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Everything posted by adrian1970

  1. Hi Nev, what you think is one of the more challenging small GA planes to fly?
  2. Thanks nev, I have booked a Piper low wing for next month, also i am in the process of organising some Dual flights in a sling. should be fun. cheers. Adrian.
  3. Hi Jetboy, thanks foe the insight. that all makes sense to me. cheers. I will add to that case study, I have and still train in C172 high wings and i think that is my preferred machine.
  4. Thanks Djp, so to clarify it is an option to register a RAA ultra light to VH rego? & if so what are the pros & cons? Cheers Adrian.
  5. Thanks skippy
  6. Thanks nev for all your help you seem a wealth of info cheers!
  7. Also, at this stage i do have 2 little 3 year old kidlets who will eagerly fill the rear seats but also they wont be small for long, particularly at the rate my boys are growing.
  8. Hi Head Honcho, yes i have considered an RA plane, how would that work with my CASA PPL and then flying to RA planes, i think someone mentioned this earlier somewhere but im assuming there is another course or something i would have to do in order to be licensed for the RA machines?
  9. yes that looks brand new.
  10. Hi Thruster, Thanks & yes i assume a lot of what is payed for is satisfaction of owning, it prob a bit like any toy as in it may not be purchased based on economical reasons. Thank you for you response. Cheers☺️
  11. Thank you for the input and it is what i expected, in general mixed. I have been renting and still do, i guess at some stage i will have to buy something as the wife and I would like to fly around Qld in a few years time to see what it's all about and eventually if we so desire we will do a trip around Oz, well that's the plan & the question had been asked to me how that could be done with a rental.
  12. great advice thanks.
  13. Hello everyone. I am sure this subject has been flogged to death in the past however, does anyone have any practical experience with owning an older piper cherokee or Arrow or similar and any usefull input on costs and possible pros & cons, I am leaning toward purchasing an old plane to do my PPL in and it seems a toss up between an old Cesna 172 and a piper, i see there is quite a lot of other second hand planes at cheap price points however i think the brand seem obscure and probably for a reason and i cant be sure but the recent input i have is to steer clear of jabiru. any helpfull information is appreciated.
  14. Hi Everyone, does anyone know the difference between having a RPL with a nav module OR doing the PPL?
  15. wonder whatever happened to MH370. when technology can track a mobile phone down to one meter..why not that big old plane and all the gear and not to mention passenger phones that would have been on it.
  16. My Question is a statement ..a Rhetorical question ..who comes up with this stuff?..like surely they could have made it all believable, anyhow you may wonder how i came to be thinking of this, simply i was reading about the Bermuda triangle and somehow found myself knee deep in odd air & sea transport stories.
  17. google flight 914 Miami to Florida.
  18. google flight 914 miami to florida..you will find the story.
  19. Has anyone else read about flight 914 new york to miami in 1955? who comes up with this stuff
  20. Thanks Potoroo, Is there no allowances for a RPL holder to then join RAAus and do some time there, including navs?, then moving it over to the RPL? at this stage im keen to do a PPL however im not sure if i will continue to cpl, OR, if i will just fly recreationally, Im feeling like regardless of licenses i would like to explore both areas in any case.
  21. i was thinking of video rec my flights i will begin to do that it obviously makes sense and yes the radio calls and hearing and processing the rx while doing eveything else can be challenging ive also found. thanks for the advice ? Cheers
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