120x10) correct? This seems a little large when you look at the images of the unit, based on a 5" screen I thought a 120mm x 85mm x10mm would be nearer the mark. I have a scale photo of my control panel, I was trying to lay it out to fit the GPS unit and the unit seemed very large. Allegro 2000
  3. Ian, The question is, as I basically fly in the area of Mudgee and also have Airnav on my computer so should be able to download, will the base oziexplorer or is it the full oziexplorer be what I need? Allegro 2000
  4. Ian, It looks good I am happy to be a guinea pig. Let me know when they become available. Allegro 2000
  5. Mr H, I went for the tour it is awesome, well done. Allegro 2000
  6. Ian, If it can fit Ozrunways onboard then it will include ERSA which now makes this the best thing since sliced bread. Allegro 2000
  7. Ian, I currently use Airnav for flight planning, if this could be loaded on then this would make the GPS a gem. Allegro 2000
  8. Ian, Well done you can put me down for a 5" unit now. Allegro 2000
  9. OME, My Precision vertical card compass was marked southern hemisphere. Allegro 2000
  10. RGWMA, I originally had a Silva hand bearing compass but it was put out by the tachometer the error was +10 east, -10 west. To cure the problem I put in a digital tacho, this made it better but not good enough. I decided to spend the money and put in a Precision Vertical card compass. The results are outstanding there is no correction required for the entire 360 degrees, it is a delight to navigate with this one. Ian has mentioned a Falcon which is the same type it is nearly half the price I paid, although I now do not regret the price as it made such a difference. Allegro 2000
  11. Evan, Best of luck on the big day. Allegro 2000
  12. To CFICARE, I thought every pilot had seen the movie "The Memphis Belle", if not it is worth seeing. It is a story of a B17 on its 25th mission, then the aircrew are stood down and do not have to fight against Me 109s, FW 190s and of course Mr Flak again. The aircraft returns shoot to pieces, it is the story of the trip home and the landing. Surely this rings a "Belle". Allegro 2000
  13. All, This was one of the best Four Corners programme I have seen. The day after the actaul event happening my Qantas mate (who was in the know) described it as a Mephis Belle situation. I now see what he meant. I thought the Qantas Captain and flight crew were great, they deserves two medals each. Allegro 2000
  14. Shags_j Thanks for that info on Iron Eagles it looks like the film critics were right. But if you look at the Imax film Fighter Pilot it is not a masterpeice of acting or a great plot just visual candy floss for old pilots. Allegro 2000
  15. Burbles1 have not found your movie but I put up Test Pilot for a search in the IMDB. Yes there was a 'Test Pilot' but it also came up with the Devils, Squadron. The synopsis reads This is another in a string of aircraft themed films starring old stoneface Richard Dix. In this one Dix plays an ex-Marine flier who has been court-martialed for cowardice and thrown out of the service. He joins a group of pilots who are hired to test a new bomber. Four pilots are killed before Dix comes in and saves the day. He of course finds time to win the hand of the aircraft builder's daughter and clear his name as well. It is the standard plot of the times with nothing new added. There is however quite a lot of excellent aircraft footage which makes the film a keeper for the aircraft buff. The director, E.C Kenton was best known for doing several of the FRANKENSTIEN sequels made in the 1940's. It is a quite watchable time-waster and just right for a rainy day off. Allegro 2000
  16. Burbles1, it sounds vaguely familiar but I can not place it at the moment but give me time. The Imax film I mentioned was not Fighter Squadron, that was the 1948 film about a P47 squadron. It used actual footage, some of the landings would have made my flying instructor cry. The Imax film was "Fighter Pilot Operation Red Flag". This was one for the boys, dont bother to take your wife or girlfriend or both, they will not enjoy it. Allegro 2000
  17. Iron Eagles, I have not heard of that film so I looked it up in Maltins, he panned it as utter rubbish. So I went to Martin and Porter reviews, they were of the same opinion, so then to IMDB which gave it 4.9 /10 which it pretty low. So I have to see it now to determine whether the film is really that bad. There was a film at the Imax called something like Fighter Squadron ( not to be confused with the old film about a P47 squadron). it was about group exercises in the US with jet pilots from all over world (yes included Aussie pilots) It looked great on the Imax screen but would be lost as a DVD on a tele set. Perhaps in Blu ray and projected up onto a 2 metre wide screen may do the job. Allegro 2000
  18. Aviation Movies All, We have all forgotten "The Flying Tigers" with John Wayne (1942) saw it at the flicks when it first came out, Have not seen it since. I think I will now get the DVD to add to my collection. The lists from the other pilots has been most refreshing, I can see the Mt Vincent Cinema having an interesting viewing programme for this winter. You can all fly in if you have a STOL (Foxbat, Allegro 2000, Maule etc strip is only 450 metres at 3550 feet alt) Allegro 2000
  19. Aircraft Movies I agree with Dazza and Kgwilson, the Battle of Britain, Dark Blue World, Blue Max and the Final Countdown ( particulary in Bluray as it is 7.1 sound track wow) I have my own cinema with a 2.4 metre wide Cinemascope screen. The quality is better than any cinema other than Imax. When I first saw Dark Blue World it was at the local cinema, I was annoyed by a distraction. I felt like yelling out many times to the spitfire pilot " you have a green exit sign on your tail do something". The Battle of Britain I have probably seen at least 25 times, Final Countdown at least 10 times. It is far fetched but great entertainment for little boys. Allegro 2000
  20. bacchus - I have just found your message you sent to me 6 months ago. Well hello it is good to see another Allegro owner. Do they breed ? Mine is hangered next to another 2000, they could be both males or females as there are no offsprings yet. Happy 2011 Allegro 2000
  21. John, Congrats, you went solo a lot quicker than me well done. It took me a long time to learn to fly but it was worth it. PK
  22. All, I learnt to initaly fly in a Jab LSA, I clearly remember my instructor saying; if you can fly this you can fly anything. I strongly suspect he was right. On final I was similar to to a ballet dancer in full flight. I always waited for that kick up the bum that seemed to be a characteristic of the Jab. I now fly an Allegro and come in as if I was on rails. I enjoyed the Jab I think it made me a better pilot. Peter K
  23. Goodday Scottw That is not my colour scheme, it is actually red white and blue it was an image available to me. I chose a brilliant colour scheme because as a trainee pilot I had failed to see a white 172 on final against a cloudy sky and nearly entered the runway. The next week I was on final in a white Jabiru and a Tomahawk failed to see me, resulting in a hurried radio call. I learnt the lesson "be seen" Regards Allegro 2000
  24. Bachus. The Allegro has lots of good things going for it, however at the end of the day what are the important characteristic that you need. As I have discovered aircraft have good points but there is always a trade off. I selected the Allegro at a time I was learning to fly a Jabiru LSA. I have a property at 3550 ft and intended to put an airstrip on it. But with 450 metres available this raised questions. In summer a Jab would be struglling to take off, whereas the Allegro 2000 with a 100 Hp Rotax is off in 120 to 180 metres. A comment that has been made many time about my Allegro, by other pilots, it takes off from a postage stamp and lands on half a postage stamp. The flaps in no 2 setting turns the thing into a Stuka dive bomber. Also the glide is wonderful I have amazed some instructors with engine out exercises basically completing the circuit as if the engine was still going. So what is the down side? well with all that lift and the light weight I find that I have to back off in turbulence say to 70-75 knots. Although I flew a Allegro 2007 at Piseck in the Czech Republic in very turbulent conditions and it was an absolute joy to fly. The Allegro 2000 has looked after me, I can put it down on a 50 cents coin and I have great confidence when I fly it, that confidence is evident to other pilots that accompany me. There is one Allegro 2000 that has talked of rudder problems but I have not experienced that condition.
  25. Polo Flats If you go there give Michael Apps my regards. I did some training there converting from a Jabiru LSA to an Allegro. He was a great instructor.
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